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Everything posted by displayjokes

  1. If you have discord, add me so we can have a better communication: Display#4188 If you don't have i'm not really understanding the problem
  2. And the syserr shows: "locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR: "Empire %s just got higher %s %d%% (remain time %d hour)." ?
  3. Those strings seem to be working, you don't get them in the syserr, or do you? The syserr you showed us is showing errors on other strings
  4. When it doesn't find the string the output is the string that is in the source, example: In source: ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("this is the text that will be translated.")); in locale_string.txt you'd have to add: "this is the text that will be translated."; "This is the text that will appear in game."; Output in game: This is the text that will appear in game. IF it doesn't find the translation in the file locale_string.txt, the output would be: this is the text that will be translated. And it would be created that line of "locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR:". As you can read trought the error name "locale_find: LOCALE_ERROR:" it failed to find the string in the locale file. Hope this helps you understand how it works.
  5. I've had systems to check pet/mount when you login doing the exact same thing, so yeah, i think that is one correct way to do it! (instead of checking pet/mount you send the message) Note: i don't think it is strictly necessary to put it under or above "_send_login_notice_info", yet, it is a good place to do it.
  6. Like @ flatik said, the error is that it cannot find the text, try to search and see if you find it. Tip: Try to find parts of the string, don't try to find just the whole string
  7. You can find it in Server source > game > char_item.cpp by looking for BLACKSMITH_MOB and BLACKSMITH2_MOB Quick answer: Blacksmith up to 499 (included) Pyeong from 500 and above You should check it, as it can be changed easly so you don't get false information.
  8. Another fix: ## in function def AddRefineItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0): ##search for: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) ##change with: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, 0, 0) this one is when you are trying to upgrade one item and it shows 2x like this:
  9. My bad, i read weapons and assumed it was normal weapons. Anyway, your code is right by the tutorial i think. Here's how i fixed it (my costume weapon system uses value3 to identify the type of weapon): Search for (inside the "elif itemSubType == 3: #weapon") : if player.GetRace() != 7 and player.GetRace() != 3: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) if player.GetRace() == 5 or player.GetRace() == 1: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) if player.GetRace() == 0 or player.GetRace() == 4: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) if player.GetRace() == 7 or player.GetRace() == 3: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) Replace with: if item.WEAPON_SWORD == item.GetValue(3): if player.GetRace() != 7 and player.GetRace() != 3: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) if item.WEAPON_DAGGER == item.GetValue(3) or item.WEAPON_BOW == item.GetValue(3): if player.GetRace() == 5 or player.GetRace() == 1: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) if item.WEAPON_TWO_HANDED == item.GetValue(3): if player.GetRace() == 0 or player.GetRace() == 4: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) if item.WEAPON_BELL == item.GetValue(3) or item.WEAPON_FAN == item.GetValue(3): if player.GetRace() == 7 or player.GetRace() == 3: self.__ModelPreview(itemVnum, 3, player.GetRace()) The piece of code you had is just randomly checking if you are a race or another and setting the weapon in the model. This fix checks the weapon you're using and if the race you are can use that type of weapon. Let me know if it works.
  10. Hey, everything working fine except some effects like white lion smoke / blue armor smoke, what am i doing wrong or missing? Here's what i mean: Also: Check this:
  11. Don't worry about it, it was probably me who did something wrong, @ToXiC4000 already helped by replacing the files i had in ymir work folder by his, it is working now!
  12. Everytime i try to save server_attr it happens. Here's a GIF (after this the log file i uploaded is created):
  13. I have the same problem, what am i doing wrong? Log dmp file generated: [Hidden Content]
  14. Thank you! Works perfectly! Do you know by any chance where do you fix the client window position aswell? My client always opens with margin left of around 7 pixels Screenshot: It's windowed, max size, a bit of the window shows up in my second monitor.. That thing bothers me everytime and i have to drag it everytime.. Thanks in advance!
  15. Up.. I've been trying to solve this and i can't find where the is the "error", same sash in the pic, different behaviours. After a couple of sash swithing (equip, another one and this one again a couple of times) the effect is good, if i change anything, a bracelet, armor, costume, necklace, it reloads the effect and it's random if it will be ok or like in the pic above.. Losing my mind over this ^^'
  16. Hello! I've been dealing with a problem that triggers me a lot. I've tried to find a solution and i found nothing.. Problem: When i get into the game, SOMETIMES, notice, SOMETIMES, not always, some effects are not appearing, example of some of those effects: MDE Weapons, MDE Sashes, GM Effect above the head. Better images than words right? This is my GM Character, as you can see, MDE wings are working fine THIS TIME, but my GM symbol is not working properly in the first picture. Then i warped to city twice to try to fix the problem and it fixed it. As you can see, when i logged in, the GM Effect was not working and after 2 warps it appeared. This doesnt appen like this everytime, sometimes i'm good for a full day and the next day the bug comes back again. This is kinda Messing with me because when i loggin with one MDE weapon and the bug occurs i'm with an invisble sword.. OBS1: One thing i noticed with the wings atleast is that when they are invisible (bug is appening) after a few minutes they appear out of nowhere OBS2: My GM Symbol is made with 2 pieces i believe, so it would make it 2 "models", dragon and letters, so, sometimes this appens: As yo ucan see, half of the effect loaded properly, this is really messing with my head. Anyone knows how to fix this? Thanks in advance!
  17. I don't want to open a new topic, does anyone have solution for this problem? I've tried to insert in so many ways one item on item_award and in game it does not show in mall warehouse. I've tried every way possible, looked for it on internet, found some queries, used them, same thing, item does not appear in the mall.. Any idea on how to fix / find the error please? thanks in advance I am dumb indeed.. I was using the account ID instead of account name on "login" column, it's solved for me.
  18. root > uigameoption.py look for: def __Load(self): Add this at the end of that function: self.UpdateMadaraModel()
  19. Watchout for the bumping timers. Your problem could be in the mount/horse w/e you are riding on. The running animation should have the run animation like this: ScriptType MotionData MotionFileName "D:\ymir work\npc\bunny_mount\run.GR2" MotionDuration 1.066666 Accumulation 0.00 -1004.59 0.00 You can find the right values on the run animation. Open run animation with granny viewer and go to animation tab. There you will find the Duration. Right click and click on view in detail, then click to view substructure, and you will find the accumulation in granny_real32 Loop Translation, it should look like the one above. Hope it fixes the problem.
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