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  1. Check the conditions and the type/subtype of the item on both sides(server, client).
  2. Nice idea. Yesterday I wanted to mention that the guide might be wrong for some people whom have no clue about the things, in this case the custom AppendImage from the Sash system by LeNnT or whoever. Alpha channel is a thing, not that hard to deal with it, but you forgot to refresh the links after you managed to fix them ?. Also white image might be better to recolor with diffuse.
  3. Most probably after the popup window shows, the code returns before the mouseModule could have detached the icon instance. Start looking in the game.py (OnMouseLeftButtonUp function) Also you can check with a simple debug message if the DeattachObject of the mouseModule runs or it doesn't, if it runs then the problem may be there inside the Detach function.
  4. BR v24.0.3. Root Meta Alternative download links → M2DL GF v24.0.4. Root Meta Alternative download links → M2DL
  5. The reason behind this bug is, there are some models especially the newer ones that they have/had different bone names of the hand/fingers of the character. I've resolved this thing with a small extension that I gave more boneNames into the skill's script (example below)
  6. Snow-mode atlases and minimaps for basic maps from late 2020. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Path and filename are might different from the code of the system, it's for my codes which didn't follow the official reversed one.
  7. You have to dig deep into this if you don't know where are those files and what they are. To get started with the source here is a tut: Later these:
  8. Check always the last lines in the syserr. Your syserr tells nothing which file you should fix. In this case I recommend to try to compile the last modified python scripts, that will tell where the problem is. (path/)python.exe -m py_compile filename.py
  9. GF 23.3.5 Root Meta Alternative download link → M2DL BR v24.0.0. Root Meta Alternative download link → M2DL
  10. @ DemOnJR & @ TAUMP You just need to block the second action in uiInventory.py def __CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(self, srcItemVnum, srcSlotWindow, srcSlotPos, dstSlotWindow, dstSlotPos): if srcSlotWindow == dstSlotWindow and srcSlotPos == dstSlotPos: return False if self.interface.IsShowDlgQuestionWindow(): return False or, if you are not using the latest root files like so: def __CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(self, srcItemVnum, srcSlotWindow, srcSlotPos, dstSlotWindow, dstSlotPos): if srcSlotWindow == dstSlotWindow and srcSlotPos == dstSlotPos: return False if self.attachMetinDialog and self.attachMetinDialog.IsShow(): return False I noticed and fixed it long time ago, but I didn't care about the topic anymore, due the many many different files, systems, environment etc. I gave the ingredients, so everyone should bake the bird for themselves. /sometimes it needs some salt./
  11. I added a little python modification to the bottom of the first post to avoid this flooding caused mistake. Moved the password saving method to a different function from the Accept so now it will save the password when the Safebox opens up.
  12. @Filachilla Done, let me know if there is something wrong with it.
  13. The official fix is almost the same.
  14. Don't argue with experienced ones, they will win. Anyway, anyone who is using modern c++ on their source has the brain to convert anything they want to adapt to their code without even mention it.
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