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Everything posted by Galet

  1. Hello, I saw lot of people having This bug so I decided to create a simple fix in order to help them ! Let's go ! Open uiinventory.py and search : def DetachMetinFromItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos): Then replace the whole function by : def DetachMetinFromItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos): ## Resetting Sash Stats Fix - Galet - 11/11/2015 - 17h45 - Tribute to the victims of the war scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos) targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*2): slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) if 85009 == itemVnum: item.SelectItem(targetIndex) if item.GetItemSubType() == item.COSTUME_TYPE_ACCE: if self.GetAcceAttribute(targetSlotPos) == 0: return self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() self.questionDialog.SetText("Would you like to reset your sash shoulder stats?") self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDetachMetinFromItem)) self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) self.questionDialog.Open() self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos else: return else: if not player.CanDetach(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM) return self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() self.questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN) self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDetachMetinFromItem)) self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) self.questionDialog.Open() self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos If you want it on pastebin, here you go : [Hidden Content] WARNING : This fix is only for people who have 2 inventory pages, maybe it's working with more but as it is untested I prefer to precise this, even if I'm pretty sure that the fix are completely working with the actual code, regardless on how many pages you got : If you got more than 2 pages, you must replace (player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*2) With (player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*NUMBEROFPAGES) "NUMBEROFPAGES" is simply the number of the inventory pages you got, so 4 for 4, 9 for 9, 2147483647 for 2147483647 It is probably not the best way to fix it but should works like a charm ! If you got any problems I can provide you the help needed on Metin2Dev in English and on Skype in English, German, French and Spanish Have a nice day all
  2. Search the name of the bonus in the whole sources, I don't have the name in memory, but one in common (length.h maybe) and some others in game,no one in DB if I remember well
  3. Probably in sources, if you're lazy, you can easily invert them in locale_game
  4. I do not have any idea about how passive skills systems works, but I think you must use the sources, that's pretty obvious, or I didn't understand
  5. In navicat, table skill_proto, and put the value that you want to set for the skill's damage
  6. I thought about it but I never tried cause I was lazy and not sure about the outcome
  7. Hi, for me, I put a coordinate and I rezise more and more until the final result xD
  8. Here's the line that i'm using : [Hidden Content]
  9. I have the same problem and it doesn't work :/
  10. You cannot equip the sash att all ? If you're right clicking on it ?
  11. Thank you Koray ! Thank you Koray !
  12. As a French, I played in some foreign pserver because I speak (or I cand understand) some languages including my native language, and Metin2United was one of my favorite... I left him when the server closed, 2 years ago I think, and until now, I almost completely forget about researching if the server was open again or not... Thanks for the information
  13. Until now, it was impossible to find the process of my client for M2Bob, but now the security will be better, nice Koray for all ! Keep sharing with us !
  14. Hi, check in your quest folder if you have a quest starting by "new_cube"
  15. I have a problem... I'll post on m2d because I want some help... Ooh, the problem was solved... What should I do ? Delete my own request regardless of people in the same case of mine ! Please, stop editing your own topic when the problem was solved... I do not blame you, but that's unfair...
  16. Hi, where do you get the : "metin2client_r11185 and r7071" From the official client then opened it using IDA ? Thanks, maybe better than my own !
  17. I only put quest for example, it is the name of my quest, so I'll try with this one because two "with" don't work and I'll tell you when kill with npc.get_race() == 101 and party.is_party() begin Exactly the same as before :/
  18. Unfortunately, with that : when 101.party_kill with party.is_party() begin local count = party.getf("quest", "state") + 1 if count <= 15 then party.setf("quest", "state", count) q.set_counter("Rest-amount", 15 - count) if count == 15 then say_title("lorem ipsum dolor") say("") end end end The counter does not decrease, should I have to create two new characters and retry ?
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