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Everything posted by Galet

  1. Thanks but party.setqf exist but party.getqf don't (in sources too) :/
  2. Thanks ! That's a nice guide ! However, with : there's something strange : when 101.party_kill with party.is_party() begin If I am the party leader, the counter decrease if I'm killing the mobs by myself or if my mate kills them But if I'm not, the counter does not decrease at all, only the group leader is affected
  3. Hello ! I want to create a quest ike a hunting quest but only for groups, for example I want to kill 15 wild dogs but only if I am in a group. So I made something like that : when 101.party_kill begin So, If the player kill the pooch, the counter starts to decrease, but only if he his in a group. But, even if the player is alone, the counter starts to decrease... So, what could I do for having a kill trigger that count the kill only if the player is not alone ? Create a new trigger in C++ ? By the way, is it possible to trigger a quest for all the members of a group if a any member of this group kills a mob ? E.G : I just killed a boss and as a result, everybody in my group receive a special quest, message , item or anything ? Thanks ! Have a nice day !
  4. Remove what function ? You must add it in order to block logininfo.py exploit ^^
  5. Account > Design table > Gold_expire (same for autoloot etc...) and put 2020 for example
  6. Thanks for the update but I have some questions : Is deleting some functions can cause problem, for example if you use console ";" (for attack speed, or gm effect and so on) ? And, by the way, is the "Anti Teleport Hack" can cause issues for the couple or the groups (teleport function) And at last but not least, what is the "Anti colorful shop" ? Because there's a system for coloring shops, otherwise I don't know how to put color on it because a virgin client can't dispaly color on shops / guild
  7. A server did this in France.... Absolutely 0 people online :/
  8. An easy but a nice way to use it in "test_server" mode Thanks
  9. I do not understand... What is a "good" skilldesc ?
  10. It is the effect, you tried to add a new but you f*cked up something in your skill_proto
  11. His name is Skouman, id : 3903 I think I'm not 100% sure
  12. He is in our client since a long time, his name is Skrofa or Skorfa I don't remember, you don't need to implement it again
  13. Hi, search a bit, there's a fix on this forum By the way, you implemented something from Denis that "Block" the slot 255 & 256 with a message, you have to delete it and then apply the second fix (BYTE to int)
  14. tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab
  15. Trade tab ? Check in locale_name or locale_interface the exchange_title line, you'll se a %d %s or something like that, change it a bit
  16. By the way, dragon soul and belt won't work anymore, you have to change the BYTE to int and "255" to something like "900"
  17. Thanks, pretty generous, nice and proper work, nothing to say except : thanks, you're tha man !
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