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Everything posted by Galet

  1. If you downloaded from official server I'm not sure how it was not like official server. 'Cuz the tool used for unpack the proto have some problems about these columns
  2. min_gold, max_gold, mobcolor and polyorph_item issue If I remember well.
  3. It's perfectly safe... If you're on your test server or if you have less than average 120 players online. I do not recommand to use these command on a live server, even more if you have some systems on it, a simple fail and it'll cause a rampage on your server (quest, items and stats issue) If you want to use it, use it right after a reboot, when there'snt lot of people.
  4. Nice bro, it's a good idea, still waiting for the end
  5. there'snt 99.jpg (and other icons) in your "upload" folder
  6. It is supposed to work, where you added this piece of code (exact place) ?
  7. A method for "crypting" your pack, like the official game (but they're using cshybridcrypt)
  8. Your name / / Yeah, it's a common problem, I have it I think, even if the Iv, the lst and the pack are right...
  9. Same problem in distribute mode... Edit : Fixed it was my fault, I forgot to declare in the game my new chat mode.
  10. EN : He told me in French that the "test_server" was enabled, I awnser back by saying that's the problem came from the launcher, and not the test_server.
  11. Hello ! Since Yesterday, at every compilation, my client got some "Debug informations" e. g. it shows the quest states or Stamina Consume : As a result, I can't quit the game (quit is printed, that's all) or I can't speak in general. Here's the plot, my client is in "Release mode", so I don't know from where the bug came from... (Client Source for sure) Thanks all
  12. It is irremovable from source, you have to change it in sources
  13. Why don't you try it instead of begging ? xD No, It's not usefull to add it in BeltSlot, so, for me it's working without adding it here, but moreover there isn't any bug in BeltSlot regarding to auto potions. ^^
  14. Still don't know why, but MobColor was the solution, it's fixed now ^^
  15. Hello, Suddenly, in my client, all "news" mobs (as cape one's, purgatory one's etc...) and even old boss (King Demon 1091 mob) are black. So I decided to unpack ALL the official client (except root) in order to avoid some bugs. But nah, some monsters are still blacks. If I do /m 1091 (for example), the mob gone black 1 sec after I summoned it. If the mob disappeared (killed or /purge), the texture came back 1 sec before the mob gone. If I do /poly 1091, ther's no problem about the texture. Syserr : 0509 15:29:11267 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11300 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11300 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11300 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11308 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11308 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11308 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11831 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11832 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11832 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11844 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:11857 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0509 15:29:13090 :: invalid idx 0 0509 15:30:15740 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 0509 15:30:30111 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture Screenshot : Second bug : If I have immune_fall in my shield, the fall is still present. Thanks, and have a nice day
  16. Google translate ? If you create a new character, with level and items, only level remains ? Please give us your db syserr
  17. Big prt of them are used for 105 weapons ^^
  18. Yes of course, edit uiinventory.py, inventorywindows.py and game.py, it's as simple as that. ^^
  19. Me either, I think I have it, but I'm not sure...
  20. Do you have this problem ? If you're not, what db/game/client are you using ?
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