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Everything posted by Night

  1. this is only the the function were the warning/error is. (better then saying its a warning but you should be 100% right sence he is compling novaline game) we cant know till you give as full out-put (the last ones should be fine)
  2. sence the client just crush then its not a server problem just find the map path and fix it
  3. @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__USER__="$(USER)" -D__HOSTNAME__="$(HOSTNAME)" -D__PWD__="$(PWD)" -D__P4_VERSION__="$(P4_VERSION)" -c $< -o $@ to @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__P4_VERSION__="$(P4_VERSION)" -c $< -o $@ this should do it no one use this //fprintf(fp, "%s@%s:%sn", __USER__, __HOSTNAME__, __PWD__); so just delete it or do what ever you want its basicly useless
  4. from what i have tested the distribute make log.txt and release do not that so far as i think the main diffirence for devloping debug for player release this is my main idea
  5. try to start again if this does not work try to download the game from the src path and reupload it again (using WinSCP)
  6. try this fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/amd64/9.2-RELEASE/lib32.txz tar Jxpvf lib32.txz -C / rm lib32.txz
  7. i had a feeling this was your error use WinSCP insted of file filezilla this should do it
  8. cd /usr/home/game/share ./game then copy past the out put or pic will do
  9. try to cd to the share folder then ./game and tell us whats the out put a screenshot or copy past from putty
  10. edit your start script so that the db start with it for example : cd ./db && env LD_32_PRELOAD="/usr/home/game/share/lib_no_txt.so" ./db & this is if you have 64bit vm else and this if i remember correctly : cd ./game99/core1 && env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/home/game/share/lib_costume_ricky92.so" ./game &
  11. then its a item/mob proto error sence 34k start with txt (default setting)
  12. i think in the offical client the server info (ports and ip) is from the file locale_ae.addr there is a tool to extract it but it work under windows 64bit architecture and the reason that when you extract the root the root is empty i think because all the functions and the py files are now explicitly in the launcher this an easy trick used by pserver not gf gf uses type 4 to protect there client its totaly confusing not finding file on root but any way there is a thread about this here
  13. are you sure that your db is starting normaly ?
  14. 1-this thread is totaly great cool and i love it ^^ 2- i kind of feel how writing for too long is but still keep up the hard work and i think that i will say good night
  15. for tickets you will find a 100 php script that will do that and yet you refuse at least search if you dont like any than buy one
  16. you must add it to your start script (first lib) the scound one add it to lib (it shouldnt be even add installing gcc should be more then enough + some config on /etc/make.conf
  17. first if you have a question here is the right section [Hidden Content] here + this forum is against hacks so dont make new thread if the older one was closed cz you will get banned and as @Shogun said:
  18. for txt i havent seen yet but you can convert xml > txt or sql > txt
  19. the src has to file for version 2008 (.old file) delete that .old and open that .sln file (solution file) and start working if this does not work ask again i will upload them for you
  20. Night

    eye (handdrawn)

    Nice work but why an eye only?
  21. i think he means he want to learn how to hack -.-
  22. game or client there is one tuto in eng (its more then enough for some ppl) posted by Denis game src well for direct use its better to test it on freebsd (you can edit your symbolic link so that your game start with the game core from src) else the only use for complie using (vs2013 (i love it)) or later/older version is bcz its fast easy to use better at hendling error and warrnings direct editing ...etc i do think that someone might rls it one day but right only thos how might want a metin2 windows server are the ones who do this (+ some dev) but still what i said above does not mean im agains it or something and i think you should ask an admin to move the thread i dont think this is the right place for it
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