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Everything posted by Night

  1. Root i shouldn t ask the question in the first place it not logical any way are you sure you didnt edit anything that would make you unable to login for ex.you changed the ssh port (22 -- this means you cant login using port 22) try to use a proxy or a vpn then try again (normaly this will work if it is a ip ban or something like it) ,else : login from a public place a link for proxy ? use CyberGhost 5 its a vpn tool (or something like this) its safer then proxy and easy to use
  2. Root i shouldn t ask the question in the first place it not logical any way are you sure you didnt edit anything that would make you unable to login for ex.you changed the ssh port (22 -- this means you cant login using port 22) try to use a proxy or a vpn then try again (normaly this will work if it is a ip ban or something like it) ,else : login from a public place
  3. its only a copy past,normaly the taps should be copyed (sorry if this word does not exist >.<) too or use visual studio it will fix them for you just make a new project
  4. no if you are not codding then just ignor it but you will have just one hell of a problem if you forgot something just respect most of it
  5. the boost header files are needed in Depend file to fix this make symbolic link from the extern/include folder to /usr/local/include/ (i recommand this more then installing the port devel/boost-all) but if you want to install the boost all : cd /usr/ports/devel/boost-all && make install clean or if you already have portmaster portmaster devel/boost-all
  6. maybe a lib missing try to complie the libs again look again at denis topic
  7. Why not remove the whole "system" if its completely useless? Removing the #define is just leaving the mess there. basicly the complier will ignore it sence its not defined + there are some ppl that can use this + i think there is a other function on char.cpp
  8. 1-yes you are right about the securty part i just got used to it (old times ) while using hamchi i just got that feeling when ppl use public server file 2-my post was only to show the secound way to do it 3- the reason i said was cz of the first part which might be for nothing
  9. the error he is having way more simple @Gizeh (while using filezilla/WinSCP) open the folder where you put the file game then right click then Premission then 755 same for db this should do it
  10. well it is a undefained refernce to 'main' i think its makefile error c++ must get the function (main()) to start reading maybe you delete it or something ...... anyway this is how it looks like : MAINOBJ = $(OBJDIR)/main.o MAINCPP = main.cpp
  11. sence you said <migration> its logical to say that you are using r40k game is your server powerfull enough to handle how many player you have on your server idea : there was a guy how had this same problem about lag and posted it here look you might find the answer there or at least ask the guy info : if you are using src then get fix the warning some of the warning might cz a use of useless power
  12. bought their their + several grammar mistakes the question is, are you the pot or the kettle? first of all, yes I agree I have some problems with my grammar second, I didn't accuse eterhost (I'm sorry if it sounded like that, it wasn't my intention) ... and yes they offer what they say they offer I wanted to know if someone can help me with that error ... My comment was for Night because he's criticizing your grammar but his isn't any better yes there is for place thx for fixing and that was not <criticizing> + bought was a key-board taping error the grammar error are bcz im not form usa/uk so i rarly even use english (almost never) i still dont get the error he is having
  13. i dont know where is the problem but i know where it start from /usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start1': crt1_c.c:(.text+0xa6): undefined reference to `main' /usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start1': crt1_c.c:(.text+0xa6): undefined reference to `main'
  14. <script charset="UTF-8" src="chrome://hdv/content/hdv.js" type="application/javascript"> </script> nice translation : /** **** 현재까지 할당 된 아이템 영역 정리 (DB상 Item Position) **** +------------------------------------------------------+ 0 | 캐릭터 기본 인벤토리 (45칸 * 2페이지) 90칸 | +------------------------------------------------------+ 90 = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM(90) | 캐릭터 장비 창 (착용중인 아이템) 32칸 | +------------------------------------------------------+ 122 = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM(90) + WEAR_MAX_NUM(32) | 용혼석 장비 창 (착용중인 용혼석) 12칸 | +------------------------------------------------------+ 134 = 122 + DS_SLOT_MAX(6) * DRAGON_SOUL_DECK_MAX_NUM(2) | 용혼석 장비 창 예약 (아직 미사용) 18칸 | +------------------------------------------------------+ 152 = 134 + DS_SLOT_MAX(6) * DRAGON_SOUL_DECK_RESERVED_MAX_NUM(3) | 벨트 인벤토리 (벨트 착용시에만 벨트 레벨에 따라 활성)| +------------------------------------------------------+ 168 = 152 + BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT(16) = INVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_CELL_MAX | 미사용 | +------------------------------------------------------+ ?? */ and nice way of making it look so simple to understand (reading the code once again make sence)
  15. i need the homepage script for this and not a video from youtube -.-* Hmm, not sure if they have a browser game version, but apparently they have it for mobile devices: [Hidden Content] this script isnt public yet but he might find ppl that sold it (simlar to gf script) download vs2013 update 3 a 1000 time better then 2008
  16. is there a db named sinval_player? if so look if there is a table named account (use navicate)
  17. use Lucifer tool (Nexus.exe -- look at downlad center) or metin2dev archiver to unpack item proto then use PACI tool to make the quary [Hidden Content] or use ymir php tool or this [Hidden Content]
  18. those are declared in main.cpp : /eos_src/game/src/desc.cpp:406: undefined reference to `max_bytes_written' /eos_src/game/src/desc.cpp:408: undefined reference to `total_bytes_written' /eos_src/game/src/desc.cpp:409: undefined reference to `current_bytes_written' and Metin2Server_IsInvalid() is a good for nothing function (exept if you are using it for per-complied game core)
  19. well for the first probem just install boost-all from port the secound problem looks kind of odd are you sure you installed everything correctly
  20. here is a ddl [Hidden Content] i uploaded this sence a month and i use it myself
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