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Everything posted by Night

  1. i wont ask you to tell as how you did so but can you at least tell as what are the problems?
  2. well i cant recommend somthing special but you might find something like that one pve server vanilla core is just game core like any others so its basicly useless if you dont have skills to use it EDIT: how ever this game core is the best released up till now and its a 40k game he wants a 34k game
  3. its already false i just deleted: if self.isShowDebugInfo: self.UpdateDebugInfo() and : def UpdateDebugInfo(self): # # 캐릭터 좌표 및 FPS 출력 (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() nUpdateTime = app.GetUpdateTime() nUpdateFPS = app.GetUpdateFPS() nRenderFPS = app.GetRenderFPS() nFaceCount = app.GetFaceCount() fFaceSpeed = app.GetFaceSpeed() nST=background.GetRenderShadowTime() (fAveRT, nCurRT) = app.GetRenderTime() (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp) = background.GetDistanceSetInfo() (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio, sTextureNum) = background.GetRenderedSplatNum() if iPatch == 0: iPatch = 1 #(dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC) = background.GetRenderedGraphicThingInstanceNum() self.PrintCoord.SetText("Coordinate: %.2f %.2f %.2f ATM: %d" % (x, y, z, app.GetAvailableTextureMemory()/(1024*1024))) xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() self.PrintMousePos.SetText("MousePosition: %d %d" % (xMouse, yMouse)) self.FrameRate.SetText("UFPS: %3d UT: %3d FS %.2f" % (nUpdateFPS, nUpdateTime, fFaceSpeed)) if fAveRT>1.0: self.Pitch.SetText("RFPS: %3d RT:%.2f(%3d) FC: %d(%.2f) " % (nRenderFPS, fAveRT, nCurRT, nFaceCount, nFaceCount/fAveRT)) self.Splat.SetText("PATCH: %d SPLAT: %d BAD(%.2f)" % (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio)) #self.Pitch.SetText("Pitch: %.2f" % (app.GetCameraPitch()) #self.TextureNum.SetText("TN : %s" % (sTextureNum)) #self.ObjectNum.SetText("GTI : %d, CRC : %d" % (dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC)) self.ViewDistance.SetText("Num : %d, FS : %f, FE : %f, FC : %f" % (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp)) and it looks fine to me
  4. well i complied this : [Hidden Content] on release mode i get the same as him (i complied it about 10min ago) and on debug mode too -.-
  5. its just that this file is missing ^^ thats all and yet why do you want to change from locale honkong to english i dont even think that english i avalable name to be used for metin2
  6. for some (unknow) reason the dc does not working i had to use my old client dc file to fix it but well its working for now but the client is +29mb
  7. i wonder when this : will change ^^ but your work is more importent this can wait any way good luck
  8. so you are using your own files i see mmmmmmmmmmmmm well nvm any way can you post the syserr from your auth
  9. there are some tools that comes with the src you should take a look + i do belive that i can open almost all file just the root i find it empty (only msi files << thats what i dont get )
  10. man you are using kuwaity SF they are full of bugs even if they are basicly well translated they still have huge problems + rev 34k. any way look at what you last add to your item proto and i think that kuwaity had the no txt lib.so so why do you have that item proto test.txt on the out-out.
  11. Stop ALL auth processes and start only one. basicly you should just tell him to reboot and start again
  12. whats the out-put of the db? //try this on ssh and copy past cd to your db path then : ./db or ./yourdb + whats the out put of starting mysql server service mysql-server start this can be help full and yes. do you get connection : connection refused (from auth) cz most likly you have some problmes with your item proto
  13. normal enscription with xtea key is easy to break right now but you might find a good one one the service forum sence you want to buy one
  14. start your mysql service + add it to /etc/rc.conf
  15. i think that this is like 3rd-4th time i see this question on this forum (3 time this week only) look here and next time use google : [Hidden Content]
  16. realy i dont think that this can be a question cz any server file will do
  17. first of all this is the wrong section 2- look at your .txt file on db directory
  18. The game is nice, but i don't realy like the crowd control abilites. You have to kill 1 monster at a time, because it's too much of a hassle to make a huge crowd. ( mobs aren't close to each other). Also the game dosen't has "open mob tagging" but "closed mob tagging", meaning you can't join/ks a players mob and expect to get any drop. The first person that hits the mob gets the drop, which is not that good, in my opinion and others too. I think they drifted to far away from the korean version with some changes, but anyway, it's a good game you are a metin2 player you will never be able to get used to other games in my case i played metin2 for like 7 years no other games included so i just love metin2 and cant take it off my life and killing many monster at a time is not somthing you will find in many online games so dont expect it from many games
  19. no it's not normal I'm not sure that you understand what I mean. the expand button is not show up. I have to click at the inventory window (or at inventory window name to be exactly) to show it up. If you mean the ui folder from in the locale, no I just take some files that I think is related to my problem (as inventorywindow.py) dont remmeber well but it was from the root
  20. well i think that would be normal there was a guy how fixed this but i didnt belive him cz it was basicly illogical he gave me the solution but i lost it ><
  21. his not tallking about the msg its about the belt windows error
  22. i dont think that you will easly fix it cz arabic locale have some chages compared to others try you might find a way or at least why
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