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Everything posted by Night

  1. for src [Hidden Content] there is a txz archive or tgz i dont remember upload it it the only one on src folder and that is not an error just a warning
  2. dont give up ^^ this is my best suggetion its an error and all error must be fixed
  3. you might get this cz of bad internet connection or cz of mounts -- impossible in your case or high speed -- impossible in your case or maybe bad server connection can you try to show as your syserr (server and client)
  4. sush an old error made me remember the past (2011) this error exist sence r2089 or maybe older yes the skill is x3 but the dmg is x1 i dont think its a game core error but more like a client error that might exist sence metin2 was found
  5. and insted of when 40002.use with pc . is_gm ( ) begin use when 40002.use with pc .get_name == ("[Admin]something") begin its better then having any gm sold your items
  6. there are hidden 2 files .old change there delete the .old and open the solution from them make sure that you installed vs2008 look in the first and 2 page from this topic
  7. based on this [Hidden Content] i think that smallint will do what he want
  8. use the code next time and i think your english is usefull for topic like this ^^ thanks anyway
  9. for game rev go to your channel folder and open ver/version.txt and check it if 34k use the no txt lib and for the 40k there is src change it your by your self
  10. the first would be main line you should edit the makefile + the version.cpp to fix that and you should bring the libmysql from novaline the 2nd one novaline look here [Hidden Content]
  11. yes change it to 999 i dont think that there is a ip that start with 999
  12. you can get get one from a hosting or download a ready freebsd for metin2 and test your sf on it
  13. you do need freebsd for metin2 (it still better then windows for now) so if you can take back your mony do it now and good luck
  14. well cz eternexus just does not support the maps file type so he does not pack/unpack them thats what a friend how used it and had this error with maps (he couldnt even warp to them)
  15. Epsilon tuto is way better but this might help you too server side : upload on the map directory /usr/home/game/share/locale/yourlocalename/map upload the map server side (if exist) or make them by your self (with right 777) open the index file add in the end of the file (last line) a number (from your head) as long as it does not exist (i recomend adding a biger number) go to the channel directory the config file of one of your cores (if you have more than one core) add the map to allow map : 1 21 41 .......... your nmber here same for other channels and dont forget ch99 and done now to client if its ready just add the path to atlas.txt on locale and the map to the locale and that would be it (in some client atlas.txt might be on root)
  16. o.O i think you are way too happy ^^
  17. wow this is one hell of a and kind of useless (personal way of thinking) but it can be usefull if for ex. you let your friend on your char but you just cant trust ppl
  18. there are many ways payed and maybe free (i didnt see freestuff yet) how ever this does not mean you cant protect your client perfectly using (many) free public stuff
  19. vanilla core 2.4.2 if i remeber correctly it was fixed
  20. yes i think this can be usefull for importing a hack from out of the client
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