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Everything posted by Night

  1. well if you are using a (not supported lang by the client) on your db maybe you get this (some time this happen) for example if you are using txt proto (mob/items) make sure you have item name.txt and mob name.txt else you will get name like that if you are using a 34k game its set per default to startup with txt so can you give as a littel more info
  2. like? starting a pvp when map index == ?
  3. as far as i know : all the (40k) src are released here http://metin2dev.org/board/topic/389-not-really-a-rlsvm-with-freebsd-92-src-compileable/ they are clean and vanilla didnt rls her src
  4. first you need both game and db from 40k (or over in the futer) secound i think its a item proto error more than a game core error
  5. dmg hack wont be a problem if you have a client portection + @Denis i think he mean : /dc and i think that the kick hack does not work on 40k (at least that what i have readed on post not long ago here metin2dev)
  6. and in file include #include <new> the best think i can think of right now is to reinstall gcc
  7. i dont rly or fully get this so when you have 2 target or more the arrow disappear -----------------------------------------------------............................................................... i dont have any idea right now but i want you to try this : make a new char lv 5 or more go look at the teachers on map 1 do they have both the arrow or only one ?
  8. this rly depend but if it is simlar to gf try consider looking at this [Hidden Content]
  9. no error from my part (using his src too)
  10. line 729 that would be : void PointsPacket(); try to open char.h long points[POINT_MAX_NUM]; to long long points[POINT_MAX_NUM]; and are you sure you didnt edit any thing?
  11. i think you are using the src from here [Hidden Content] if so delet the symbolic link (Extern) or change it path to the Extern from the dev branch if this does not work make it to the take the Extern folder from here [Hidden Content]
  12. well yes this is a common error i dont know if this is consedered as a fix how ever take libmysql from novaline and put it into /usr/src/mainline_sg/Srcs/Server this should do it
  13. for ex. { "observer", do_observer, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_IMPLEMENTOR }, to { "observer", do_observer, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_PLAYER }, This is too much for 2-3 min
  14. did you change the py part? + are you trying with a gm account?
  15. well you will have to edit lenght.h when you complie (if you dont edit the rest) you will get some error sence char support for 0 to 255 but there was a tuto posted yesterday find it
  16. he directly opend a file using vs2013/2008 then try to complie it the vs will ask him to link it to a for exe file and he will get this error
  17. it think this is a good enought reason for anyone dont you think so any way i will mary the one he make it public as long as it is a girl -.- (low chance damn it)
  18. no it should be for your pc local ip you will get it from your router or on cmd : ipconfig my dhcp ip is on freebsd use ifconfig you will get this without sysinstall config even if this is the first use in my case the VM DHCP ip is
  19. well when we said from your router we meant open on your web browser
  20. the port should be open on your router for your dhcp (your pc dhcp not the vbox) that should do it so far in my case i opend the ports for all the pc in my router (sence it support only up to 15 user) here is a sample :
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