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Everything posted by Night

  1. you can never get over 30k hp on gf -.- they dont need to fix it + you can make a quest in case the hp is negative (info : i did test changing from short to int (this should have been enough) but it didnt work (tested with gm char))
  2. sence he has 34k (in case where he is using a good item proto) he should have both (with/without bonus) try finding a costum with bonus (ask friend to give you the vnum) .....etc if you dont use good item proto then do as he said
  3. maybe even 2089M is compatible but im not sure i didnt try it that time (over 2 years ago) any way the auto pot was released long ago im sure he can find it on google (google somethings -.-)
  4. yes there is no quest for them its just a game item
  5. [Hidden Content] this one even if it has some errors but its still stable and my client didnt crush (sence about 1 month using vanilla core 55k)
  6. there is another one (no-post about it) she released it for epvp and gave it per : private messages only and i think your bin is the only problem
  7. don't use edited cores that's the most important step. try to make your edits or hire someone to do that for you. good luck without src remember this part (40k case) and the latest vanilla core is r55170 the error is from the bin (mostlikly) that happen when you get a packet error/map error (ex.OX map) and if you can try to start from a clean sf ; just change the proto and etc as you want and good luck
  8. can you plz try with 2 inventory cz this error made my head laging
  9. well its not impossible to make but this will just stupid why work on 34k with shity and limited difs while you can do (almost anything) with src as long as you are a pro in c++ You are really right but i don't interesting about source of metin2 i just need communicate client and game of file for securing my hackshield, i am only developing security softwares for metin2. interesting.. hackshield have to do server communication ? communication dif file don't done with dissamble, and communication nothing to do with dif yes but it is useless for PServer (at least right now) packet are still on both client bin and game on server so it is possible with a dif but way harder so he will buy it for sure
  10. well its not impossible to make, but this will be just stupid why work on 34k with shity and limited difs while you can do (almost anything) with src as long as you are a pro in c++
  11. try to change this LPATH_DFT="./quest_list" to the file name that you put into it quest names -- sorry dont know how to explane some time the name is locale_list LPATH_DFT="./locale_list" but can you show as the out put? after you using it and how you use it?
  12. gf use per qc to replace the defined value use this it will help you [Hidden Content]
  13. no it is possible however you need to buy it cz no one still use r2089 any more (expect for devloped core and those ppl sure jumped to r40k cz the src is public)
  14. no i did test it on both and it worked for me look at your syserr maybe you have an error that make the core crush
  15. eternexus does not pack/unpack map files it gives you errors use tim tool or metin2dev archiver
  16. you mean that it works for you and not for others? is this a hamchi/roter server?
  17. i dont know what does this mean Can I use vanilla core in the server homemade?? but vanilla core can be used on any freebsd (as long as it is 9.2 or more)
  18. :like: for trying to help ^^ and posting + nice looking intreface i wish i could get a PSD
  19. as far as i know this guy alwas buy he does not use free stuff (in some cases mixing free stuff make 1 good thing) well so far i cant understand and its kind of late good night -------------------------------------------------------------- and i just cant understand why the intreface does not work with you
  20. no he should be using a string.pyd complied with the same magic number as python27.dll (you can also get string.py and let it be complied)
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