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Everything posted by Night

  1. well the client bin cannot unpack the locale and i dont understand the rest
  2. not recommended (if you want to save up time) : change : metin2_patch_dragon_rock recommended (if you have time) : fix it from the bin (some shits from vs 2008 -- sorry can not give you more info sense im not the owner of the fix) // ask marty
  3. well this happend to me once but right now it works
  4. i can not understand your english nor i can understand your error post a pic of the error
  5. if you are using your own complied bin , then complie it on destrbute mode then check the syslog , check the server syserr too ( i do not think that this kind of error can be generated from the server but check) both syserr and syslog in some of the servers i have worked on the game was writing the shutdown errors on the syslog (bothersome) and good luck
  6. Night


    not perfect but good job
  7. the most easy way to do it is to add them by your self to dump proto and if you buy a tool (simlar to dump proto , dont get dumped -- what i mean is high price for nothing more then a percomplied)
  8. well reconsider changing from long long to DWORDLONG / LONGLONG its better. yang/gold does not take negative value any way (edit : this is in most of the cases) , and i also recommend you to check the command variable type (give gold) on cmd_gm.cpp
  9. vanilla core is based on 40k src it should support this function unless it was removed by her , for depresation on because it is useless
  10. quest change_level begin state start begin when ITEM_ID.use begin if pc.get_level() == 105 then say("Do you really change your level?") local select=select ("Yes", "No") if 1==select say("Your level was changed") pc.set_level(104) return end if 2==select return end else return end end end end try it like this
  11. did you try to complie it on windows visual studio shows way more warnings then gcc (you dont have to fully link it the thing that must be done is the compling)
  12. you mean the devil catacomb will be only for a team that contain less then 7 player per ch?
  13. i dont remember how i did extract them but try to use 7zip
  14. based on what metin2team said : its : 1+128+256+1024+2048 = 3457;
  15. i dont think that this is even a bug , its just how the game is . there is a bonus that does stop this : APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL, // 50
  16. gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mainline_wolfman/Srcs/Server/liblua' gmake: *** [liblua] Error 2 look at your makefile
  17. are you sure that the dll _socket exist? (not .dll , a python dll)
  18. _GrannyUpdateModelMatrix20 is for granny 2.9 (if i remmeber correctly)
  19. i know that you did not there are not many ppl who would want to touch such a sub_packet could you tell exactly what you are trying to do (ingame) for ex. the exp value and etc...
  20. ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<길드> 경험치 투자에 실패하였습니다.")); (use google to get a translation it can be help full to you) well the condition if (pGuild->OfferExp(ch, offer)) seems not to be fulfilled so it pass to else wich gives you that text
  21. what he posted on past bin has many parts all in one some are lua function some c++ src function and some are quest part ( i didnt realy look into it i just took a look)
  22. add the name to item_names.txt ex.: 50300 my book
  23. thx bro but Denis is right its better to use it that way + try to change the charset it will be fun ^^ : CHARSET=cp1256;
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