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Any idea?

I'm using martysama.

0115 11:53:22242 ::   File "ui.py", line 1067, in CallEvent

0115 11:53:22243 ::   File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__

0115 11:53:22243 ::   File "ui.py", line 70, in __call__

0115 11:53:22243 ::   File "uiCharacter.py", line 388, in __ClickExpandButton

0115 11:53:22243 ::   File "uiCharacterDetails.py", line 15, in __init__

0115 11:53:22244 ::   File "uiCharacterDetails.py", line 57, in __LoadScript

0115 11:53:22244 ::   File "ui.py", line 2823, in GetChild

0115 11:53:22244 :: KeyError
0115 11:53:22244 :: : 
0115 11:53:22244 :: 'label0'
0115 11:53:22244 :: 





Edited by DemOnJR
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3 minutes ago, DemOnJR said:


Any idea?

I'm using martysama.



They are official classes. I've added root parts now. For ymir files, you can check the official packs

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6 minutes ago, xP3NG3Rx said:

Do you have the ThinBoardCircle class in your ui.py file?



6 minutes ago, Mali61 said:


They are official classes. I've added root parts now. For ymir files, you can check the official packs

Ok i will try  now.


252310GreenCheck.pngNow is working with the ThinBoardCircle



Edited by DemOnJR
  • Metin2 Dev 2
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root > uitooltip.py


  def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):

Add above:

  def SetThinBoardSize(self, width, height = 12) :
    self.toolTipWidth = width 
    self.toolTipHeight = height


Fix for:

0115 15:00:41188 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0115 15:00:41188 ::   File "ui.py", line 958, in OnMouseOverIn

0115 15:00:41188 ::   File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__

0115 15:00:41189 ::   File "ui.py", line 79, in __call__

0115 15:00:41189 ::   File "uiCharacterDetails.py", line 277, in __ButtonOverIn

0115 15:00:41189 :: AttributeError
0115 15:00:41189 :: : 
0115 15:00:41189 :: 'ToolTip' object has no attribute 'SetThinBoardSize'
0115 15:00:41189 :: 


Edited by DemOnJR
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how to fix start position details?






    def OnUpdate(self):

Add under:

        if app.ENABLE_DETAILS_UI:
            if self.chDetailsWnd:


        def OnMoveWindow(self, x, y):
            if self.chDetailsWnd:
                self.chDetailsWnd.AdjustPosition(x, y)


Add under:


        def UpdateDetailsPosition(self):
            x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition()
            self.chDetailsWnd.SetPosition(x + 250, y)




Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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1 hour ago, granpa123 said:

anyone know a fix for when you click the open button client disappears as checked everything and seems correct





Maybe you missing some image file, the tutorial does not include the images. It's in your syserr.txt if that the case.
Take them from here: 

This is the hidden content, please

(Otherwise still check syserr.txt, it will still writes what your error is)

Edited by TMP4
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  • Honorable Member
3 hours ago, Debloat said:

Guys I'm getting this error when I click on the button. I double-checked that I did the installation correct and I have the .tga files. What might be the problem?



edit POINT_MAX_NUM parts for your server or remove

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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5 hours ago, Debloat said:

Strangely, without changing any code, the system works perfectly fine in release build. But in Debug, no matter what I do, it always gives that error. Do you have an idea why this might be?


If it cannot find the bonus, it will also give an error. Delete the things you delete on the client side, on the py side as well.


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The official implementation has a recursion that can cause window elements to leak.

#file uicharacter.py
def OnTop(self):
  if self.chDetailsWnd:
    self.chDetailsWnd.SetTop() #We are trying to raise the child window up

#file uicharacterdetails.py
def OnTop(self):
	if self.uiCharacterStatus:
		self.uiCharacterStatus.SetTop() #We are trying to raise the parent window up (After that, OnTop will be called for the parent window and we will get here again. This will continue up to the maximum recursion level)

You may have noticed that the client sometimes closes with an error when you try to open the character details window.

You can make a stupid, but working solution. Copy the SetTop function, but do not call "pWin->OnTop()" in it. And then use this function for the parent element. If you are a genius, you can try to make a IsTop function or solve this problem in some other way.

Edited by Helia01
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1 hour ago, lmaohw said:

Where is tga ? 

ı need help 

CharacterDetailsUI.__LoadScript - <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>:Failed to load image (filename: d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/thinboardcircle/ThinBoard_Corner_RightBottom_Circle.tga)

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Edited by Calypso2
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  • 3 months later...

IDK if it's bug or if has been resolved. However once you let the Character window open and teleport using Teleport ring, custom quest or just go through the Teleporter NPC, the window remains on the screen as a ghost, without a chance to close.


In syserr you will see something like this: 

1214 13:20:31842 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

1214 13:20:31843 ::   File "ui.py", line 1096, in CallEvent

1214 13:20:31843 ::   File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__

1214 13:20:31843 ::   File "ui.py", line 70, in __call__

1214 13:20:31843 ::   File "uiCharacter.py", line 472, in Close

1214 13:20:31843 :: AttributeError
1214 13:20:31843 :: : 
1214 13:20:31843 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Hide'
1214 13:20:31843 :: 

To resolve... Go into the interfacemodule.py. Search in def Close(self): for:

		if self.wndCharacter:

and replace/edit to:

		if self.wndCharacter:


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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