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Everything posted by Originale

  1. Hello OG Here I am trying to locate another item is to display "Remaining: 500" to use such an item 500x I saw that this was possible on some item: Compass for Metin // id 27989 Compass for Metin // id 76006 Thor ring // id 50004 hese items on its displays the remaining number so I can watch a how it was done on his key proto.txt python c ++ in my opinion all first giving a VNUM I took the item: 40003 I change 40003 토르 의 반지 ITEM_QUEST NONE NONE NONE 0 NONE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE LIMIT_NONE APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 APPLY_NONE APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 then in the python client files I watch and would be in the uitooltip.py I can look for and as such an item of quest I put them in there elif item.ITEM_TYPE_QUEST == itemType: 40003 == if itemVnum: if 0 = metinSlot!: UseCount = int (metinSlot [0]) self.AppendSpace (5) self.AppendTextLine (localeInfo.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT% (500 - UseCount) self.NORMAL_COLOR) its shows well the remaining number "Remaining: 500" but its not count these so that I come to you by the I dry
  2. look in uitooltip.py def GetMetinSocketType(self, number): if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE == number: return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number: return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number: return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD else: item.SelectItem(number) if item.METIN_NORMAL == item.GetItemSubType(): return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER elif item.METIN_GOLD == item.GetItemSubType(): return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER elif "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE def GetMetinItemIndex(self, number): if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number: return 0 if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number: return 0 return number
  3. That as stated in the title my text scrolls from the bottom up, I want to make sure to scroll up and down I think its to do with this function private static void SortOutputHandler(object sendingProcess, DataReceivedEventArgs outLine) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data)) { if(sendingProcess.GetType() == typeof(Process)) { try { Process p = (Process)sendingProcess; string name = p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory.Split('/')[p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory.Split('/').Length -2]; TabPage page = tc.TabPages[tc.TabPages.IndexOfKey(name)]; RichTextBox output = (RichTextBox)page.Controls[page.Controls.IndexOfKey("output_" + name)]; if (outLine.Data.Length > output.MaxLength) { output.Text = ""; } if (!outLine.Data.StartsWith("[QUEST]") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("MOB") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("SKILL") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("OBJ_PROTO") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("QUEST") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith(" ") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("REFINE") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("ITEM") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("..") //&& !outLine.Data.StartsWith("[PackageCryptInfo]") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("GROUP") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("SHOP_ITEM") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("Register") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("Land") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("LAND") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("Map") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("LoadMap") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("mob") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("ObjectProto") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("DROP_ITEM") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("ETC_DROP") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("ItemIDRange") && !outLine.Data.StartsWith("FISH") && startsWithInt(outLine.Data) == false ) { output.Text = outLine.Data + Environment.NewLine + output.Text; switch(name) { case "db": if (outLine.Data.StartsWith("ClientManager pointer is")) { status[name].Text = name + " is ONLINE"; status[name].ForeColor = Color.Green; } break; case "auth": if (outLine.Data.StartsWith("[PackageCryptInfo]")) { status[name].Text = name + " is ONLINE"; status[name].ForeColor = Color.Green; } break; default: if (outLine.Data.StartsWith("FinalizeBoot")) { status[name].Text = name + " is ONLINE"; status[name].ForeColor = Color.Green; } break; } } } catch { } } } } Thank you for your reply
  4. Resolved Thank you to close the Topic and archive.
  5. Originale

    Chinese Horse

    I love mount, beautiful color. Like
  6. Thanks Ken this is what I expected to start :p
  7. it is a command to do in freebsd or add in your Makefile, to increase the time bombs
  8. Open "char.cpp" Search if (IsPC() == true && (LC_IsEurope() == true || LC_IsCanada() == true || LC_IsSingapore() == true)) replace if so it looks like this: if (IsPC() == true && (LC_IsEurope() == true || LC_IsCanada() == true || LC_IsSingapore() == true)) { addPacket.dwLevel = GetLevel(); } else { if(IsPet()){ addPacket.dwLevel = GetLevel(); }else{ addPacket.dwLevel = 0; } } Then open "PetSystem.cpp" and Search m_pkChar->SetPet(); is added below m_pkChar->SetLevel(100);
  9. I think there a significance level image compression
  10. You've managed to compile the source (Reducio) in 2013?
  11. Yes the library (Reducio) shakes just for tool but already compiled 2008 version would succeed in re-compiled newer version
  12. too crazy thing! personal well played well, good armor, very impressive skill especially the last
  13. exp_table with text file char* tmp2 = new char[64]; sprintf(tmp2, "locale/%s/exp_table.txt", temp_locale.c_str()); if ((fp = fopen(tmp2, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "~~~> exp_table section begins <~~~n"); int x = 0; while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { if(strlen(buf)>0) { if(*buf == '#') continue; char lv[32], exp_blank[32]; two_arguments(buf, lv, sizeof(lv), exp_blank, sizeof(exp_blank)); long int level = atol(lv); long long int exp = atoll(exp_blank); if(level > PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX) sys_err("Error with reading exp_table.txt! level is bigger than exp table!!!"); else { exp_table_common[level - 1] = exp; fprintf(stderr, "exp_table override: level %ld exp -> %lldn", level, exp); } x++; } } fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr, "~~~> exp_table section ends <~~~n"); } else { sys_log(0, "exp_table does not exist: %s", tmp2); } delete[] tmp2; exp_table.txt #This table is incremental! You just can add the values you want to change! #The structure: #level exp #If you want to change something, just add a new line, write down the level you want to modify and then with a space the exp you need at this level. #1 200000 #6 250000 #4 220000 Source Vanilla
  14. empty your logs, restart the server and post your logs here
  15. repair table bootlog in log DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bootlog`; CREATE TABLE `bootlog` ( `time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' , `hostname` char(128) CHARACTER SET big5 COLLATE big5_chinese_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN' , `channel` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET=big5 COLLATE=big5_chinese_ci CHECKSUM=0 ROW_FORMAT=Fixed DELAY_KEY_WRITE=0;
  16. recompile library "Cryptopp" with Vs 2013 Sp1
  17. add this to the source client: GameLibItemData.h change ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM = 3, to ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM = 4,
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