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Everything posted by Originale

  1. Mainline = Server Novaline = Client ".exe" for all compile without problem using Visual Studio 2008 SP1
  2. edit inventorywindow.py delete it: ## Title { "name" : "TitleBar", "type" : "titlebar", "style" : ("attach",), "x" : 8, "y" : 7, "width" : 161, "color" : "yellow", "children" : ( { "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":77, "y":3, "text":uiScriptLocale.INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2, "text_horizontal_align":"center" }, ), },
  3. edit: sshd_config ee /etc/ssh/sshd_config #Port 22 to Port 22 #PermissionRootLogin no to PermissionRootLogin yes ECHAT and SAVE and REBOOT
  4. Scrypt 3DS Max by Ricky92 MacroScript Load_Mdatr category: "Mdatr Tool" buttonText: "Load Mdatr file" tooltip: "Load Mdatr file" ( fName = getOpenFileName types:"Mdatr Files (*.mdatr)|*.mdatr" if fName != undefined do ( f = fopen fName "rb" if f != undefined do ( headerText = ReadString f if (headerText == "AttributeData") do ( --messageBox("Header Check OK!") numOfMeshes = ReadLong f numOfHeightPlanes = ReadLong f if (numOfHeightPlanes > 0) do ( messageBox("Warning: Numer of HeighPlanes is greater than 0. This feature is currently unsupported.") ) -- Mesh reading and creation for i = 1 to numOfMeshes do ( meshType = ReadLong f meshName = ReadString f toSeek = 31 - meshName.count fseek f toSeek #seek_cur meshX = ReadFloat f meshY = ReadFloat f meshZ = ReadFloat f --messageBox("Mesh type " + (meshType as string) + ", position: " + (meshX as string) + ", " + (meshY as string) + ", " + (meshZ as string)) obj = undefined case (meshType) of ( 0: ( -- Plane mesh scaleX = ReadFloat f scaleY = ReadFloat f obj = plane width:scaleX length:scaleY obj.position = [-meshX, meshY, meshZ] quatX = readFloat f quatY = readFloat f quatZ = readFloat f quatW= readFloat f --messageBox("Quaternion: X " + (quatX as string) + " Y " + (quatY as string) + " Z " + (quatZ as string) + " W " + (quatW as string)) rot = quat quatX quatY quatZ quatW eulerRot = quatToEuler rot order:2 rotate obj eulerRot ) 2: ( -- Sphere mesh sRadius = ReadFloat f obj = sphere radius:sRadius position:[meshX, meshY, meshZ] quatX = readFloat f quatY = readFloat f quatZ = readFloat f quatW= readFloat f --messageBox("Quaternion: X " + (quatX as string) + " Y " + (quatY as string) + " Z " + (quatZ as string) + " W " + (quatW as string)) rot = quat quatX quatY quatZ quatW eulerRot = quatToEuler rot order:2 rotate obj eulerRot ) 3: ( -- Cylinder mesh cRadius = ReadFloat f cLength = ReadFloat f obj = cylinder radius:cRadius height:cLength position:[meshX, meshY, meshZ] quatX = readFloat f quatY = readFloat f quatZ = readFloat f quatW= readFloat f --messageBox("Quaternion: X " + (quatX as string) + " Y " + (quatY as string) + " Z " + (quatZ as string) + " W " + (quatW as string)) rot = quat quatX quatY quatZ quatW eulerRot = quatToEuler rot order:1 rotate obj eulerRot ) ) obj.name = meshName ) ) ) ) )
  5. d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/ 0 > 9.sub m.sub g.sub p.sub f1 > f4.sub
  6. ymir work/ui/windows.dds just below the bubble experience
  7. Hi friendly Here I encrypt my galley root cause of a pack CHECK TYPE 2 for root and pack uiscript xP3NG3Rx to successful thanks to a dif [spooiler] This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler metin2client_r36469.exe DISABLE TYPE2 CHECK #1. 0018E92C: 3C 90 0018E92D: 02 90 0018E92E: 74 90 0018E92F: 04 90 0018E930: 3C 90 0018E931: 03 90 0018E932: 75 90 0018E933: 1A 90 0018E946: 39 90 0018E947: 86 90 0018E948: B4 90 0018E949: 00 90 0018E94A: 00 90 0018E94B: 00 90 0018E94C: 75 90 0018E94D: 78 90 DISABLE TYPE2 CHECK #2. 0018EC54: 3C 90 0018EC55: 02 90 0018EC56: 74 90 0018EC57: 04 90 0018EC58: 3C 90 0018EC59: 03 90 0018EC5A: 75 90 0018EC5B: 1A 90 0018EC6E: 39 90 0018EC6F: 86 90 0018EC70: B4 90 0018EC71: 00 90 0018EC72: 00 90 0018EC73: 00 90 0018EC74: 75 90 0018EC75: 78 90 I tried to find the equivalent in the source of the launcher and the dependent but I is not find anything or I spend a dimension: (
  8. There is nothing concrete and well led But the best I could find and EPack32 [Hidden Content]
  9. I dream or character are more tanned ? ^^
  10. I just look for a can but I'm falling on something else [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Google I find it on my computer [Hidden Content]
  11. Cuckoo friends Here I finally managed to compile the official tool that create the pack I'm glad me and I said thank you friend I will publish in Basic version has the BGM pack is because it's nice to have Compiled ect ... But now he must understand ^ ^ So we had to improve its functioning Also see the return of the people on this Tool Link: [Hidden Content]
  12. Up Big Help I like the tool TIM I want to use it ^^ Aussi TIM je voulais te demande a tu déjâ penser a sortire une petit source de ton tool ? To benefit the community
  13. hello Well now I have a big care Encryption with File Archiver when I try to encrypt the root pack the client not start: ( The files have Type 1, 2, 3, 4 or RAW, LZO, XTEA | LZO, PANAMA It changes nothing Can someone help me Edit Up Anyone has a solution? FileArchiver.exe works very well with all other update the root package. Its either as its or as its Encrypting the root does not work
  14. Who managed to withdraw the verification of pack? SYSERR: RunMain Error Check File Type Type 0 = py Type 1 = txt, msm ect ...
  15. tried to replace its m_len_orig_msg = snprintf(m_orig_msg, sizeof(m_orig_msg), "%s : %s", m_szName, m_szChat) + 1; by m_len_orig_msg = snprintf(m_orig_msg, sizeof(m_orig_msg), "%s %s: %s", m_szName, m_bEmpire, m_szChat) + 1; in input_main.cpp file No Tested
  16. how can I fix this error? LOG PackName: metin2_patch_5th_armor - C/S Hybrid Encrypt ExtNameList gr2 dds txt msm msa + PackList + Making metin2_patch_5th_armor pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/chagirap.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/chagirap.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/chagirap_01.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/chagirap_lod01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/die.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/die.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/motlist.txt pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/run.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/run.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/shape.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/wait.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/wait.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/walk.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/chagirap/walk.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/eojiryu.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/eojiryu.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/eojiryu.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/motlist.txt pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/wait.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/wait.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/wait1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/eojiryu/wait1.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gangyo_patrol_spear/gangyo_patrol_spear_01.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gangyo_patrol_spear/gangyo_patrol_spear_01.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/gilaso.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/gilaso.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/gilaso.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/motlist.txt pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/wait.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/wait.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/wait1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/gilaso/wait1.msa pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/jinno_patrol_spear/jinno_patrol_spear_01.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/jinno_patrol_spear/jinno_patrol_spear_01.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/spy1/spy1_01.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/npc/spy1/spy1_01.msm pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/assassin_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/assassin_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/assassin_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/assassin_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/assassin_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/shaman_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/shaman_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/shaman_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/shaman_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/shaman_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/sura/sura_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/sura/sura_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/sura/sura_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/sura/sura_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/sura/sura_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/assassin_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/assassin_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/assassin_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/assassin_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/assassin_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/shaman_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/shaman_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/shaman_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/shaman_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/shaman_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/sura_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/sura_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/sura_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/sura_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/sura_5_1_lod_03.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/warrior_5_1.dds pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/warrior_5_1.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/warrior_5_1_lod_01.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/warrior_5_1_lod_02.gr2 pack failed: d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/warrior_5_1_lod_03.gr2 the software uses junction.exe and path are d :/ Ymir work / you need a hard disk or a small 20gb partition with the letter D
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