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Everything posted by HFWhite

  1. The metin attach part is broken for me I did everything like the tutorial. it looks like this:
  2. No viruses (only on 3 useless anti-virus programs that nobody use) You have 2 video tutorials: one for installing it and one for updating the files on the autopatcher. https://mega.nz/folder/Hg8iDLKB#5zV4oXdbXBTfVTwH3doOgg Compile on Debug!
  3. Question: How did you make the Refine window to take 2 diamonds at a time when refining? Because I see when you click on a diamond it puts 2 in the refine window. ([Hidden Content]) I'd like to add this too in my system Fix for your problem: DragonSoul.cpp ---> Search: DWORD DSManager::MakeDragonSoulVnum(BYTE bType, BYTE grade, BYTE step, BYTE refine) replace the function with * 1000 or whatever, with: return bType * 10000 + grade * 1000 + step * 100 + refine * 11;
  4. There's a small bug, if you change the cursor to an item you don't have equipped, it will be like in the gif below. How can we refresh the compare tooltip in real time so it would hide when the cursor moves to an item you don;t have equipped? [Hidden Content]
  5. Another common bug, the tooltip of the objects sometimes stick to the cursor. https://metin2.download/picture/2UWntujr827gvqVERGcI9cE5ZiRc43kj/.gif
  6. To further clarify this issue (because I spent 1 hour to find out the cause of this): This "client crashes when opening the second client" issue happens because you ran out of GPU/CPU Memory on your PC, so when another process starts (opening of a new app, for example a second metin2 client), the current one (in your case the first metin2 client) will crash because there's not enough memory for the new one. I encountered this issue after I left my pc with 1000 apps opened (photoshop, virtual box, chrome, messenger, metin2 client, etc etc) so when I opened a new client the other one crashed (not every time!) and I did not know why. So don't worry guys! There are no problems with your client, it's just your GPU/CPU memory running low. Restart your PC and clean your files by deleting the junk you don't need, close some apps..
  7. Thank you! I'm still using Hamachi because I have 2 servers running simultaneously on my machine.. I didn't event think Hamachi was the cause of my slow internet speed.
  8. @ Mali You can update the Github with this Update: Setting will be written in metin2.cfg and will be saved when re-opening the client: And done. Now the setting will be saved in Metin2.cfg and it will save after re-opening the client.
  9. Yes, I have the same problem.. Gif here Solved: remove this from interfacemodule.py: self.wndExpandedTaskBar and \ and this: self.wndExpandedTaskBar.IsShow() or \
  10. s Nothing's lost forever on the internet [Hidden Content]
  11. Every server has this.. it's a game from 2004. ofc it will have bugs. do this: And also do this: (battle.cpp) Search for: if (!victim->IsBuilding()) { int max = 300; if (false == ch->IsPC()) { max = (int) (ch->GetMobAttackRange() * 1.15f); } else { if (false == victim->IsPC() && BATTLE_TYPE_MELEE == victim->GetMobBattleType()) max = MAX(300, (int) (victim->GetMobAttackRange() * 1.15f)); } if (distance > max) { if (test_server) sys_log(0, "VICTIM_FAR: %s distance: %d max: %d", ch->GetName(), distance, max); return BATTLE_NONE; } } And replace the 300 with 350/375 Search for: bool battle_distance_valid_by_xy(long x, long y, long tx, long ty) { long distance = DISTANCE_APPROX(x - tx, y - ty); if (distance > 170) return false; return true; } Replace the 170 with 350/375
  12. The lzo update is working. The file "chest_drop" must be encrypted with the same lzo_keys as the ones set in ItemManager.cpp . If the lzo keys used in the encryption of the "special_item_group.txt" are not the same, you will get an error while logging in.
  13. For those who have errors compiling the binary source, include this in ItemManager.h: #include <unordered_map>
  14. Yeah.. I still have VS2013 so if someone can find a fix for the errors on this vs version, that would be awesome. If not, no problem. Solved Thanks @ Malifor the tips! If anyone has this problem: Comment the static constexpr line from the header file and then go to the cpp file: Search for: inputFile.open and outputFile.open and then change them like this: inputFile.open("pickupfile.dat", std::ios::binary); outputFile.open("pickupfile.dat", std::ios::binary);
  15. I tried but it shows the same error can you please share with me your pythonsystem.h? also, do you have VS22 ?
  16. oh okay, so I need to update my binary source. got it. Any work-around it until then? Thanks. What about const auto?
  17. I have this error, do you know how to solve it? [Hidden Content]
  18. @ TMP4there's a single bug I found. When you leave the looser reward and you kill one player it automatically teleports the killer in map1. It doesn't give the warning first.
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