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Everything posted by HFWhite

  1. You can do it like that. Let's say you have a quest that starts with "when login or levelup with level >=35 and level <= 40" The reason the quest does not disappear is that the state is initiated when you level up between 35 & 40 Even after you get to level 50 let's say, you still have that state active. To delete a quest when your level is higher than 40, you need to call the COMPLETE state func. something like this: is pc.get_level >40 then Add here state quest completion funcs end
  2. I saw this topic but my problem is that the icon does not load at all!
  3. Hello. I just updated my devil lib to 1.8.0 but when I change my dll from client to 1.8.0 version I have a problem with guild mark icons. When I change my guild Icon ingame, it appears empty. I think there's a problem between client <~> server. Do I need to update something in game source? If so how and what? My server runs on Freebsd & compile with Clang14.
  4. do the tutorial from github not from m2download
  5. Yep. Working. I've added a search function as well:
  6. yes, that's the problem. you have to add into this funtion: CPythonTextTail::TTextTail * CPythonTextTail::RegisterShopTextTail(DWORD dwVirtualID, const char * c_szText, CGraphicObjectInstance * pOwner) your pTextTails
  7. Oh please do! Most of the old clients and serverfiles are long lost unfortunately.
  8. As you probably know, abesgaara was one of the first private server modded clients. It was one of the most used clients of all time in the 2008-2013 era. I found them in my old drive and I want to share them with you, both versions v3.5 (The Evolution CATACLYSM) and v3.7 (Fall of the Cataclysm) Abesgaara v3.5: [Hidden Content] Abesgaara v3.7: [Hidden Content]
  9. You need to complete the alchemist mission or remove this restriction from source.
  10. I still think your old Quest Renewal was better: [Hidden Content]
  11. Yeah, I've tested it and It solved my issues with the tooltip stuck to the cursor. Thank you!!!
  12. I have this on loading ingame after tp, when I hover my cursor over taskbar (item/skill) and then move the mouse I usually have this annoying bug. or do this to replicate: [Hidden Content]
  13. is this a fix also for when the tooltip gets stuck to the cursor?
  14. What does SECONDCOIN do ?? If i write "50011" on priceVnum and on price "200" It tells me I dont have enough yang to buy the item.
  15. On costume mounts you apply the bonuses directly on the item from item_proto..
  16. shouldn't you write it like this then? because now it acts like this for all songs.. if (musicInfo.fieldMusic == "xmas.mp3"): netFieldMusicFileName = net.GetFieldMusicFileName() if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) elif netFieldMusicFileName: snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + netFieldMusicFileName) else: netFieldMusicFileName = net.GetFieldMusicFileName() if netFieldMusicFileName: snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + netFieldMusicFileName) elif musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
  17. Can you give me the old version so i can remove it and add the new one? edit: nevermind, I did not see it on the repo there.
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