Example Damage Pakets
PLAYER1 regulary sending normal damage pakets to the server - everything is fine -
PLAYER2 use a dmg hack from lalaka1 and sending damage pakets to fast 6 in less then one second to the server
SYSTEM see that somenthing is wrong and that PLAYER2 sending the pakets to fast to the server - and kick this crap user -
a complete good solution for most of damage hacks
NOTICE okay half complete u also can make a log for that observate the player2
over youre [GM]'s , [GA]'s [SGM]'s and ban player2
but you are right !
it gives other ways to make a damage hack and to understand that and fixing it you
just have to understand how the actual damage hack works as a another example coders use the function
AttackSpeed also to make a damage hack ! u just have to make a check for it and you are done with it because
see my example we just need:
a complete good solution
i didnt mean it bad my english sucks sometimes and it gives a option to regulate the damage pakets inside
the game branch and that we are searching for and for the other hacks remember u just have to understand
how they works and if u find a solution to it a good one to deny all other dmg hacks and not just one share it
because it helps our community and i love the people here im just crazy sometimes and sometimes people dont
understand my way of thinking...
Sincerly Community Kitty Meleys