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Everything posted by PACI

  1. In my opinion you shouldn't upgrade to lua 5.2, since your core is used mostly by those who can't or who doesn't know how to compile their own cores. Let's say it's for beginners, and as you might know, there are some functions that were deprecated too. So instead of being easier using your cores, it'd harder for beginners. Anyway, keep up the awesome work you've been doing.
  2. Why are you doing lots of if-statements that are doing the same? Oh, and btw: for i = 1, 7, 1 do table.remove(tablename, i) end Is an incorrect way to remove anything from a table, you should use instead: for i = 7, 1, -1 do table.remove(tablename, i) end
  3. 10032 is probably the value of something on special_item_group.txt. That function inserts on the table the vnum of an item that the player has. That's the same than: local items = {} if pc.count_item(19) > 0 then table.insert(items, 19) end
  4. Nowadays, GM Guild Building, at least on gameforge servers, is used as football map. Thanks for share btw.
  5. service mysql-server status If it isn't running, try to run it with: service mysql-server start
  6. But you tried using table.getn or checking if it was a nil value? if T4[1] ~= nil then say("...") else say("...2") end
  7. Probably T4 is a nil value, try this: if T4 ~= nil then say("values available") else say("no values available") end
  8. Use table.getn instead booleans. if table.getn(T4) > 0 then -- or table.getn(T4[1]) say("values available") else say("no values available") end
  9. You're trying to set a table as event flag's name. When you are running the SELECT function on a query, it'll always return a table. function flag() local gf = mysql_query("SELECT flag_value FROM player.flag WHERE available='YES' LIMIT 1") return tostring(gf[1][1]) end when ... begin game.set_event_flag(test2.flag(), 1) end
  10. Hello. It says that MakePack_r.exe doesn't exists. Please, update the download link including the .exe missing. Thank you. Well, nevermind, I gotta use junction.exe instead. Thanks anyway.
  11. Don't do this kind of things on the client, since everyone is able to modify it. Instead, do it on the game core, and log everything into a MySQL table. Edit: And btw, since you are using variables, closing the client and opening it again would bypass that.
  12. It's not. That was the first thing I checked. The .gr2 I use seems buggy too.
  13. Did I said it was buggy? No. I don't really care with devil's catacomb's quest. If this one wasn't working as it was suppost to work, and I made some changes that allows me to complete the dungeon without problems, why I wouldn't use the quest with the changes I made? lol Anyway, do whatever you want. I use the quest I posted, if you want to use it, nice, if not, ctrl + w.
  14. The last movie I watched was Project X. Sincerely I've to watch some new movies.
  15. You're wrong again. if d.getf("level") == 1 then (...) server_loop_timer("killed_A_1", 12, d.get_map_index()) (...) elseif d.getf("level") == 3 then (...) server_loop_timer("killed_A_1", 5, d.get_map_index()) (...)And also, what didn't you understand of server_loop_timer ?
  16. I didn't disable anything. As I said before, if it works for me, and for him, it works for you too.
  17. Sorry, the discussion of Metin2 cheats is not allowed on this forum. -- Rumor
  18. I gave the quest I use to Nightwish and, as I was specting, it works for him. So, if it works for me, and for him, obviously it'll work for you too. Btw, I use quest_text table instead of gameforge table for the quest's text. Remember to change it!
  19. You are not qualified to use dragon soul system as well as using item command with dragon soul items. quest ds_give_qualification begin state start begin when login begin ds.give_qualification() end end end
  20. Why don't you, instead of sending the costumes to the mall inventory, send a box which contains the costume that the player bought?
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