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Everything posted by PACI

  1. Wrong. Your item_proto decides which bonus you'll receive when you summon a pet.
  2. Thanks ! Another one function that i can't find it : give_or_drop_item_and_select is there any similar function or will be implemented? pc.give_item2_select
  3. There's a command which works like your cmdchat. Nice idea anyway, I didn't even think about it.
  4. What I think is DSS is a bit useless, unless you have other ideas in your mind.
  5. Which Vanilla core are you using? The one with 4 inventory pages, or the normal? If you're using the 4th inventory pages core, then you should edit your client, take a look to this thread: Metin2 - 4 Inventory Page.
  6. He probably wanted to say locale_string.txt. And also, you're wrong when you say that special_item_group is for bosses' boxes. It's a file that contains special item's groups, so that includes quest's items, effect's items as well as bosses' boxes.
  7. Before you start a new thread, make sure that there are more threads with the same subject than yours or we will have lots of threads with the same thing. For item_proto you've to use dump_proto: dump_proto 40k+. And the intrologin issue: Client Problem [Login Interface].
  8. I think, nothing to do with what you say. Because you are looking wrong place. They are just for accessories, then you wrote new function we don't need to write new function, we just need to extend existing functions So, you're saying that by changing the variable which contains the socket count is enough? By that logic, for example, increasing the number of inventory pages would be just change it's variable. But it's not. I'd anyway try to do that. If the result is the same than without that piece of code, then remove it.
  9. Please, read my comment again, and you'll see I wasn't talking about pc.get_account_id(). @ThoseWhoHaveTheInventoryProblem did you even tried to write 1 instead 0? Maybe that config is 1 for deactive, 0 for active.
  10. Really nice work, keep going. There's a pc.get_player_id() already xD
  11. Well, the error says all, 05340.gr2 isn't supported. I don't know how to solve that btw.
  12. Why did you creat another thread if you already bumped the other?
  13. It is already included on the code he posted.
  14. Remove, when the db (and auth) is(are) started, the env line on your start script. It's impossible to load a game core library on db core.
  15. There was an example of the config.yml's syntax on iMer's lib source: I don't know where it has to be placed, but try to place it on the same path than the lib is.
  16. Seems like the library wasn't loaded correctly. However, you shown your start shell script and it seems good. Well, depending on your OS (if it's 32 or 64 bits) you've to use env LD_PRELOAD, for 32 bits, or env LD_32_PRELOAD, for a 64 bits OS.
  17. Try to replace your libstdc++.so.6 with this one (from iMer too).
  18. iMer's LibGame includes pc2.set_level function: [Lib+Source][34k]iMers LibGame.
  19. We, between quotation marks, help how we know. Probably about 60% of the community doesn't even know how to work with the source, and all we can do is give you suggestions, the others may be busy with their servers or other kind of stuff. However, the fact of asking for the next version release, means that we like and we respect the work you are doing, that's why there's a donation button to your project, because, as you said, you get nothing doing this. You shouldn't think we don't like to help, because we probably don't know how to help you.
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