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Everything posted by PACI

  1. Exactly. In my case, I made a new quest function.
  2. Hello. Today I could solve this issue by following these steps: 1. Open command prompt; 2. dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:netfx3; 3. dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3. But now, the problem is on .NET Framework 2.0. It seems like Visual Studio 2008 needs to install Microsoft Document Explore, and to install it, I need .NET Framework 2.0. And I have it indeed, however the setup seems not to be able to verify it.
  3. Hello. During this week, I've been trying to install VS 2008 to compile the client's binary, however I've never could install it succesfully. logs: [Hidden Content] I tried to install .NET Framework 3.5 first and then continue with vs' setup, but always getting the same thing, and I don't even know what to do now.. I've been searching on google for any fix, but nothing helpful. So does anyone have any idea ?
  4. Intrologin.py, line 310. I think there would have something like this: ServerStateChecker.Destroy() Replace it with: ServerStateChecker.Initialize()
  5. Why don't you write a table with metin stone's level? e.g: [8001] = 5, [8002] = 10, [8003] = 15, etc
  6. In my opinion, we are not here to get likes. This community is not like others may see, that those who have more likes or thanks are the VIP's of the forum. And also: read before asking for help. Now answering to the thread, [Hidden Content] I know who are you, and you know who I am. I hope you aren't here only for ask for help, but also for help the others.
  7. ./vrunner --daemon --pid-path=pid.db --file=db --env="LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libdb_notxt.so" >> autorun.log 2>&1 &
  8. Kinda of achievement shop I think. I would just replace this: With this: if pc.getqf("points") >= items[slot][3] then if not pc.enough_inventory(items[slot][1]) then syschat("You don't have enough space on your inventory.") return end pc.setqf("points", pc.getqf("points")-items[slot][3]) cmdchat("setPP "..pc.getqf("points")) pc.give_item2(items[slot][1], items[slot][2]) else ... end
  9. It's not new.. there was always there since we work with metin2.
  10. [Hidden Content] I think you are just ignoring this lol addon_type -1
  11. Try this: quest regenbogen begin state start begin when 50512.use begin local job_name = {{"Arahan", "Partisan"},{"Ninja","Archer"},{"Black Magic","Mirage"},{"Lighting","Dragon"}} local sk = special.active_skill_list[pc.get_job()+1][pc.get_skill_group()] say_title(item_name(item.vnum)) say"[ENTER]Choose your class!" table.insert(job_name[pc.get_job()+1], "Close") local a = select_table(job_name[pc.get_job()+1]) if a < table.getn(job_name[pc.get_job()+1]) then pc.set_skill_group(a) for i = 1, table.getn(sk) do if pc.get_skill_level(sk[i]) < 40 then pc.set_skill_level(sk[i], 40) end end say("Now, your skills are on the Perfect Master Level![ENTER]Good luck!") pc.remove_item(item.vnum, 1) end end end end
  12. Just read the code.. def __SetItemTitle(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot): if itemVnum == XXXX: # XXXX = item vnum self.AppendTextLine("[Pandora 2]", grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 10, 1.0)) # r,g,b,alpha if self.__IsPolymorphItem(itemVnum): self.__SetPolymorphItemTitle(metinSlot[0]) else: if self.__IsAttr(attrSlot): self.__SetSpecialItemTitle() return self.__SetNormalItemTitle()
  13. On uitooltip.py replacing all: item.GetItemName() with: "[Your Server's Name]n" + item.GetItemName() should work.
  14. You can simply use item.get_value and item.set_value instead of mysql_query.
  15. If you read the code, you'll see two integers, version and date, which are equal to the client version and the g_stClientVersion string, so if the string is bigger than the client version, it'll print that text and disconnect the character in 10 seconds. What I've done to "fix" it, is change the > to !=, so if both versions are different, it'll always disconnect the character.
  16. I thought it wasn't allowed to post copyrighted content too, that's why I said that.
  17. You aren't allowed to post source functions since they were made by ymir..
  18. d.set_unique("door", d.spawn_mob_ac_dir(101, pc.get_local_x(), pc.get_local_y(), dir)dir -> mob direction. The function d.spawn_mob_ac_dir is only available on rev 40k, I think there's another but for 34k.
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