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Everything posted by ATAG

  1. Did you look at that line in item_proto? 85000 ?????ITEM_MATERIAL MATERIAL_LEATHER 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_MYSHOP | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_SAFEBOX ITEM_STACKABLE NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 There's a missing tab between the name and the type, should be: ?????? ITEM_MATERIAL ...just guessing
  2. Another fix, to make the target.pos working again: game/target.cpp search for pck.lID = iID; pck.lX = x; #if defined(BL_PRIVATESHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM) pck.bIsShopSearch = bIsShopSearch; #endif And add the missing (deleted) y coord pck.lID = iID; pck.lX = x; pck.lY = y; #if defined(BL_PRIVATESHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM) pck.bIsShopSearch = bIsShopSearch; #endif
  3. Maybe a dumb question, but is there any way to "pop up" a quest scroll? levelup.quest stopped working after the upgrade. The makequestbutton function is dead by itself, but send_letter works. This way it is unable to use the 'when info begin' event Maybe i missed something?
  4. In test mode there's an error message: Btw since the pc.mining() triggers the mining event (from the quest) you don't need to create a new event for it, you can run your code directly from mining.quest Here is an example what i am talking about: new_event_test.quest quest new_event_test begin state start begin function mine() notice("You are mining :)") end when fish begin ... mining.quest ... when 20047.click or 20048.click or 20049.click or 20050.click or 20051.click or 20052.click or 20053.click or 20054.click or 20055.click or 20056.click or 20057.click or 20058.click or 20059.click or 30301.click or 30302.click or 30303.click or 30304.click or 30305.click begin if pc.is_mount() != true then new_event_test.mine() pc.mining() end end ... You have to add new_event_test.mine to quest_functions, and it works like a charm
  5. Change (UserInterface->Settings) your output directory to your client directory OR copy your whole client to your output directory (i prefer this one), then
  6. app.SPECIAL_ACTION_START_INDEX is 101, you can replace it instead of deleting...
  7. The data you try to add is wrong, maybe you should post it here
  8. Also can use the 'Refunded' status flag to reduce the cash balance
  9. After hours of searching for what was causing the first (quest scroll) problem, I couldn't figure it out, but I found a dirty workaround. Use it at your own risk In root/interfacemodule.py search: def __del__(self): systemSetting.DestroyInterfaceHandler() event.SetInterfaceWindow(None) And change it to: def __del__(self): systemSetting.DestroyInterfaceHandler() #event.SetInterfaceWindow(None) It doesn't solve the problem, just bypasses it!
  10. A quick fix on the target.vid quest function: in game/target.cpp search: #if defined(BL_PRIVATESHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM) case TARGET_TYPE_VID_SHOP_SEARCH: #endif { tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(info->iArg1); add the missing "case TARGET_TYPE_VID :" #if defined(BL_PRIVATESHOP_SEARCH_SYSTEM) case TARGET_TYPE_VID_SHOP_SEARCH: #endif case TARGET_TYPE_VID: { tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(info->iArg1);
  11. Open SphereLib/spherepack.h, search for inline void LostChild(SpherePack *pack); and delete the keyword "inline" void LostChild(SpherePack *pack);
  12. locale.py line #78 : def IsEUROPE(): global __IS_EUROPE return __IS_EUROPE Your root package is outdated...
  13. Maybe it's some mob_proto or data/monster error...
  14. Open db/src/ClientManager.cpp In function CClientManager::RESULT_SAFEBOX_LOAD look for: if (pItemTable->bType == ITEM_UNIQUE) { if (pItemAward->dwSocket2 != 0) dwSocket2 = pItemAward->dwSocket2; else dwSocket2 = pItemTable->alValues[0]; } else if ((dwItemVnum == 50300 || dwItemVnum == 70037) && pItemAward->dwSocket0 == 0) And edit like below: if (pItemTable->bType == ITEM_UNIQUE) { if (pItemAward->dwSocket2 != 0) dwSocket2 = pItemAward->dwSocket2; else dwSocket2 = pItemTable->alValues[0]; } else if (pItemTable->bType == ITEM_WEAPON || pItemTable->bType == ITEM_ARMOR) { dwSocket2 = pItemAward->dwSocket2; } else if ((dwItemVnum == 50300 || dwItemVnum == 70037) && pItemAward->dwSocket0 == 0)
  15. This quest is wrong. Use the original one. quest chagne_name begin state start begin when 71055.use begin if pc.is_married() then say("You cannot change your name if you are married.") say("") return end if pc.is_polymorphed() then say("You cannot change your name if you are transformed.") say("") return end if pc.has_guild() then say("You cannot change your name if you are in a guild. ") say("") return end if party.is_party() then say("You cannot change your name if you are in a party.") say("") return end if pc.get_level() < 35 then say("You need level 35 to change your name!") say("") return end if get_time() < pc.getqf("next_time") then say("You can not use it now.") say("") if is_test_server() == true then say("Since it's test server, you can go") say("") else return end end say("Please enter the name you want to have") ; local name = pc.name ; local str = input() ; if string.len(str) > 16 then say("This name is too long. Please try again.") say("") return end local ret = pc.change_name(str) ; if ret == 0 then say("You didn't log in after you have changed your name.") say("please re-log in.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "HAVE NOT RE-LOGIN") elseif ret == 1 then say("The problem occured while using the item.") say("Please use again.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "ITEM USE PROBLEM") elseif ret == 2 then say("The name is not available.") say("Please enter other name.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "CAN NOT USE NAME") elseif ret == 3 then say("The name is not available.") say("Please enter other name.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "ALREADY USING NAME") elseif ret == 4 then say("You have changed your name successfully.") say("Please log in again.") say("") item.remove() ; pc.setqf("next_time", get_time() + time_hour_to_sec(24*15)) char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "SUCCESS: from "..name.." to "..str) else say("Unknown error occured.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "UNKNOWN NAME") end end end end
  16. mainline is mainline, mainline_released is SG. I said mainline
  17. Use the mainline branch for game/db, nova (server part) is bugged/unfinished.
  18. Do a gmake clean in game/src and db/src (and delete every *.o from OBJECT, if needed) then run gmake in Server and after that gmake in Server/game/src
  19. It's a nice boost error. Try to use the extern/include/boost from mainline. Or use the full mainline branch, nova is bugged.
  20. You are not able to compile the game on x64 FreeBSD. (only in native mode without -m32 flag, but the client will be incompatible by the different packet sizes)
  21. Avatar (yes, i prefer to watch movies at home)
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