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Everything posted by Koray

  1. this mainline branch generic bug (I dont have any idea for other branchs)
  2. ​ Hi, the problem happen even using the command "/mount_test ID" then should be on the quest commands. Sure? But i'm going to try it. ​Because mount affect values not correct calculated
  3. I think this bug due from mount so is not energy Try this Find pc_mount_bonus function in questlua_pc.cpp if( NULL != ch ) { ch->RemoveAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT_BONUS); ch->AddAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT_BONUS, aApplyInfo[applyOn].bPointType, value, AFF_NONE, duration, 0, false); } Replace if(ch) { if (!ch->GetMountVnum()) return 0; ch->RemoveAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT_BONUS); ch->AddAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT_BONUS, aApplyInfo[applyOn].bPointType, value, AFF_NONE, duration, 0, false); }
  4. Next time try with epack anyway here is unpacked folder [Hidden Content]
  5. "This pack files impossible to open". and " I open with Eternexus" lel
  6. Your need split this veriables with virgule like A = 0, B = 10, C = 3 etc..
  7. 2 options avaible "fontsize" -> LARGE Tahoma:14 SMALL Tahoma:9 or direct "size" -> "xx"
  8. Already have this func player.PickCloseItem() Here is func list [Hidden Content]
  9. If you want run file Scriptlib/Pylauncher.cpp RunFile("file.py") If you want run line Scriptlib/Pylauncher.cpp RunLine("import dbg\ndbg.LogBox('test')") If you want call existing func PyCallClassMemberFunc(class handle, "func", Py_BuildValue("(args)"));
  10. Quest Part; Search: local i = tonumber(input(cmdchat("Teleport GetInfo")))+1 add it upper cmdchat("INPUT_BLOCK_ON") and add it under cmdchat("INPUT_BLOCK_OFF") like this cmdchat("INPUT_BLOCK_ON") local i = tonumber(input(cmdchat("Teleport GetInfo")))+1 cmdchat("INPUT_BLOCK_OFF") Client part; Now open game.py add this commands in serverCommandList "INPUT_BLOCK_ON" : self.__Input_block_on, "INPUT_BLOCK_OFF" : self.__Input_block_off, and add this funcs def __Input_block_on(self): constInfo.CApiSetHide = 1 def __Input_block_off(self): constInfo.CApiSetHide = 0 try now @.plechito'
  11. uiminimap.py search self.serverInfo.SetText(net.GetServerInfo()) add it under self.serverInfo.Show()
  12. 1)Examples: [Hidden Content] 2)Search "IMPROVED_PACKET_ENCRYPTION"
  13. Thanks for share btw NANOBEGIN/NANOEND used with Armadillo Protector SDK
  14. I don't see too much hardly or impossible anything, Great idea in my option very usefull for bosses but needed 20/20+ new model/pet creation. Good luck
  15. ServerStateChecker.Destroy(self) change this line with ServerStateChecker.Initialize(self)
  16. Change this line net.SetLoginInfo(decode_string(net.ACCOUNT_ID), decode_string(net.ACCOUNT_PW)) with net.SetLoginInfo(net.ACCOUNT_ID, net.ACCOUNT_PW)
  17. "luaL_Reg" this like vanilla code style [Hidden Content]
  18. I recommend VMProtect really have very little false positive alert
  19. The problem wit you dll is that shows virus. ( Is a good proection, but if you can make dont's show virus (( Use crypter or packager, I don't think 1~3/56 too much problem
  20. http://metin2dev.org/board/index.php?/topic/6554-professional-protection-system/?view=findpost&p=41602
  21. great idea good job thanks for share
  22. import net def GetSex(): race = net.GetMainActorRace() if race in [0, 2, 5, 7, 8]: return "man" elif race in [1, 3, 4, 6]: return "woman"
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