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Everything posted by Koray

  1. Yes inf is Cython Module But TKMT2; Game Revision : 2089 Client Revision : 2089 How does it do? Cython is support Python 2.4 and 2.4+ so it doesn't matter
  2. gta5 is highly successful(optimization, gameplay etc.) and quality, deserves the pay. I recommend your receive
  3. in char_battle.cpp Function: CHARACTER::UseArrow Remove or comment this part pkArrow->SetCount(iCount); And find this(not one, multi part) m_me->UseArrow(pkArrow, iUseArrow); Remove or comment this parts
  4. Working only Python 2.5 and 2.5+(New in version 2.5) Necessary Libs; urllib, urllib2, _socket, hashlib Usage: /cleverbot: Show bot status. active or passive /cleverbot_open: Activate cleverbot /cleverbot_close: Disable cleverbot or your can change in game options The fallowing 2 files throw into in root [Hidden Content] constinfo.py open CleverBot = 0add it game.py open under imports import CleverBotadd it Find this function def OnRecvWhisper(self, mode, name, line):add this code(like this) new_nl = line.split(" : ") if constInfo.CleverBot == 1: whisper_module = CleverBot.Run(self, mode, new_nl[0], new_nl[1]) uichat.py openFind this function def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type):add this code(like this)[Hidden Content] uigameoption.py open Find this function def __Initialize(self):add this code(like this) self.cleverTextButtonList = []Find this function def __Load_BindObject(self):add this code(like this) self.cleverTextButtonList.append(GetObject("clevertext_on_button")) self.cleverTextButtonList.append(GetObject("clevertext_off_button"))Find this function def __Load(self):add this code(like this) self.cleverTextButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCleverTextOnButton) self.cleverTextButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCleverTextOffButton)Find this function def __CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(self):add this code(like this)[Hidden Content] uiscript/gameoptiondialog.py open Find this "height" : 25*11+8,Will have 2x result, Your change both them with this code, if the numbers are different enough to add +2 "height" : 27*11+8,First part; [Hidden Content] part; [Hidden Content] Go down to the bottom and find this code "name" : "salestext_off_button", "type" : "radio_button", "x" : LINE_DATA_X+MIDDLE_BUTTON_WIDTH, "y" : 240, "text" : uiScriptLocale.OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_01.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_02.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_03.sub", }, Add fallowing code add it under [Hidden Content] Readily example [Hidden Content] When you activated bot, bot will show you as "[bOT]: message" like this
  5. Metin2 has lost its popularity as official(thought it was not different for pvp), MOBA games and mobile games more popular and more attention. Now metin2 and similar types of games gain will not be. As we all know, Gameforge doing completely P2W type games and killing the life of the game, I defend that the future of the alternatives should be considered
  6. If you want open url in ingame browser def OpenWebWindow(self): width, height = int(max(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() / 2, 800)), int(min(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() / 1.5, 600)) x, y = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() / 2 - width / 2, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() / 2 - height / 2 self.webWindow = ui.BoardWithTitleBar() self.webWindow.AddFlag("movable") self.webWindow.AddFlag("attach") self.webWindow.SetSize(width, height) self.webWindow.SetPosition(x, y) app.ShowWebPage("[Hidden Content]", (x+10, y+40, x+width-20, y+height-40)) self.webWindow.Show() self.webWindow.SetTop() def HideWebWindow(self): self.webWindow.Hide() app.HideWebPage() If you want open url in normal web browser def OpenUrlWithBrowser(self): import os url="[Hidden Content]" os.popen("start %s" % (url))
  7. This not hard, you fetch item.attrs with function(ready function available) and get attr table values with function or query(lv1, lv2 etc.) and compare them
  8. I think problem due from quest indexes, You write indexes to manually so I don't know this true or false but try with this Your first get your true quest index with start statement when login begin cmdchat("my_quest_index_this "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end Now save "my_quest_index_this" veriable in python Search def __ServerCommand_Build(self): Add it under; "my_quest_index_this" : self.SaveMyQuestIndex, Now add this function, for save quest id in veriable def SaveMyQuestIndex(self, quest_id): constInfo.MyQuestIndex = int(quest_id) Finally create quest id veriable in constinfo.py MyQuestIndex = 0 And.. Call with this quest index event.QuestButtonClick(constInfo.MyQuestIndex)
  9. Try it; |cFFFF0000|hYOURTEXTINHEREFF0000 part = Color hex code (this example for red)
  10. in UserInterface.cpp find this int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) add it under LoadLibraryA("dllname.dll);
  11. I think player.SetItemData function (so item creator function) is unused, remove or rename from your source
  12. You can not use directly game function, so you need a hook add your script under def __init__ self.Inithookabrir()Add this function in your script def Inithookabrir(self): global oldAbrir oldAbrir = game.GameWindow.abrirlogo game.GameWindow.abrirlogo = self.Abrir and you use with like this oldAbrir = 0 def Abrir(self): """add Your functions""" global oldAbrir self.oldAbrir()
  13. Check your proto tables This error due from like gold_min is greater than gold_max or mob min attack value is greater than mob max attack value
  14. First, you create any image for background Create your board base with background self.backg = ui.ImageBox() self.backg.LoadImage("BoardBackGround.tga") #your background image name self.backg.SetPosition(x, y)#change by yourself self.backg.Show() Add button in your imagebox(image board) self.backg_button = ui.Button() self.backg_button.SetParent(self.backg) #your image board parent self.backg_button.SetPosition(x,y) #Change by yourself self.backg_button.SetUpVisual('d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub') #""" self.backg_button.SetOverVisual('d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub') #Change by yourself self.backg_button.SetDownVisual('d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub') #""" self.backg_button.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ButtonFuncInHere)) self.backg_button.Show() Create your button function def __ButtonFuncInHere(self): #Func in here
  15. look at ui.ImageBox and ui.ExpandedImageBox
  16. STATE_NONE = "|cFFFF0000|hOFF" STATE_DICT = { 0 : "|cFFFF0000|hOFF", 1 : "|cff00ff00|hNORM", 2 : "|cff00ff00|hBUSY", 3 : "|cff00ff00|hFULL" }
  17. Hello, I created simple module controller for metin2, Logic is this dll scanning loaded modules, with blacklist ( md5 and module name ) I know not perfect but anyway it works Here is simple preview video Note: Md5 list is case sensitive(lower needed) Data list syntax: new line for each entry Dll and data list(for prodamage): [Hidden Content] Source project: [Hidden Content]
  18. Socket library is missing (urllib module needed socket library) what is your python version?
  19. Try this dll: [Hidden Content] Add this dll your client with studpe and break qdata file in game folder
  20. I think devil 1.7.8_18.1 now is not avaible so your updates list is old because now is only 1.7.8_20.1 avaible [Hidden Content]
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