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Everything posted by Koray

  1. quest afkauto begin state start begin end state run begin when login begin if(game.get_event_flag("afk_mod") == 0) then return else if(pc.getqf("afk") == 0) then pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+15*60) pc.setqf("afk",1) pc.setqf("localy",pc.get_local_y()) pc.setqf("localx",pc.get_local_x()) timer("Check",10) elseif(pc.getqf("afk") == 1 and not pc.is_polymorphed() and not pc.is_gm()) then if(get_time() >= pc.getqf("limit_time") and pc.getqf("localy") == pc.get_local_y() and pc.getqf("localx") == pc.get_local_x()) then command("logout") notice_in_map(pc.name.." Afk moduna geçmiştir.Bu yüzden oyundan çıkartıldı. [AFK-MOD] ") notice_all("Writer By : Mehmet") pc.setqf("afk",0) else timer("Check",10) end else timer("Check",10) end end end when Check.timer begin if(game.get_event_flag("afk_mod") == 0) then return else if(pc.getqf("afk") == 0) then pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+15*60) pc.setqf("afk",1) pc.setqf("localy",pc.get_local_y()) pc.setqf("localx",pc.get_local_x()) elseif(pc.getqf("afk") == 1 and not pc.is_polymorphed()) then if(get_time() >= pc.getqf("limit_time") and pc.getqf("localy") == pc.get_local_y() and pc.getqf("localx") == pc.get_local_x()) then command("logout") notice_in_map(pc.name.." Afk moduna geçmiştir.Bu yüzden oyundan çıkartıldı. [AFK-MOD] ") notice_all("Writer by : Mehmet") pc.setqf("afk",0) cleartimer("Checkone") cleartimer("Check") else timer("Checkone",10) end else timer("Checkone",10) end end end when Checkone.timer begin if(game.get_event_flag("afk_mod") == 0) then return else if(pc.getqf("afk") == 0) then pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+15*60) pc.setqf("afk",1) pc.setqf("localy",pc.get_local_y()) pc.setqf("localx",pc.get_local_x()) elseif(pc.getqf("afk") == 1 and not pc.is_polymorphed()) then if(get_time() >= pc.getqf("limit_time") and pc.getqf("localy") == pc.get_local_y() and pc.getqf("localx") == pc.get_local_x()) then command("logout") notice_in_map(pc.name.." Afk moduna geçmiştir.Bu yüzden oyundan çıkartıldı. [AFK-MOD] ") notice_all("Writer by : Mehmet") pc.setqf("afk",0) cleartimer("Checkone") cleartimer("Check") else timer("Check",10) end else timer("Check",10) end end end Writed by Aveline, I hope that would be enough
  2. Unfortunately not because for notepad, When using my old compiled a core no problem, related with core but i dont know associated with what
  3. Hello, I have a stupid problem and really i don't why to get locale_string.txt don't work and all translation does not work Does anyone have any idea or information?
  4. The solution? replace ">=8", ">8" or ">=9"
  5. The cause of the problem is already writing "NewPlayerTable2: NewPlayerTable2.OUT_OF_RACE_RANGE(8 >= max(8))"
  6. You can not hide ip but you can try alternative ways, 5-10 or above the amount you can make a fake connection(with socket modules)
  7. def __BonusPage(self): try: import PaginaBonusuri except: import dbg,app dbg.Trace('PaginaBonusuri.py Importing error') app.Abort global BPisLodaded if BPisLodaded == 0: BPisLodaded = 1 PaginaBonusuri.BonusBoardDialog().Show() elif BPisLodaded == 1: PaginaBonusuri.BonusBoardDialog().Hide() BPisLodaded = 0 try with this
  8. i don't need split, split perfect working but i am don't sending to quest input
  9. Hi guys, I am trying new event like ox, but question-answer shaped with using chat. How it should work: We add some questions and their answers to the quest file like every 20 minutes a random question will be chosen from the question list when a player writes the correct answer to chat label using this format: &&<answer>(quest input) he will get a reward Example; November is how many days? Answer; "30" User send answer like this > "&& 30" I am trying this way split answer and sending quest com = text.split(" ") if com[0] == "&&": net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(com[1]) but of course it did not work because quest keys attached from game.py, I trying from uichat because chat label attached uichat hopefully was able to tell, I'm really confused, please help Regards
  10. The pet system is like that of the officer? Then we just need to add the quests? @Koray I don't know because i don't make this core Yes you need quest the quest to use is one that is used in the 34 / 40k? 34k quests
  11. The pet system is like that of the officer? Then we just need to add the quests? @Koray I don't know because i don't make this core Yes you need quest
  12. What is "2089m_pet"? I know that the revision 2089m may not have the pet system. modded core, having pet system
  13. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello community! My little core collection, all files untouched Links: Scan Result: Regards
  14. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; common/lenght.h open falow this code block enum EJobs { JOB_WARRIOR, JOB_ASSASSIN, JOB_SURA, JOB_SHAMAN, JOB_MAX_NUM }; replace wth enum EJobs { JOB_WARRIOR, JOB_ASSASSIN, JOB_SURA, JOB_SHAMAN, JOB_WOLFMAN, JOB_MAX_NUM }; open game/input_login.cpp and search this "bool RaceToJob(unsigned race, unsigned* ret_job)" and replace func { *ret_job = 0; switch (race) { case MAIN_RACE_WARRIOR_M: *ret_job = JOB_WARRIOR; break; case MAIN_RACE_WARRIOR_W: *ret_job = JOB_WARRIOR; break; case MAIN_RACE_ASSASSIN_M: *ret_job = JOB_ASSASSIN; break; case MAIN_RACE_ASSASSIN_W: *ret_job = JOB_ASSASSIN; break; case MAIN_RACE_SURA_M: *ret_job = JOB_SURA; break; case MAIN_RACE_SURA_W: *ret_job = JOB_SURA; break; case MAIN_RACE_SHAMAN_M: *ret_job = JOB_SHAMAN; break; case MAIN_RACE_SHAMAN_W: *ret_job = JOB_SHAMAN; break; case MAIN_RACE_WOLFMAN_M: *ret_job = JOB_WOLFMAN; break; default: return false; break; } return true; }
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