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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. Oh lord. Those are using hooking/detouring methods written under c++.
  2. Of course it isn't working because they removed those functions.
  3. [Hidden Content] As I said before, this is just an example, don't paste it into your source, it won't work with this base!
  4. Something like that, but for weapons this is a bit messed up, not every camera view good for the different kind of weapons. But now I'm having fun. When I'm done I'll post it here, but my base is totally GF like, so, might not be fit 100% for this base.
  5. Until I have no solution to decompress the new compression type6 I have only this of the v19: (Mega) (Metin2 Download)
  6. Ja ja genau, du musst in Ruhe bleiben. Matuszka is a good guy, sometimes he is so naive, but he deserves the money, I guess. Also he's making precise work.
  7. If you mean you need a function which shows the correct keyboard combination with text and also make it to work like what does it say, just hire a dev who can code it to you.
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, folks! With this guide you will be able to combine textlines with images, like rubinum does. Usage is simple: emojiTextLine.SetText("|Eemoji/key_ctrl|e + |Eemoji/key_x|e + |Eemoji/key_rclick|e - Direct sell") The files are located in the icon pack, so basically the code will load from icon/{GIVEN_PATH}.tga - in the sample the path for the X is: icon/emoji/key_x.tga Here are the images from rubinum client:  Howto: Have fun Sorry for arab players , for sure they have also developers, so let's go guys, finish it ? If you have problem, maybe I made a mistake in the guide of missed out something, just leave a comment below. PS.: Sometimes the code tag of the board puts an extra invisible character mostly the end of the lines, if your IDE cries for syntax error, but it seems correct, check that part of the file with notepad++, it will show a ?(question mark) where the problem is.
  9. Old but gold, thank you for publishing. ?
  10. At the moment I still don't know they are using it for special instances or not, because every mob has the same value 0.0 which means 100.0f by default. Of course the calculations are different than before, but still, I'm not sure about this. I tried to make it to my own, but I've caused some problems during the PvP so I had to put back the old one. Maybe one day I will give another try.
  11. Probably not the uiChat.py file is the corrupted one. Check the last modified files via: python -m py_compile game.py If you will not get error message you will get the compiled pyc code, this means the file has no syntax error.
  12. { "Over", wndButtonOver, METH_VARARGS }, PyObject * wndButtonOver(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) { UI::CWindow * pWindow; if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWindow)) return Py_BuildException(); ((UI::CButton*)pWindow)->Over(); return Py_BuildNone(); }
  13. Official v18.5 XMas patch v18.5.6 r22630 Christmas pet, mount, costumes. New "miniboss" minigame gui + dungeon map. (Mega) (Metin2 Download) Full client: (Mega) (Metin2 Download) And please stop asking for root python files, I don't have them...
  14. Hell yeah, I thought that one isn't new . But it changes the CurrentColor instead of the Diffuse int __thiscall CPythonEventManager::SetFontColor(_DWORD *this, int a2, float a3, float a4, float a5) { int result; // eax unsigned int v6; // edx float *v7; // ecx _DWORD *v8; // [esp+0h] [ebp-18h] v8 = this; *(float *)&result = COERCE_FLOAT(sub_49A2C40(a2)); if ( (_BYTE)result ) { v6 = (v8[13] - v8[12]) >> 2; if ( a2 >= v6 ) dummyshit00(v8 + 9, v6); v7 = (float *)(*(_DWORD *)(v8[12] + 4 * a2) + 32); // + 32 ! *v7 = a3; v7[1] = a4; v7[2] = a5; *(float *)&result = 1.0; v7[3] = 1.0; } return result; } _DWORD *__userpurge CPythonEventManager::__InitEventSet@<eax>(const char *a1@<ecx>, int a2@<ebx>, int a3@<edi>, int a4@<esi>, int a5) { v5 = a1; *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 4) = 0; // ix *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 8) = 0; // iy *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 12) = 0; // iw *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 16) = 0; // iyl *(_BYTE *)(a5 + 20) = 0; // islock *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 24) = 0; // lastdelaytime *(_DWORD *)(a5 + 28) = 0; // curletter v6 = (float *)(a5 + 32); // curcolor + 32 ! *v6 = 1.0; v6[1] = 1.0; v6[2] = 1.0; v6[3] = 1.0; void CPythonEventManager::__InitEventSet(TEventSet& rEventSet) { rEventSet.ix = 0; rEventSet.iy = 0; rEventSet.iWidth = 0; rEventSet.iyLocal = 0; rEventSet.isLock = false; rEventSet.lLastDelayTime = 0; rEventSet.iCurrentLetter = 0; rEventSet.CurrentColor = D3DXCOLOR(1, 1, 1, 1); //[...] }
  15. Now I can see, your english is terrible sorry, I didn't understand what was your problem just after the 3rd read. And actually you removed the bonuses from the enum of apply in the database, what is non-sense to me why. You have to keep up to date the apply enum in the database with the applies in the source.
  16. First of all what you want to fix? If you don't want to set for example MAX_HP in armors just set the value of the body column to 0 at the MAX_HP row.
  17. I think this was the first skill window when the game came out. Btw Build it your own.
  18. What "up"? Is that really difficult to make a function to public from private? Hm.
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