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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. I did post already about this here: At the official the numbers in the txt file are the scale values there, multiplied with 0.01f and there the scale goes. I modified a bit the client to show you what I mean: (ehehe somebody tried to steal my nickname ) Right now the positions of the sashes are calculated by c++ as you can see on the pseudo code above.
  2. v20.0.6 (Metin2 Download) root & builtins are dumped protos are dumped into 2 formats, fixxed flags, extended applies I didn't do deep check into the whole packs what metin2team released, but couple of files are missing from the packs.
  3. Will be released in the next few days. I didn't have time to finish the installation guide yet.
  4. v19.6.15 Valentine update (Metin2 Download) New pet with 2 textures New sash locales with protos In the item_proto.txt there is a false tabulator character as '\T' instead of '\t', a simple replace in file solves it. In the item_proto_my.txt there are missing from the header line the applytype3 and applyvalue3 field names. It will be solved whenever I wil have the time for that.
  5. I thought the same at first I've read his bullshit painted message. As he sold his shit for hundred thousands of dollar now he can open a kebab-stand and be unique. Better to not answer to him, just ignore like all of the idiots must be ignored. Like this:
  6. This why I said not the best solution. I would tell to the IME let me input key chars near the numbers. Aka SetNumberMode2
  7. Why are you addicted to quest? I don't get it I didn't want to open any quest for this, this why I put the description on the gui, without description the players would do stupid things and complain after. When you accept the exchange, a question dialog appears to confirm the action how much won you would like to sell or buy for how much yang. I understand your point too, I prefer horizontal view, you do prefer the vertical, it's not a problem, the function supposed to work, later you can redesign the dialog however you want. Meantime I've got a bit wider taskbar button set from @Tatsumaru which is look like this: If it isn't against him, I'm gonna share both design. The thinner and the wider too.
  8. I wrote it deliberately like this way to avoid the quest. Btw, is there any function to the warehouse keeper on private servers still? Also faster if you can open it anywhere you are, you don't need to get to the npc to do the exchange tho.
  9. Hey y'all. Question has been given, let me know.
  10. Good idea, not the best solution. Thanks anyway.
  11. This tells everything. He came here to ask help about a released content which is available on his own mother language. Logic ?
  12. Do you know the names of these files? Maybe I have them but without filenames I can't do nothing.
  13. v19.6.12 XMas Patch msm files Metin2 Download Includes(latest modified files): New pets New mounts New costumes Locales(protos sunday [15th]) Example pictures:
  14. About the attachment: Use file-host services like Mega.nz or whatever, because here the attachments are unavailable idk why.
  15. What do you want? Use google translate instead of your knowledge of english.
  16. reup: [Hidden Content] Yes, not that hard to update. Check this out: [Hidden Content]
  17. Here it doesn't change the format of the ranged vnum, which generates a ValueError here:
  18. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey everybody! Long time no release, so I would like to share this small stuff with you. With this you can change the values of the bonuses in an item. There are two types of the new switcher: Normal: rolls the bonus values from all of the available values (value0=0) Plus: sets the bonuses to the max. value (value0=1) Demo: Download ps.: any problem appears, just tell us in comment.
  19. v19.6.7 Includes(all last modified files): New map New pet New boss New minigame gui elements New effects for the elemental refined weapons Locales(protos below) v19.6.7 Protos: Download v19.6.8 Locale w/ protos: Download 19.6.7 : Metin2 Download 19.6.8 : Metin2 Download
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