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Posts posted by Galet

  1. It's interesting to take a look in the client, like we know that the fact of seing people on the big map (M / ,) is used with a define "WJ_SHOW_PARTY_ON_MINIMAP" while another one is not used, maybe a future update "WJ_SHOW_NPC_QUEST_NAME".

    By the way, does anyone know the meaning of "WJ"  before the name of a lot of new systems as for now ?

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  2. @Nero I think the trees are all loaded at once because there's neither lod's nor distance calculation in speedtree, so every trees are loaded once you teleport on the map, no matter if you can see them or not (You can notice this problem in world editor too, where trees are loaded even if the terrain is not because it's too far).

    I think trees are the biggest way to loose fps but I may be wrong.


  3. Indeed, this is the mainline from there, use with "novaline" client.

    You can compile db and game in both Windows and FreeBSD, but you'll need to run windows serverfiles then. The client should be compiled under Windows, it's made for Visual Studio by the way, but you can try with codeblocks but I'm not sure about that (otherwise you'll need to adjust some things in the solution) :D

  4. 1) I suggest you to use either the untouched one, either the one provided by vanilla, they're both free and the first one suggest you to work on your own code whereas the second is already modified but still stable, however, this is currently a beta so as vanilla said, be carefull with it.

    2) I think your brain is the best tool, you can of course use some IDE like NetBeans (Nice one but it tends to fuck up the accents because of the Korean strings so you need to do some edits) or you can use Visual Studio, IntelliSense is pretty good and if you already know some C you'll be fine in not so many times. Also, as I said, just look at the code, try to learn how it's work, this is how you'll be better, regardless of the tool you're using.

    You're welcome !

  5. This is absolutely not what this trick do...

    What you are showing is an enb, pretty poor thing in Metin2 as no enb was ever tweaked for metin2, so indeed you'll have some postprocess, but that's it, and it'll be all over the screen (including text and inventory).

    The tweak showed in this topic is used to remove the bluriness of the game in specific places and conditions. You can check on first coty's ground, where all shops are, in the big circle. Without the tweak, you'll notice some kind of blurriness on the ground when the camera position is down. With the tweak active, the texture will be smooth and more detaillied, without bluriness.

    I'm tired so I hope you can understand me, have a nice day :P

  6. 'Sup

    *"Straight outta end statements" intensifies*

    I didn't read the quest that much because I should sleep, but what I can notice is the large amount of "end" statements. To be sure, you must put an "end" to close the statement each time you put something like "when, if, for or while", but not for something like "else".

    I suggest you to use tabs (for your eyes, it's better looking, plus it's easiest to modify, otherwise, lua doesn't give a flying damn about tabs, contrary to python, so you should be fine) and close the statements once you open it.

    You must also add a close statement for "quest x begin" "state x begin" "when x begin".

    By the way - excuse me I'm tired it's 01:01 AM so it's maybe me, but I don't think so - your quest won't work because the if and elseif seem to be misused.

    I think it'd be better to ask here or at least explain what you wanted to do, then someone will help you or even create the quest for you, then you'd be able to know where you failed in order not to reproduce the same error again !

    Good night (because you're polish so it's night too) ! :D

  7. Hello !

    1. All elements in one file, the .sub fetch them, I don't know why they're using it, but back in 2004 (and a bit later), the icons used to have the same system.

    2. I don't really know, I have the same question, probably for specificities... ?

    3. Can't see any differences so far, I should do some tests but now, I don't know either...

    4. Only used for screenshots (yup) as far as I know you can remove the whole lib and it's dependancies, then replace it using devil screenshot method instead.


    You're welcome :D



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  8. Give us your syserr and we'll see what's the problem.



    Just kidding :P

    Have you ever messed up something related to the syserr ? It seems to always be there, also it depends of your error (try to purposedly corrupt one of your .py files - TypeError... - and see if the syserr is displaying something)

    Also try to compile in debug mode, to have additional backtraces and so on... Also check the last thing you modified in sources

    Have a nice day


  9. I think you must execute the makefile located at the root (same folder than db, common and game). Then, check in the makefile if the liblua directory is correct (check in your own environment), then, check is the lib is compiled and located where it is supposed to be.

    It would work like a charm


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