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Posts posted by Galet

  1. 22 minutes ago, caes95 said:

    Why ?, he has a VPN installed and do not need to filter packets.

    This is a dangerous threat.

    Everyone is able to connect through the DB prot even with distant servers. Thus he'll be able to alter quests, database and so on...

    This is a known bug. Even shogun warns us back in the years.

    On 21/02/2014 at 4:15 PM, Shogun said:


    Port 15000 should never be publicly open! Only the game cores need to connect to it, not your users. In fact it's a security risk as anybody can create an auth server which connects to your db core and login any account they want on your server.


  2. 1 hour ago, Exygo said:

    As always they are gonna steal these updates and then publish them for all ..

    This is what whe have to do in order to keeping up with the official and to make the emulation make a significant step forward, btw we are a bit dependant of the official game

  3. There's a lot of minor updates in it :

    • Pets
    • Sash
    • Crafting
    • New objects
    • A new dungeon (a dragon in lava, basic but still nice)

    But there's also more complex things :

    • New dungeon system (Like a tower destruction game) -> They seems to have to break some towers in order to free and to affect the dragon -> The effect
    • New system -> Probably new skills, something like 6 pages of the system
    • New skills -> Some effects -> (?)
    • "Zone" system, like a specific zone where a specific effect is applied -> I suppose -> (?)
    • More complex and animated models -> The dragon seems pretty big, with details and a nice animation

    I think this patch will be great, but it looks like LoL, I don't know if everyone is gonna love it

    Otherwise, nice work GF


    • Love 2
  4. Thanks for the reupload, however it'll nice to precise that :

    For the 6, you just have to type /e hivalue_item_sell 1 with an Implementor character and profit, instead of commenting the whole block :)

  5. Hi,

    You'll have to change a lot of things, like structure of the protos and so on, so it's better to keep your content (e.g : quests, maps, datas, sql and convert .sql to .txt) and start again on cleaned serverfiles, it's also better to use sources in order to have your own core.
    Oh, and you'll need a 40k client too :/

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