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Posts posted by Galet

  1. How cool is that, come to this forum only for selling things (things that you probably don't own) and asking for help xD


    @Avisek Official protos are released pretty often, or you can ask for them. I know martysama coded a tool for that, don't know if it's updated or something. As for me I use a hardcoded tool, it works but it's not containing the last updates (because I chosen to, I don't have them) or I sometimes use the xml to convert it into .txt (I just remove manually the things) and I often adapt them, with yangs, polymorph item, skills and so on, because all the datas are not written in the client protos.

    Have a nice day !

  2. Il y a 1 heure, Germais a dit :

    Curious, how does one perform an SQL Injection with this function?

    I don't especially want to tell how because all the server aren't protected and I never used it so it is pure speculation but as long as the code is not protected you can use messenger_auth to inject whatever you want, but do not expect writting your SQJ Query in the little window where you write the name of somebody to add him as a friend. :D

  3. Hello,

    This is not fair at all to comme here and only ask for help and then deleting your post after you solved the problem or after having the help needed. Think about other people, this is what people do when they help you. They want to help you and help people in the same case of yours at the same time, so if you solved it, think about them, it'd be smart ! ;)



  4. Hello,

    In OFFLINE_SHOP_CONFIG check how many stone there is, if you're using 4 stones and the number is not 4 then you'll encounter this bug.

    PS : If you're using 3 stones (max) and the number in the CONFIG is 4 then it will trigger this bug, if anyone is wondering. Just change the number of stone by the maximum number of stone possible to set in your server.


    You're currently using 4 stones so this is the line you should have



  5. If you want to "fix" it, here's the C++ "fix". Take in consideration that it's neither a bug nor creating any bug. Except if the item is a belt and your belt inventory is not empty. Which in that case can lead to a usebug.

    In input_main.cpp in

    void CInputMain::SafeboxCheckin(LPCHARACTER ch, const char * c_pData)

    Add this :

    LPITEM pkItem = ch->GetItem(p->ItemPos);
    if (true == pkItem->IsEquipped())
        ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Storage> You can't store an equiped item."));

    under this :

    CSafebox * pkSafebox = ch->GetSafebox();


    It's tested and everything is working fine :P

  6. Great ! First I was like "Uh, Is Syreldar really sharing a dirty coded Romanian quest ?" but then I saw the rest of the post. Sure it is the cleaner and the more advanced one I saw. Better than my own quest using tables and arrays.


    Well done !

  7. il y a une heure, WorldOby a dit :

    Link dead ! Réupload ?

    If you're under r2089 then you should use the quest given at the first post, otherwise you can use the one below its post.

    Here's a reupload, it contains only the regens, not the map, but you can find it almost everywhere, I used to release it back in 2014 on epvp and FE ! :)

    Link :
    This is the hidden content, please


    FR : Vu que t'es Français passe en MP si tu ne comprends pas ou si tu as besoin d'aide ! :)

    EN : As you're French you can PM me if you don't understand or if you need some help ! :)

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