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Everything posted by Galet

  1. I don't especially want to tell how because all the server aren't protected and I never used it so it is pure speculation but as long as the code is not protected you can use messenger_auth to inject whatever you want, but do not expect writting your SQJ Query in the little window where you write the name of somebody to add him as a friend.
  2. Hello, This is not fair at all to comme here and only ask for help and then deleting your post after you solved the problem or after having the help needed. Think about other people, this is what people do when they help you. They want to help you and help people in the same case of yours at the same time, so if you solved it, think about them, it'd be smart ! Cheers
  3. Hello, In OFFLINE_SHOP_CONFIG check how many stone there is, if you're using 4 stones and the number is not 4 then you'll encounter this bug. PS : If you're using 3 stones (max) and the number in the CONFIG is 4 then it will trigger this bug, if anyone is wondering. Just change the number of stone by the maximum number of stone possible to set in your server. You're currently using 4 stones so this is the line you should have OFFLINE_SHOP_SOCKET_MAX: 4
  4. Hey, Did the map 351 is in the same core than the Doyumwhaji (flame) map ? Edit : My bad, I openned a new tab one hour ago and I didn't refreshed the page, so people answered before me without I noticed, the answer was given
  5. If you want to "fix" it, here's the C++ "fix". Take in consideration that it's neither a bug nor creating any bug. Except if the item is a belt and your belt inventory is not empty. Which in that case can lead to a usebug. In input_main.cpp in void CInputMain::SafeboxCheckin(LPCHARACTER ch, const char * c_pData) Add this : LPITEM pkItem = ch->GetItem(p->ItemPos); if (true == pkItem->IsEquipped()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Storage> You can't store an equiped item.")); return; } under this : CSafebox * pkSafebox = ch->GetSafebox(); It's tested and everything is working fine
  6. Great ! First I was like "Uh, Is Syreldar really sharing a dirty coded Romanian quest ?" but then I saw the rest of the post. Sure it is the cleaner and the more advanced one I saw. Better than my own quest using tables and arrays. Well done !
  7. Hey, Wikipedia uses MariaDB now ! https://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/04/22/wikipedia-adopts-mariadb/ Anyway I agree, the better is to update MySQL or use MariaDB but to upgrade sources to more "modern" code.
  8. Sure, MariaDB is one of the most reliable choice as for Metin2, however you can just upgrade MySQL api from sources, the gain will be great anyway.
  9. Hi, This is in settings.lua add_bgm_info( Map_Index, "Name_of_TheSong.mp3", 0.5);
  10. You're welcome ! Don't forget to mark your topic as solved
  11. Hello, Here you are : [Hidden Content]
  12. If you're under r2089 then you should use the quest given at the first post, otherwise you can use the one below its post. Here's a reupload, it contains only the regens, not the map, but you can find it almost everywhere, I used to release it back in 2014 on epvp and FE ! Link : [Hidden Content] FR : Vu que t'es Français passe en MP si tu ne comprends pas ou si tu as besoin d'aide ! EN : As you're French you can PM me if you don't understand or if you need some help !
  13. How did you solved the problem ? Are the packets were untouched ? (I don't have this bug I'm just curious)
  14. Dude, check tabs at the given line, the hardest part of this error is searching "expected an indented block" on google
  15. One point for being polite, otherwise you solved your bug but you didn't shared the solution with us. This is a bit lame but I'll give the solution for everyone to know : - Generate it using world editor, there's a special option for that, you even have an option to save the atlasmap. Cheers !
  16. You're welcome ! Don't forget to mark your question as solved c:
  17. Yes Indeed, I personally use the biolog' method and I was talking about this one
  18. Hello, pc.setf or setqf, I don't remember ! You have to set a new qf at the end of the first quests, then, make the next quest start only if the qf is set
  19. Haha, I used to be on the apex of the ranking back in the days, I though it was created by TEC interractive, no ?
  20. It's the k factor, which is related to the power of the skill and so on, you can find it in navicat (common/locale) If I remember well. I made a tutorial about this in french (I can provide you the link or translate it), but you can see some stuff out there : Have a nice day
  21. I had the same idea, there was another nickname on the sources, it was "myevan" but is the guy creating all those updates alone ? This is why I asked
  22. It's interesting to take a look in the client, like we know that the fact of seing people on the big map (M / ,) is used with a define "WJ_SHOW_PARTY_ON_MINIMAP" while another one is not used, maybe a future update "WJ_SHOW_NPC_QUEST_NAME". By the way, does anyone know the meaning of "WJ" before the name of a lot of new systems as for now ?
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