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Everything posted by Night

  1. for the root you realy need to code anything new by your self sence i dont think anyone can unpack it and i dont think that anyone would waste his time on such a thing there are not any reverse engine for cython yet so its usless and making one to steel just one peice of code is kind of stupid you should just learn python to do so for the item/mob proto just upload them here and i will convert them to .txt that should help you a littel
  2. new patches, <= already public root, <= you will need to learn both python and c++ now locale <= you can do it with any old tool (item_proto, mob_proto) <== there is one new thing in both of them (wolf man (item proto) , bleeding (mob proto))
  3. for the first/3rd bug im not so sure i see all kind of bug about 5 inv but i never got any of them (i dont use a public version i use my own) for the 2nd one you should check your protos
  4. re-make the symlink : from here else edit your auto start script to the right path that is if the path is wrong (low possibility)
  5. g_isInvalidServer was not declared you can fix this by commenting both of those function/just comment whats inside limite_time.h that should do it
  6. try to install devel/boost-libs from the port if you complie your game without it it will need external dep (bother some while moving from a machine to another one) so i recommend you to install that lib insted of removing it from the make file (there is just no differnce you will just need it to start the game core)
  7. this is such an old topic ahah Posted 27 May 2014 - 19:01 thx anyway an admin should lock up such old things
  8. on mysql db common table locale there is an option there named locale change it then change the folder name thats all ah as well the lua script might need to fix the path dofile(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/mylua.lua") depend on the path but at least all of your changes will be saved and there is maybe (rarely) a need to change the locale in the config too i dont think that that is neccesery
  9. if you are trying to use the latest version of the mob proto from gf then keep in mind that gf protos has a new structure but you can tell based on what your syserr shows you
  10. i have a client works with the server but my new pack doesn't work with it even with the (old) working metin2client.bin to put it simple your old bin does not support the new type used . well do you get a msg b4 getting kicked?
  11. here is my log and my command_log table structur try it out : CREATE TABLE `log` ( `vnum` varchar(11) COLLATE big5_bin DEFAULT NULL, `ID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(20) COLLATE big5_bin DEFAULT NULL, `time` time DEFAULT NULL, `who` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `x` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `y` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `what` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `how` varchar(20) COLLATE big5_bin DEFAULT NULL, `hint` varchar(20) COLLATE big5_bin DEFAULT NULL, `ip` varchar(30) COLLATE big5_bin DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=big5 COLLATE=big5_bin; CREATE TABLE `command_log` ( `userid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `server` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ip` text, `port` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `username` varchar(12) CHARACTER SET big5 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NONAME', `command` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET big5 COLLATE big5_bin DEFAULT NULL, `date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; for SYSERR: Jan 29 23:20:42 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "cube_open"]:1: attempt to index global `cube' (a nil value) WITH ERRORCODE 1 SYSERR: Jan 29 23:20:42 :: RunState: LUA_STATE: index 0 ref 3 SYSERR: Jan 29 23:20:42 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest cube_open.start click they should be just some quest error
  12. well if the version in server and in client is different then its normal that it kicks you
  13. try this : This difference file has been created by IDA Pro game_r34083 000F4904: 8E 84 if this diff is already aplied the revers it 000F4904: 84 8E the first one should make the system works properly the secound one should disable half of it
  14. here is the default one (dragon_soul_table.txt) : SYSERR: Jan 29 20:01:41 :: heart_idle: losing 48 seconds. (delay occured) maybe bcz of the ram SYSERR: Jan 29 20:01:43 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use you tried to start this prosses twice or something like that SYSERR: Jan 29 20:01:57 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Data too long for column 'hint' at row 1 (query: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip) VALUES('CHARACTER', NOW(), 57974, 481360, 956238, 0, 'LOGIN', ' 3300886 1 1 1855', '') errno: 1406) SYSERR: Jan 29 20:01:57 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Incorrect integer value: 'Y' for column 'is_gm' at row 1 (query: INSERT INTO loginlog2(type, is_gm, login_time, channel, account_id, pid, ip, client_version) VALUES('INVALID', 'Y', NOW(), 1, 1, 57974, inet_aton(''), '') errno: 1366) try to clean the full log database first if this shows again then post it again here.
  15. at the page 7-8 (like that) there is a work around for mini map
  16. its a rather a client pack error then a server one
  17. all i know right now this is error is a bin error , the only one that is solding the fix (40k bin)
  18. Night

    New server ideas

    pvp -> player vs player (some server use pvp battel to level up for such a thing) << sample metin2story (secound server ) (arabic) pvm -> Player Vs Monster (i have never seen one) pve -> player vs envirenement (as hard as GFs or far cry harder) (most of them are easyer or as hard as gf with 50% bonus)
  19. look at your syserr that should give you more information (for more info -> questlua_global.cpp ->: int _get_special_item_group( lua_State* L ) { if (!lua_isnumber (L, 1)) { sys_err("invalid argument"); return 0; } const CSpecialItemGroup* pItemGroup = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetSpecialItemGroup((DWORD)lua_tonumber(L, 1)); if (!pItemGroup) { sys_err("cannot find special item group %d", (DWORD)lua_tonumber(L, 1)); return 0; } int count = pItemGroup->GetGroupSize(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { lua_pushnumber(L, (int)pItemGroup->GetVnum(i)); lua_pushnumber(L, (int)pItemGroup->GetCount(i)); } return count*2; } )
  20. you will have to change the level field type to a bigger one ([Hidden Content]) (the normal one is unsigned TINYINT (the noramal max lvl is 255 so that should be enough if you want it over you will have to change that field type) . the rest you realy are going to need vs2013 or 2008 its realy hard to find all the needed reference using something else. good luck , (btw the basic to do that are already pub but not full)
  21. what about after the login phase does the empire change in game ? or its just a client bug?
  22. Userinterface/GameType.h : const DWORD c_Inventory_Page_Count = 2; to : const DWORD c_Inventory_Page_Count = 4; thats all
  23. char_item.cpp : BYTE bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 2); to BYTE bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 4); (there is more then one) and the condition : if (p / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 2) != bPage) to if (p / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 4) != bPage) more then one time (what i mean is that you have to repeat this step many time)
  24. sense when exactly ? the qestion is : why are they still packed on the item proto ? maybe for those only (20000 , 20250 , 20500 , 20750) doNaLs if you have time to spare i recommend you not to care about such minor things like how much the armor is shining (this is just -- with my full respect -- stupid.)
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