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  1. just change the 20406 to your npc vnum.
  2. Problem: Offline Shop Reason: GetOfflineShopItemID (shop.GetOfflineShopItemID) Fix: I'm on'it.
  3. Di you have the npc: 20406 ? As I told: replace the "20406"
  4. your client is "new" and his "OnInsertItemIcon" have 7 arguments but your uiquest.py is old .. the new one has 7 arguments. NEW: def OnInsertItemIcon(self, type, idx, title, desc, index=0, total=1): OLD: def OnInsertItemIcon(self, type, idx, title, desc): Get a new uiquest.py
  5. Let's say you have a NPC in your city1 (a smaller npc or a tall one) and the kingdom flag is not fits.. so you must want to hide'it. Open from client source: InstanceBaseEffect.cpp Search for: void CInstanceBase::__AttachEmpireEffect(DWORD eEmpire) Add under "if (IsResource()) return;" DWORD vnum_my_npc = 20406; if (GetRace() == vnum_my_npc) return; Just replace the "20406" for your npc vnum and compile. Enjoy
  6. This warning only show up with mysql version 5.6 & 5.7. If you have a lower version please ignore this post. Warning on shell & mysql log: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. I know a lot of people use the mysql_query (standard) function from questlib.lua and they get this warning. If you use a mysql user change the above "YOURUSERNAME" and use the command: mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=YOURUSERNAME --password If you use the root mysql user, use the command: mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=root --password Put your password. OK We can see, the system creates a new crypted file: .mylogin.cnf You can see this file on /home/YOURUSERNAME/.mylogin.cnf or for root: /root/.mylogin.cnf Is crypted but you can see what's inside (password is hidden by *****) with the command: mysql_config_editor print --all If you want to enter mysql just use the command: mysql --login-path=local Now .. lets open questlib.lua and remove the mysql_query function and add this new one .. because is not need to read anymore what's inside of CONFIG file (username/password). mysql_query = function(query) math.randomseed(os.time()) local fi,t,out = 'mysql_data_'..math.random(10^9)+math.random(2^4,2^10),{},{} os.execute('mysql --login-path=local -e'..string.format('%q',query)..' > '..fi) for av in io.open(fi,'r'):lines() do table.insert(t,split(av,'\t')) end; os.remove(fi); for i = 2, table.getn(t) do table.foreach(t,function(a,b) out[i-1] = out[i-1] or {} out[i-1][a] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL' out[t[1][a]] = out[t[1][a]] or {} out[t[1][a]][i-1] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL' end) end out.__lines = t[1] return out end That is all. Have a nice day!
  7. Is much easy and quickly by QUEST .. even you can put a quest flag for time .. you can sell him every hour .. etc my metin2 robot to events every day, check core states and say the wheater .. if is raining in your town hehe when VNUM_MOB.chat."I NEED BONUS" begin if pc.count_item(VNUM_BONUS_ITEM) >=400 then syschat("fuck ya boy") return end local sell_bonos = select ("Need 50 bonus","Need 100 bonus"," Cerrar ") bla bla if sell_bonus == 1 then bla bla CAPTCHA xD say_title(" .:: CAPTCHA MAN ::. ") say("") say_reward("CODE.. bla bla") say("") local random_number = tostring(number(1111,9999)) say_title("Your code: " .. random_number) say("") local k k = tonumber(input()) say("") if random_number == tostring(k) then give the bonus packet else syschat ("fuck ya boy") return end end
  8. Open game.py from root, do you have this line? "lover_login" : self.__LoginLover,
  9. I have the same "metin2source" and there are no errors on compilation .. only warnings. When you have compile problems do this: cd /usr/src/metin2source/game/src gmake clean gmake dep gmake With "gmake" you will compile one by one and when you have a problem he will stops right there.. with "gmake -j20" is quickly and maybe you can't see where is the problem. Open char_skill.cpp and paste here some the line 3620
  10. SixSense


    GameStudio+ no.
  11. SixSense


    We can't create topics in spanish here in this forum?
  12. SixSense


    PACI: In english, the download link or the picture link?
  13. SixSense


    M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Technical Specifications: 3 wait animations. GR version: 2.4 Texture path: d:ymir worknpcpretoria*.tga
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