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Everything posted by hachiwari

  1. Check with for i in range(0,90*2): attachedSlotType = player.INVENTORY attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, i) if itemVnum == SWITCH_RARE_VNUM: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Odłamek znaleziony") net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedInvenType, i, exslot) exslot += 1
  2. Hello, I have a question, is event optimal with e.g. 6 hours? I think about: event_create(refresh_time_event, info, 6 * 60 * 60 * passes_per_sec); // 6 hours Hm? or someone have any solution for timer with long time? (but not proces loop with thecore_heart->pulse because i think that the worst solution :c )
  3. Sorry, but my level of english doesnt allow me to write all suggestions :X I write only simple opinion. I didnt released, hmm.. because I think same about my code // edit I think that it will be better if my code is on gitlab as private repository xd And i published some topics, but not here, only worse forum .I hope you will undestand me.
  4. This is not event spahetii code, its shit code XD
  5. wtf? int i = 0; check >> i; if (i > 0) return false;
  6. I didnt read all code, but your names of function or variable is strange xD tip. read a book cleancode
  7. LPITEM pItem = pkAttacker->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON); if (pItem && pItem->GetVnum() == 15 && pItem->IsEquipped() && pkVictim->IsNPC()) return 0;
  8. I know that you are noob, but on this board we write a solution.. so please to do it.
  9. dont be negative about our comments, its not hate :/
  10. Lel, overflow in packet, in this system you only need list of vnum and count. For what you create page and slot, in client you can position it.
  11. std::string NumberToMoneyString(long long n) { std::string s; int cnt = 0; do { s.insert(0, 1, char('0' + n % 10)); n /= 10; if (++cnt == 3 && n) { s.insert(0, 1, '.'); cnt = 0; } } while (n); return s; } whose better?
  12. I have a fix, fix like your protection add to UserInterface.cpp remove( "ErrorLog.txt" );
  13. Excetpions not caught.. and without source is useless.
  14. function GetMonsterRaceFlag is in source anyway this topic, your, my version work, but topic version have a extend packet (bad! for me), and your is good, but way is wrong (so wrong) its my opinion! this addition is simple and you extended packet so every target packet is bigger.. this is not optimal.
  15. lol bad code, raceFlag = nonplayer.GetMonsterRaceFlag(chr.GetVirtualNumber(self.vid)) and for example: if (raceFlag & (1 << nonplayer.RACE_FLAG_ATT_ELEC)): flag = true not better? -,-
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