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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. This was inspired from the shoutbox To keep the tests fair and consistent here are some rules and mandatory software version numbers: AS SSD Benchmark 1.7.4739.38088 ( http://www.techspot.com/downloads/6014-as-ssd-benchmark.html ) 3DMark Fire Strike version 1.1 ( http://www.futuremark.com/benchmarks/3dmark#windows ) Instructions are in spoiler! My AS SSD Benchmark: My 3DMark Sky Diver Benchmark: http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/4109662
  2. I had the same issue whenever trying to add maps before, never figured it out
  3. What? what do you mean by "closed"? Do you want the thread closed? What was the problem and the solution?
  4. Well how to decide in this case which language to have the locale in?
  5. Cool, thanks.. My astrill will expire in Nov or Dec and I'm a little broke right now
  6. Don't have one.. if you want win8 version buy the program. [Hidden Content] That one works on pre-win8 systems.
  7. quest info begin state start begin when login begin send_letter("Info") end when button or info begin say_title("Info") say("") say("informacion") say("") wait() say_title("informacion:") say("") say_reward("informacion") say("") say_reward("informacion") say_reward("informacion") say("") end end end
  8. Next time use this instead: cd /usr/ports/misc/compat7x && make -DBATCH install clean Then you won't have to go and select all the defaults in the prompts during installation.
  9. First off you need to be using the 32-bit Enigma Protector if you're protecting a metin2 bin because the bin is 32-bit. The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Enigma aren't for your host OS, but for protecting 32-bit or 64-bit applications. Second, maybe you can compare your settings to this or start with this and make the changes you want to make to your own settings: [Hidden Content]
  10. If you want to have an announce button for the couple to use to announce the marriage.. Go to line 316 and add this block: when 9011.chat."Wedding announce" with pc.is_married() and marriage.in_my_wedding() begin if pc.getqf("wedding_announce_time") < get_time() then local old_vid = pc.get_vid() local u_vid = marriage.find_married_vid() if u_vid != 0 then pc.select(u_vid) local partner = pc.getname() pc.select(old_vid) notice_all(pc.name.." and "..partner.." invite you to their wedding!") notice_all("Talk to the Old Lady to join the celebration.") pc.setqf("wedding_announce_time", get_time()+60*10) setskin(NOWINDOW) else say("Your partner is not online!") say("") end else local remaining = pc.getqf("wedding_announce_time") - get_time() say("You can announce again after "..remaining.." seconds.") say("") end
  11. I suggest you open all the python files from uiscript and from root archives and search for "upload". Make the appropriate changes, and if that doesn't work I think it's the bin.
  12. If you want to contact paypal, call them. They definitely are a terrible company but you will get an immediate answer if you call instead of waiting on them to reply to an email with a reply that is totally irrelevant to your issue. 1-888-221-1161
  13. Thanks so much for releasing a video with acceptable quality..
  14. Uh no it says "when login or kill" so it constantly uses it because they are constantly killing.. and that's more actions per second.. not saying you're wrong about loop but that code above is on kill
  15. Why not set a loop that only runs for people in higher level maps where you can get negative HP
  16. There's no such thing as "complete anti-cheat" or "anti-cheat that can't be bypassed".. this doesn't exist in the world of gaming
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