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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. Well, that's why i put two links. When you press on SaveYourself2 it's the hungarian facebook page, and when you press on SY2 it's the english one. Also i don't think you understood me. Not only the client is in english and other 4 languages, but the quests too, since the server will be an international one. This is already spam, buuut maybe you now get my point. It's more of a classic easy-medium pvm server:D Oh, I didn't notice you put two links. The English on the international page isn't great, but anyway depends on the default languages and if the English is real or not I guess for server and client as well as website, and even on the "International" page you call English they are posting in another language lol.. I get what you're saying now though, thanks. He's using client protection he bought from me, it needs to be fined tuned to make sure it all works smoothly. He needs to figure that out on his own because I've dropped him as a client after he made a big deal about paying the fees he agreed to pay. I'd suggest looking elsewhere as the owner isn't so bright but thinks he knows it all.
  2. you pretty much aren't guaranteed 100% ddos protection from any host you choose. It's alot like cheat vs anti-cheat.. the battle goes on and on
  3. post error logs.. or any kind of information that's actually useful
  4. It isn't English because when you go to the link you provided it's in Hungarian or something with no indication of any other languages either.. so what do you expect people to believe? Also if all of the posts are in another language, it automatically disqualifies the server as English, regardless of if English is an option in the client.
  5. Changing to a new host isn't going to change the way the client handles graphics and cause graphical lag.. that's like saying changing the tire on your car is going to make the radio not work right
  6. Don't edit your reply saying you resolved an error without even explaining how you resolved it. Until you explain that you won't get any further help, howabout that?
  7. If you know how to fix the problem, please reply to it in the thread to help the OP. I advise against adding people who aren't so known/trusted to "help" you... just as a general notice.. nothing against the guy asking you to PM him.
  8. yes in CONFIG just put anti_ddos: 1 and all problems are solved.
  9. I think it's because of the recent problems with metin2dev not loading properly.. it's being looked into.
  10. + warning points exist already for "Please don't post questions in guides and tutorials, and delete your original post once you figure it out.. and not even explain it to any one." 5 day ban cya later
  11. don't make two threads with the same topic/content.. also this isn't a guide....
  12. don't mark it as solved and leave. Explain the situation We spent our time and effort to help you, don't just disappear like that. someone else may want to see this in the future.
  13. you should be able to get the files and save them to the pc then upload them to a freebsd server
  14. thanks I may use some of this as a starting point for a server ;p
  15. What you just said is basically the less secure copy of what I just said.. why would anyone want their cores world writable
  16. u need to set the right permissions service mysql-server stop chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql && chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql service mysql-server start The following depends on where your game folder is located.. ( the part that says /usr/game ): chmod -R 755 /usr/game
  17. Well this is an English forum so if someone replies in German an English translation must be present FYI. I'm sorry if I can't help well because I'm not good at German but I can try a little bit in English.. First it would be nice to see any kind of errors you have so someone can find out how to solve your problems.
  18. Images too small.. what is this lol
  19. I know it sounds dumb, like you would have already check this.. but just incase.. make sure the map index is setup correctly and that the number corresponding with the map is listed in channel99. Make sure it's not also in another core CONFIG. Is channel99 even running? can you TP to other maps in the channel? Do you have any errors you can post?
  20. Well my 36469 client was about 3MB and I was able to use engima on it as well as disable HS and CRC checking. Other than the one I posted, I don't have any other 34669 bins. Maybe you can check it out for yourself instead of denying it solely based on file size.
  21. Thanks for registering at metin2dev. Try this out: [Hidden Content]
  22. bought their their + several grammar mistakes the question is, are you the pot or the kettle? first of all, yes I agree I have some problems with my grammar second, I didn't accuse eterhost (I'm sorry if it sounded like that, it wasn't my intention) ... and yes they offer what they say they offer I wanted to know if someone can help me with that error ... My comment was for Night because he's criticizing your grammar but his isn't any better
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