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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. Search item_proto@player database for 50300 vnum.. copy the text that looks like Asian charcters.. paste that in the search in the drop file.
  2. I had the same problem and also noticed that in the changelog.. and also tried messing with the settings but it constantly screwed up my server.
  3. look up the error and you will get your answer.. whenever you have something you want to do the first thing you should do is look up the error if it isn't already obvious. Once you do that you will find which command you should type.. if that command gives an error.. repeat.. until done..
  4. find the text in your itemshop script "auth error" and you should be able to figure it out
  5. /usr/bin/pkg update if that doesn't work try this portmaster ports-mgmt/pkg
  6. portsnap fetch extract cd /usr/ports/graphics/devil/ make install clean [Hidden Content] If you're on 64-bit put these in /usr/lib32 If you're on 32-bit put these in /usr/lib
  7. Try the version I showed you.. the latest version is buggy
  8. you mean 40k+ isn't working on freebsd.. explain your error or nobody can help you.. simply saying it isn't working isn't going to get anyone anyhwere
  9. As you've previously been told we don't support malicious activity here.. [Hidden Content]
  10. Try this one: If that doesn't work.. Maybe it's not a VBox problem.
  11. bought their their + several grammar mistakes the question is, are you the pot or the kettle?
  12. 3.2 isn't the latest version of VirtualBox.. [Hidden Content]
  13. I don't understand.. are you saying you're playing a metin2 server in which the admin is accessing your computer using the command prompt? If so why bother even playing there?
  14. Whether or not you know him from somewhere else, he didn't do anything to you on metin2dev. Keep your personal drama personal. Calling someone retarded for asking a question makes no sense.. smart people ask questions and learn things. It's funny that the command I gave requires more input, it's straight from the FreeBSD site.
  15. Rumor i have vps can you setup for me metin2 free ? [Hidden Content]
  16. sorry, never heard of that script
  17. i need the homepage script for this and not a video from youtube -.-* Hmm, not sure if they have a browser game version, but apparently they have it for mobile devices: [Hidden Content]
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