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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. This is a problem with Windows 8 and enigma, the cracked version of Enigma doesn't support Win 8 (it's before the release of Win 8). You need to purchase a license to support Windows 8.
  2. look for the CONFIG file in the third core folder of game99
  3. show the config of channel 1 core 1 and game99 core 3 with passwords removed
  4. http://metin2dev.org/board/topic/90-howto-client-protection-from-metin2nirvana/
  5. Posting two replies with 2 videos each 1 minute apart = posting 4 videos.. all posts deleted.. Avicii - Hey Brother You must put the video in a spoiler.
  6. Lol. have you ever got any Tics error ? or get point error ? I think I got the point error a long time ago but don't remember how I fixed it. Don't forget to delete the cshybridcrypt files. @CrazyBear - please use spoilers when you are posting large amounts of text in code tags.
  7. From now on anyone who posts more than 2 songs per reply will have their entire reply deleted, too many people are breaking the very simple rule. TWO per day.
  8. Nobody successfully used this on my server, it's fine. nova has it blocked too, though I wish those asshats didn't.
  9. maybe you have a script recursively starting the game cores?
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