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Extended /i command


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I was testing something on my server and I had to use /i a tons, so I just extended it instead. With this extension you can get as many items as you want (of course with limitation of your max inventory space.)

For this we will working in only one file, called "cmd_gm.cpp".


So, in cmd_gm.cpp fine ACMD(do_item) and edit the following things in the function.

Be careful, because there's a chance that you don't use "g_bItemCountLimit" but "MAX_ITEM_COUNT" (or something like that) instead.

//Find this:
	if (*arg2)
		str_to_number(iCount, arg2);
		iCount = MINMAX(1, iCount, g_bItemCountLimit);
//And comment out iCount limitations like this:
	if (*arg2)
		str_to_number(iCount, arg2);
		//iCount = MINMAX(1, iCount, g_bItemCountLimit);

//Find this:
  if (item->IsDragonSoul())

//and after that add this:

		else if (!item->IsStackable())
			for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
				LPITEM newItem = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(dwVnum, 1);
				int iEmptyPos = ch->GetEmptyInventory(newItem->GetSize());

				if (iEmptyPos != -1)
					newItem->AddToCharacter(ch, TItemPos(INVENTORY, iEmptyPos));
					LogManager::instance().ItemLog(ch, newItem, "GM", item->GetName());
					ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Not enough inventory space.");
		else if (item->IsStackable() && iCount > g_bItemCountLimit)
			while (iCount != 0)
				LPITEM newItem;
				if (iCount >= g_bItemCountLimit)
					newItem = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(dwVnum, g_bItemCountLimit);
					iCount -= g_bItemCountLimit;
					newItem = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(dwVnum, iCount);
					iCount -= iCount;

				int iEmptyPos = ch->GetEmptyInventory(newItem->GetSize());

				if (iEmptyPos != -1)
					newItem->AddToCharacter(ch, TItemPos(INVENTORY, iEmptyPos));
					LogManager::instance().ItemLog(ch, newItem, "GM", item->GetName());
					ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Not enough inventory space.");
Edited by Valki
  • Metin2 Dev 1
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