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About Valki

  • Birthday 10/27/2002


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  1. You're 100% right, it's not necessary because miles is doing it's job more than perfectly. But I'd like to mention that if you want to go further than metin2 in the future (so if you're really interested in the programming part of it) it's better to know alternatives, other options too and if you can do it properly it also won't hurt since for example "FMOD" is also a great library to handle sounds in m2's source. But I'm really agreeing with you, because if you're not interested in these kind of stuffs then it's not necessary, even if other sound engines has better support than mss
  2. Amazing! I also think that if anyone really wants to upgrade the sound system they should look at fmod.
  3. Sad to hear this and I really understand, when I talked with friends I even said maybe 3 years was mostly learning shaders and rendering in dx9, great to hear that it was really because of that, because the server itself doesnt provide anything new except your shaders and graphics. Also, glad to hear that the code is complex enough so we won't see 15 """"full hd metin""""", except if they open servers from the zenaris files itself.
  4. Honestly? I don't know what was 3 years in it. As far as I know N2 was made in 5 years and if you look at it's source code it really looks like that. Looking at Zenaris's source and I only see the shader which is interesting in it, nothing else.
  5. I’m more than glad that you’ll be our next administrator!
  6. Cherno is just amazing, I fully recommend his videos
  7. Hello! So I just noticed that if you want to join to the ship defense after the leader started AND the cooldown is enabled the other characters cannot connect (idk if it's fixed already or not, sorry if it is.) because the cooldown is put on the characters on creating the instance and when you're trying to join it's already on cooldown. Here's a fix for it: /// In ShipDefense.h add after: bool IsRunning(const LPCHARACTER c_lpChar); /// This: bool CanJoin(const LPCHARACTER c_lpChar); /// In ShipDefense.cpp add after: bool CShipDefenseManager::IsRunning(const LPCHARACTER c_lpChar) { [...] } /// This: bool CShipDefenseManager::CanJoin(const LPCHARACTER c_lpChar) { if (c_lpChar == nullptr) return false; const LPPARTY c_lpParty = c_lpChar->GetParty(); if (c_lpParty == nullptr) return false; if (m_mapShipDefense.empty()) return false; ShipDefenseMap::const_iterator f = m_mapShipDefense.find(c_lpParty->GetLeaderPID()); if (f != m_mapShipDefense.end()) return true; return false; } /// In questlua_shipdefense_mgr.cpp /// Add before: void RegisterShipDefenseManagerFunctionTable() { [...] } /// This: int ship_defense_mgr_can_join(lua_State* L) { const LPCHARACTER c_lpChar = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (c_lpChar == nullptr) { lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } CShipDefenseManager& rkShipDefenseMgr = CShipDefenseManager::instance(); lua_pushboolean(L, rkShipDefenseMgr.CanJoin(c_lpChar)); return 1; } /// Add after: { "set_alliance_hp_pct", ship_defense_mgr_set_alliance_hp_pct }, /// This: { "can_join", ship_defense_mgr_can_join}, -- In quest_functions add: ship_defense_mgr.can_join -- In shipdefense.quest change this: if pc.getqf("cooldown") > get_time() then -- To this: if pc.getqf("cooldown") > get_time() and not ship_defense_mgr.can_join() then
  8. I don't think it's needed, iirc I had one, but I did not touch any of it's code.
  9. Hi! Added what I forgot, also made a small video of what it actually does.
  10. Hi! Today I'm sharing small changes about changing equipments. I experienced that in metin2 basically it can't replace for example a two handed weapon (which is equipped) with a simple sword if there's an item in the next row under our item that we want to equip. Video of the result: Small explanation: So, if we want to make it work like we want we will need to check if basically it couldn't replace the inventory item with our equipped item then is there any space for that item, and if there is it can unequip it to that slot. So, let's get to the work. We will work in 2 files, char.h and char.cpp [Hidden Content]
  11. If we're talking about the same thing, just add the needed header files in extern/include.
  12. @ DDC Search for: #ifdef ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM if (m_emojiVector.empty() == false) { for(auto& rEmo : m_emojiVector) { if (rEmo.pInstance) { rEmo.pInstance->SetPosition(fStanX + rEmo.x, (fStanY + 7.0) - (rEmo.pInstance->GetHeight() / 2)); rEmo.pInstance->Render(); } } } #endif in GrpTextInstance.cpp's ::Render function and change it like that: #ifdef ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM if (m_emojiVector.empty() == false) { for(auto& rEmo : m_emojiVector) { if (rEmo.pInstance) { rEmo.pInstance->SetPosition(fStanX + rEmo.x, (fStanY + 7.0) - (rEmo.pInstance->GetHeight() / 2)); #if defined(__BL_CLIP_MASK__) if (pClipRect) rEmo.pInstance->Render(pClipRect); else rEmo.pInstance->Render(); #else rEmo.pInstance->Render(); #endif } } } #endif
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