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How To Compile Client Binary


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go to userinterface.cpp


and change this

        stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 0";
        stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 1";
with this

        stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 0";
#elif _DEBUG
        stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 1";
        stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 0";

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When i try to to compile novaline on VS 2008 SP1 i get 240 errors and when i try on VS 2013 i get 43 so i choose for VS 2013 but i can't figure the errors out so maybe somebody can help me here?


Screen 1:https://metin2.download/picture/vb3EkO5QSP4m21DcqR43n22muPW1ziOC/.png


Screen 2:https://metin2.download/picture/3uMTA7Xh4d40USFZ93ea3uMkf97W9ztN/.png


If you need more information just ask.


I hope somebody can help me


Thanks in advance

(Like will be given)

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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  • 5 weeks later...

My mistake, please help!





<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-16">
<table width=100% bgcolor=#CFCFE5><tr> <td> <font face=arial size=+3>
Build Log
</font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5>&nbsp;</td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>&nbsp;</td><td width=*><pre>
<h3>Rebuild started: Project: UserInterface, Configuration: Debug|Win32</h3>
</pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
Command Lines
</font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5>&nbsp;</td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>&nbsp;</td><td width=*><pre>Creating temporary file "d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugRSP00003686445972.rsp" with contents
/Od /I &quot;../../extern/include&quot; /I &quot;../EterPack&quot; /D &quot;WIN32&quot; /D &quot;_DEBUG&quot; /D &quot;_WINDOWS&quot; /D &quot;USE_LOD&quot; /D &quot;_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710&quot; /D &quot;_MBCS&quot; /FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /Yu&quot;stdafx.h&quot; /Fp&quot;.Debug/UserInterface.pch&quot; /Fo&quot;.Debug/&quot; /Fd&quot;.Debug/&quot; /FR&quot;.Debug&quot; /W3 /c /Zi .UserInterface.cpp




























































































Creating command line "cl.exe @d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugRSP00003686445972.rsp /nologo /errorReport:prompt"
Creating temporary file "d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugRSP00003786445972.rsp" with contents
/Od /I &quot;../../extern/include&quot; /I &quot;../EterPack&quot; /D &quot;WIN32&quot; /D &quot;_DEBUG&quot; /D &quot;_WINDOWS&quot; /D &quot;USE_LOD&quot; /D &quot;_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710&quot; /D &quot;_MBCS&quot; /FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /Yc&quot;stdafx.h&quot; /Fp&quot;.Debug/UserInterface.pch&quot; /Fo&quot;.Debug/&quot; /Fd&quot;.Debug/&quot; /FR&quot;.Debug&quot; /W3 /c /Zi .StdAfx.cpp
Creating command line "cl.exe @d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugRSP00003786445972.rsp /nologo /errorReport:prompt"
Creating temporary file "d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugRSP00003886445972.rsp" with contents
/o &quot;../bin/UserInterface.bsc&quot;






























































































Creating command line "bscmake.exe @d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugRSP00003886445972.rsp /nologo"
</pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
Output Window
</font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5>&nbsp;</td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>&nbsp;</td><td width=*><pre>Compiling...
.UserInterface.cpp(719) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'void (__cdecl *)(granny_log_message_type,granny_log_message_origin,const char *,void *)' to 'granny_log_function (__cdecl *)'
        This conversion requires a reinterpret_cast, a C-style cast or function-style cast
Generating Code...
.NetworkActorManager.cpp(367) : warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
.NetworkActorManager.cpp(417) : warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
.MarkManager.cpp(26) : warning C4996: 'mkdir': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _mkdir. See online help for details.
        D:ProgrammeMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCincludedirect.h(128) : see declaration of 'mkdir'
.GuildMarkUploader.cpp(100) : error C2065: 'ILvoid' : undeclared identifier
.GuildMarkUploader.cpp(100) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.GuildMarkDownloader.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.GuildMarkDownloader.cpp(547) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.GuildMarkDownloader.cpp(547) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugGuildMarkDownloader.sbr
.PythonSystemModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonSystemModule.cpp(446) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonSystemModule.cpp(446) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonSystemModule.sbr
.PythonSystem.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonSystem.cpp(676) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonSystem.cpp(676) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonSystem.sbr
.PythonSoundManagerModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonSoundManagerModule.cpp(177) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonSoundManagerModule.cpp(177) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonSoundManagerModule.sbr
.PythonProfilerModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonProfilerModule.cpp(34) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonProfilerModule.cpp(34) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonProfilerModule.sbr
.PythonIMEModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonIMEModule.cpp(290) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonIMEModule.cpp(290) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonIMEModule.sbr
.PythonIME.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonIME.cpp(120) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonIME.cpp(120) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonIME.sbr
.PythonApplicationWebPage.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationWebPage.cpp(47) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationWebPage.cpp(47) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationWebPage.sbr
Generating Code...
.PythonApplicationProcedure.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationProcedure.cpp(282) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationProcedure.cpp(282) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationProcedure.sbr
.PythonApplicationModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationModule.cpp(1532) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationModule.cpp(1532) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationModule.sbr
.PythonApplicationLogo.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationLogo.cpp(243) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationLogo.cpp(243) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationLogo.sbr
.PythonApplicationEvent.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationEvent.cpp(232) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationEvent.cpp(232) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationEvent.sbr
.PythonApplicationCursor.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationCursor.cpp(166) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationCursor.cpp(166) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationCursor.sbr
.PythonApplicationCamera.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplicationCamera.cpp(416) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplicationCamera.cpp(416) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplicationCamera.sbr
.PythonApplication.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonApplication.cpp(1451) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonApplication.cpp(1451) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonApplication.sbr
.ProcessScanner.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.ProcessScanner.cpp(143) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.ProcessScanner.cpp(143) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugProcessScanner.sbr
.PythonPackModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPackModule.cpp(88) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPackModule.cpp(88) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPackModule.sbr
.PythonTextTailModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonTextTailModule.cpp(236) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonTextTailModule.cpp(236) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonTextTailModule.sbr
.PythonTextTail.cpp(4) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonTextTail.cpp(1030) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonTextTail.cpp(1030) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonTextTail.sbr
.PythonShop.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonShop.cpp(435) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonShop.cpp(435) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonShop.sbr
.PythonSafeBox.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonSafeBox.cpp(339) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonSafeBox.cpp(339) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonSafeBox.sbr
.PythonMiniMapModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonMiniMapModule.cpp(358) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonMiniMapModule.cpp(358) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonMiniMapModule.sbr
.PythonMiniMap.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonMiniMap.cpp(1499) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonMiniMap.cpp(1499) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonMiniMap.sbr
.PythonMessenger.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonMessenger.cpp(169) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonMessenger.cpp(169) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonMessenger.sbr
.PythonGuild.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonGuild.cpp(800) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonGuild.cpp(800) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonGuild.sbr
.PythonFlyModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonFlyModule.cpp(27) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonFlyModule.cpp(27) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonFlyModule.sbr
.PythonExchangeModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonExchangeModule.cpp(192) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonExchangeModule.cpp(192) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonExchangeModule.sbr
.PythonExchange.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonExchange.cpp(249) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonExchange.cpp(249) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonExchange.sbr
Generating Code...
.PythonChatModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonChatModule.cpp(521) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonChatModule.cpp(521) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonChatModule.sbr
.PythonChat.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonChat.cpp(834) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonChat.cpp(834) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonChat.sbr
.PythonSkill.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonSkill.cpp(2258) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonSkill.cpp(2258) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonSkill.sbr
.PythonQuest.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonQuest.cpp(271) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonQuest.cpp(271) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonQuest.sbr
.PythonPlayerSkill.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayerSkill.cpp(992) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayerSkill.cpp(992) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayerSkill.sbr
.PythonPlayerModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayerModule.cpp(2574) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayerModule.cpp(2574) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayerModule.sbr
.PythonPlayerInputMouse.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayerInputMouse.cpp(395) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayerInputMouse.cpp(395) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayerInputMouse.sbr
.PythonPlayerInputKeyboard.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayerInputKeyboard.cpp(135) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayerInputKeyboard.cpp(135) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayerInputKeyboard.sbr
.PythonPlayerInput.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayerInput.cpp(1012) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayerInput.cpp(1012) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayerInput.sbr
.PythonPlayerEventHandler.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayerEventHandler.cpp(281) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayerEventHandler.cpp(281) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayerEventHandler.sbr
.PythonPlayer.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonPlayer.cpp(1729) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonPlayer.cpp(1729) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonPlayer.sbr
.PythonNonPlayerModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonNonPlayerModule.cpp(120) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonNonPlayerModule.cpp(120) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonNonPlayerModule.sbr
.PythonNonPlayer.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonNonPlayer.cpp(198) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonNonPlayer.cpp(198) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonNonPlayer.sbr
.PythonItemModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonItemModule.cpp(842) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonItemModule.cpp(842) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonItemModule.sbr
.PythonItem.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonItem.cpp(707) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonItem.cpp(707) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonItem.sbr
.PythonGameEventManagerModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonGameEventManagerModule.cpp(31) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonGameEventManagerModule.cpp(31) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonGameEventManagerModule.sbr
.PythonEventManagerMoudle.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonEventManagerMoudle.cpp(316) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonEventManagerMoudle.cpp(316) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonEventManagerMoudle.sbr
.PythonEventManager.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonEventManager.cpp(1213) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonEventManager.cpp(1213) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonEventManager.sbr
.PythonEffectModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonEffectModule.cpp(151) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonEffectModule.cpp(151) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonEffectModule.sbr
.PythonCharacterModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonCharacterModule.cpp(1493) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonCharacterModule.cpp(1493) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonCharacterModule.sbr
Generating Code...
.PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp(845) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp(845) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonCharacterManagerModule.sbr
.PythonCharacterManager.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonCharacterManager.cpp(966) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonCharacterManager.cpp(966) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonCharacterManager.sbr
.PythonBackgroundModule.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonBackgroundModule.cpp(620) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonBackgroundModule.cpp(620) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonBackgroundModule.sbr
.PythonBackground.cpp(5) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.PythonBackground.cpp(922) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.PythonBackground.cpp(922) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugPythonBackground.sbr
.CameraProcedure.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.CameraProcedure.cpp(352) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.CameraProcedure.cpp(352) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugCameraProcedure.sbr
.InstanceBaseTransform.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBaseTransform.cpp(94) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBaseTransform.cpp(94) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBaseTransform.sbr
.InstanceBaseMovement.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBaseMovement.cpp(357) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBaseMovement.cpp(357) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBaseMovement.sbr
.InstanceBaseMotion.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBaseMotion.cpp(166) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBaseMotion.cpp(166) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBaseMotion.sbr
.InstanceBaseEvent.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBaseEvent.cpp(18) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBaseEvent.cpp(18) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBaseEvent.sbr
.InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(1139) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(1139) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBaseEffect.sbr
.InstanceBaseBattle.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBaseBattle.cpp(720) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBaseBattle.cpp(720) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBaseBattle.sbr
.InstanceBase.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.InstanceBase.cpp(3116) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.InstanceBase.cpp(3116) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugInstanceBase.sbr
.AffectFlagContainer.cpp(1) : error C2471: cannot update program database 'd:novalinesrcsclientuserinterfacedebugvc90.pdb'
.AffectFlagContainer.cpp(93) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
.AffectFlagContainer.cpp(93) : error C2418: cannot delete browser file: .DebugAffectFlagContainer.sbr
Generating Code...
Creating browse information file...
Microsoft Browse Information Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.21022
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
BSCMAKE: error BK1506 : cannot open file '.DebugInstanceBase.sbr': No such file or directory
</pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
</font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5>&nbsp;</td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>&nbsp;</td><td width=*><pre>Build log was saved at "file://d:novalineSrcsClientUserInterfaceDebugBuildLog.htm"
UserInterface - 187 error(s), 3 warning(s)
</pre></table><table   width=100% height=20 bgcolor=#CFCFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>

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Hello Denis! Nice tutorial you got there! I tried to compile my binary but i got some errors:
Some informations:
I am using visual studio 2013 with Update 4 [Latest]
I have linked every class with lib_stuff and include_stuff
I have added an additional Lib path for UserInterface that links to ...\ScriptLib\Python-2.2\libs\
I have disable "Image has Safe Exception Handlers" cuz i was getting SAFESEH errors.

But i still got these errors.... And 1565 warnings?!?!?

Links for my: Errors
Some of my warnings:

Warnings 1:  https://metin2.download/picture/6Nymp2LLZir15HnsmZhX0Z4L1ilkpXyK/.png
Warnings 2:  https://metin2.download/picture/3u5mf5nKnczi3scZ2j93Xeh5k07CyACO/.png
Warnings 3:  https://metin2.download/picture/So1yQRXGO7cUNob4lwRFZoGP20Ep4IQM/.png

Thanks a lot! :)

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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I have compiled game from mainline_released but I have problems :

Unknown packet header: 212, last: 251 250
Unknown packet header: 102, last: 251 250
Phase Game does not handle this header (header: 81, last: 45, 81)
Unknown packet header: 103, last: 45 81
Unknown packet header: 100, last: 90 84
Unknown packet header: 170, last: 251 250


Which binary is the best for me? Novaline or mainline?

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