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Everything works fine, just add a part of "python" client, so that users change language with a button, i was lazy to do it.
- The system saves one language per account.
- It's capable of translating quest, client, etc.
- The system takes the language from the client's mylang.cfg file and save on DB of this account in the client.
The guide simply focuses on looking for DEFINE:

So you can see how I placed it.
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I've reviewed the codes a few times, but I couldn't get the chat to work, does anyone have any idea what might be happening, or know how I can fix it?

Obs.: In the "locale_game.txt" messages it is as if there are no spaces between the words, I don't know if this has something to do with the main problem.

In advance, I am grateful for your attention.


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Obs.: Working perfectly, with the exception of the accents in chat all, but in normal chat it works, in case anyone has a fix.

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On 4/12/2022 at 11:17 PM, Klaus said:


I've reviewed the codes a few times, but I couldn't get the chat to work, does anyone have any idea what might be happening, or know how I can fix it?

Obs.: In the "locale_game.txt" messages it is as if there are no spaces between the words, I don't know if this has something to do with the main problem.

In advance, I am grateful for your attention.


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Obs.: Working perfectly, with the exception of the accents in chat all, but in normal chat it works, in case anyone has a fix.

Thank you for the fix, in addition you should mention, that the class std::size will only work with c++17 and higher. 

I would like to contribute with the gui for changing the language:

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	def __init__(self, stream):
		self.languageBoard = 0
	def Close(self):
		self.languageBoard				= None
	def __LoadScript(self, fileName):
		import dbg
			pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
			pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName)
			import exception
			self.serverBoard			= GetObject("ServerBoard")
add this
			self.languageBoard			= GetObject("LanguageBoard")
			self.OnClickChangeEn		= GetObject("ChangeLanguageEn")
			self.OnClickChangeEs		= GetObject("ChangeLanguageEs")
			self.OnClickChangeHu		= GetObject("ChangeLanguageHu")
			self.OnClickChangeRo		= GetObject("ChangeLanguageRo")
			self.OnClickChangeTr		= GetObject("ChangeLanguageTr")
			self.OnClickChangeDe		= GetObject("ChangeLanguageDe")
under this 
			import exception


		self.serverBoard.OnKeyUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__ServerBoard_OnKeyUp)
		self.xServerBoard, self.yServerBoard = self.serverBoard.GetLocalPosition()




add this
		self.OnClickChangeEn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickChangeLanguage), "en")
		self.OnClickChangeEs.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickChangeLanguage), "es")
		self.OnClickChangeHu.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickChangeLanguage), "hu")
		self.OnClickChangeRo.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickChangeLanguage), "ro")
		self.OnClickChangeTr.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickChangeLanguage), "tr")
		self.OnClickChangeDe.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickChangeLanguage), "de")

before this:
	def __OnClickLoginButton(self):
add this function
	def __OnClickChangeLanguage(self, language):
		self.Languages = { "en" : "0", "es" : "1", "hu" : "2", "ro" : "3", "tr" : "4", "de" : "5"}
		file = open("mylang.cfg", "w")
		dbg.LogBox("The laguage of client was changed.")
		dbg.LogBox("Please start your game again.")



			"name" : "LanguageBoard",
			"type" : "window",
			"x" : 530,
			"width" : 375,
			"height" : 50,
			"children" :
					"name" : "ChangeLanguageEn",
					"type" : "radio_button",

					"x": 0,
					"y": 0,

					"default_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_en_norm.tga",
					"over_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_en_over.tga",
					"down_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_en_norm.tga",
					"name" : "ChangeLanguageEs",
					"type" : "radio_button",

					"x": 40,
					"y": 0,

					"default_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_es_norm.tga",
					"over_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_es_over.tga",
					"down_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_es_norm.tga",
					"name" : "ChangeLanguageHu",
					"type" : "radio_button",

					"x": 40*2,
					"y": 0,

					"default_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_hu_norm.tga",
					"over_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_hu_over.tga",
					"down_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_hu_norm.tga",
					"name" : "ChangeLanguageRo",
					"type" : "radio_button",

					"x": 40*3,
					"y": 0,

					"default_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_ro_norm.tga",
					"over_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_ro_over.tga",
					"down_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_ro_norm.tga",
					"name" : "ChangeLanguageTr",
					"type" : "radio_button",

					"x": 40*4,
					"y": 0,
					"default_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_tr_norm.tga",
					"over_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_tr_over.tga",
					"down_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_tr_norm.tga",
					"name" : "ChangeLanguageDe",
					"type" : "radio_button",

					"x": 40*5,
					"y": 0,

					"default_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_de_norm.tga",
					"over_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_de_over.tga",
					"down_image": "d:/ymir work/ui/game/language/login/flag_de_norm.tga",
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Edited by Metin2 Dev International
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“To be humble with superiors is duty, with equals is courtesy, with inferiors is nobility.”
Benjamin Franklin


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  • 7 months later...
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Posted (edited)

First of all thanks for the release.

If anyone try to use this multilang system, here's some tip for the quests because making different quest states for each language as in the example will be a nightmare.


--Default arrays
gameforge.blacksmith = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._20_sayTitle = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._30_say = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._40_sayTitle = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._50_sayReward = {}

gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat["en"] = "I want to upgrade something. "
gameforge.blacksmith._20_sayTitle["en"] = "Blacksmith "
gameforge.blacksmith._30_say["en"] = "Greetings![ENTER]I am responsible for upgrading items. If you want[ENTER]to upgrade an item, just bring it to me. "
gameforge.blacksmith._40_sayTitle["en"] = "Information: "
gameforge.blacksmith._50_sayReward["en"] = "Drag an item from your inventory onto the[ENTER]Blacksmith. "

gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat["hu"] = "Szeretnék valamit feljavíttatni. "
gameforge.blacksmith._20_sayTitle["hu"] = "Kovács "
gameforge.blacksmith._30_say["hu"] = "Üdvözöllek![ENTER]Én felelek a tárgyak feljavításáért. Ha fel[ENTER]szeretnél javíttatni egy tárgyat, hozd csak ide[ENTER]nekem. "
gameforge.blacksmith._40_sayTitle["hu"] = "Információ: "
gameforge.blacksmith._50_sayReward["hu"] = "Húzz rá egy tárgyat a leltáradból a Kovácsra. "


function get_lang_name()
	if get_lang() == 1 then
		return "hu"
	return "en"


quest blacksmith begin
	state start begin
		when blacksmith.chat.gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat[get_lang_name()] begin

Some caching mechanism to the get_lang_name() would be nice too.
Also do not use this in notice_all because it will notice all in the player's language... Maybe use ["en"] to display notice_alls in english for everyone or code some translating mechanism for the client (e.g. replace chars when displaying the messages depending on the current lang).

+1 note: the default qc did not like the [get_lang_name()] in the when statement but a friend gave me a "fixed" qc which you can download 

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Edited by TMP4
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Posted (edited)
On 4/12/2022 at 11:17 PM, Klaus said:

Obs.: Working perfectly, with the exception of the accents in chat all, but in normal chat it works, in case anyone has a fix.

char.cpp in void CHARACTER::ChatPacket


    std::string sTranslateText;
    if (type != CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND)
        if (GetLang() > MAX_LANGUAGES)
            sTranslateText = LC_TEXT(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, format);
            sTranslateText = LC_TEXT(GetLang(), format);

and this a little under:

	int len = vsnprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), format, args);

	if (type != CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND)
		len = vsnprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), sTranslateText.c_str(), args);

Is just not needed at all and makes this problem. Every shout, party, info etc chat would go to LC_TEXT what adds a "@0949" to the message if translation not found in  in locale.cpp's locale_find (it's hidden but you can see in /n for example or if you write messages to console) and that "@0949" makes accents bad plus you get a syserr each time somebody shout or party or guild chat etc.

So you can delete this 2 ifdef if you already set every LC_TEXT(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE.. / LC_TEXT(ch->GetLang().. and I'm sure you did because LC_TEXT's new first attribute is mandatory so if you didn't then you couldn't compile the game. So that's why I said this is just not needed at all and can be removed.

Edit: LC_TEXT(TRANSLATE_LANGUAGE will not work. Use LC_TEXT(ch->GetLang()..

(Sorry for bumping old topic but I wanted to share the fix)

Edited by TMP4
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Make NPC names load from clientside mob_proto:

Look for CPythonNetworkStream::__RecvCharacterAppendPacket in PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameActor.cpp

Add this to the begginning of the function:

	if (pkNetActorData->m_bType == CActorInstance::TYPE_NPC && !(pkNetActorData->m_dwRace >= 20101 && pkNetActorData->m_dwRace <= 20109) && !(pkNetActorData->m_dwRace >= 34001 && pkNetActorData->m_dwRace <= 34099)) // load npc names from clientside
		const char* c_szName;
		CPythonNonPlayer& rkNonPlayer = CPythonNonPlayer::Instance();
		if (rkNonPlayer.GetName(pkNetActorData->m_dwRace, &c_szName))
			pkNetActorData->m_stName = c_szName;
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  • 3 weeks later...

is that possible 

		if (LC_IsEurope())
			char translateFileName[256];
			snprintf(translateFileName, sizeof(translateFileName), "%s/translate.lua", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str());

			int translateLoadingResult = lua_dofile(L, translateFileName);
			sys_log(0, "LoadTranslate(%s), returns %d", translateFileName, translateLoadingResult);
			if (translateLoadingResult != 0)
				sys_err("LOAD_TRANSLATE_ERROR(%s)", translateFileName);
				return false;

			char questLocaleFileName[256];
			if (LC_IsEurope())
				snprintf(questLocaleFileName, sizeof(questLocaleFileName), "%s/locale.lua", g_stQuestDir.c_str());
				snprintf(questLocaleFileName, sizeof(questLocaleFileName), "%s/locale_%s.lua", g_stQuestDir.c_str(), g_stLocale.c_str());

			int questLocaleLoadingResult = lua_dofile(L, questLocaleFileName);
			sys_log(0, "LoadQuestLocale(%s), returns %d", questLocaleFileName, questLocaleLoadingResult);
			if (questLocaleLoadingResult != 0)
				sys_err("LoadQuestLocale(%s) FAILURE", questLocaleFileName);
				return false;

questlua.cpp update this automatic like if lang is english then it load translate_en.lua if german language then translate_de.lua


and i got this error 


locale_service.cpp:427:18: compile matrix_card.cpp
error: use of undeclared identifier 'SQLMsg'
  427 |         std::unique_ptcompile messenger_manager.cpp
r<SQLMsg> pMsg(DBManager::Instance().DirectQuery("SELECT lang FROM common.lang"));
      |                         ^
locale_service.cpp:427:31: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DBManager'
  427 |         std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(DBManager::Incompile mining.cpp
stance().DirectQuery("SELECT lang FROM common.lang"));
      compile mob_manager.cpp
|                                      ^
locale_service.cpp:430:2: error: unknown type name 'MYSQL_ROW'
  430 |         MYSQL_ROW row;
      |         ^
locale_service.cpp:454:6: error: redefinition of 'LocaleService_LoadLocaleStringFile'


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  • Active Member
On 4/16/2024 at 8:56 PM, TMP4 said:

First of all thanks for the release.

If anyone try to use this multilang system, here's some tip for the quests because making different quest states for each language as in the example will be a nightmare.


--Default arrays
gameforge.blacksmith = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._20_sayTitle = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._30_say = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._40_sayTitle = {}
gameforge.blacksmith._50_sayReward = {}

gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat["en"] = "I want to upgrade something. "
gameforge.blacksmith._20_sayTitle["en"] = "Blacksmith "
gameforge.blacksmith._30_say["en"] = "Greetings![ENTER]I am responsible for upgrading items. If you want[ENTER]to upgrade an item, just bring it to me. "
gameforge.blacksmith._40_sayTitle["en"] = "Information: "
gameforge.blacksmith._50_sayReward["en"] = "Drag an item from your inventory onto the[ENTER]Blacksmith. "

gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat["hu"] = "Szeretnék valamit feljavíttatni. "
gameforge.blacksmith._20_sayTitle["hu"] = "Kovács "
gameforge.blacksmith._30_say["hu"] = "Üdvözöllek![ENTER]Én felelek a tárgyak feljavításáért. Ha fel[ENTER]szeretnél javíttatni egy tárgyat, hozd csak ide[ENTER]nekem. "
gameforge.blacksmith._40_sayTitle["hu"] = "Információ: "
gameforge.blacksmith._50_sayReward["hu"] = "Húzz rá egy tárgyat a leltáradból a Kovácsra. "


function get_lang_name()
	if get_lang() == 1 then
		return "hu"
	return "en"


quest blacksmith begin
	state start begin
		when blacksmith.chat.gameforge.blacksmith._10_npcChat[get_lang_name()] begin

Some caching mechanism to the get_lang_name() would be nice too.
Also do not use this in notice_all because it will notice all in the player's language... Maybe use ["en"] to display notice_alls in english for everyone or code some translating mechanism for the client (e.g. replace chars when displaying the messages depending on the current lang).

+1 note: the default qc did not like the [get_lang_name()] in the when statement but a friend gave me a "fixed" qc which you can download 

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Did you also managed to fix the locale.lua part for the npc chats? If I start the server and login with an german client after that starting a second client with romanian for example, both clients get the german language for the npc chats.


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