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Official Unpacked Updates Metin2 ? No Spam ?

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like the old topic ( >here< ) this topic is reserved for SHARES ONLY. If you're searching some specific files use our file request topic >here<.

Additionally to this you can search for your files in the latest fully unpacked client:


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metin2_patch_user_situation (

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metin2.sg eterPacks 2017.04.29. (
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Hello guys.

I'm here with the v17.2 and the v17.3 patches.


  • New gaya gui files + npcs
  • New fish event gui files
  • New changelook gui file (I've got this 3 weeks ago :P)
  • New party match gui files
  • New ranking gui files
  • Unpacked protos: DE, CZ and HU (XML + TXT)
  • Dumped root files + builtins <!> INFORMATIONS ONLY <!>

Download : (

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v17.5 Beta new packs are here!

  • New dungeon w/ weapons, armors, mobs, sashes.
  • New Halloween minigame gui files, costumes, pet and mount with 2 textures.
  • And so on..

Download : (

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I wasn't update my proto packer yet. I cannot decrypt the mob_proto because of the changed structure. And the item_proto is containing a lot of new informations, new types, subtypes, applytypes and so on.

item_proto: (

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Download : (All) (

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Well I dont know which eterPacks where modified by the last official patches. I extracted some of them.

18.1 should be completly included (only the crypted parts). There are also some parts of 17.6/18.0 included. If something is missing, just tell me the eterpack's name and i'll add it.

by Samagon
Extracted: 05/04/2018 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Included patches:


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On 4/6/2018 at 8:50 AM, Syreldar said:

Based on last modification, the most recent modified files you didn't mention are:

  1. metin2_patch_common
  2. metin2_patch_etc
  3. metin2_patch_nodelar
  4. metin2_patch_etc_costume1
  5. metin2_patch_horse_sound
  6. metin2_patch_luck_sound

Those were all updated on the 8th of January.

Good job by the way!

Thanks for the information https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_smile.png

nodelar is empty. (1kb) If still sth. is missing, just tell me the eterpack https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_smile.png

File Info:

by Samagon
Extracted: 06/04/2018 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Included patches:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Patch 18.2: (

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They did it again... https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_biggrin.png Now the gameguard isn't runing.

Here is the whole pack with item and mob protos, but the mob_proto isn't clear just dumped with false values, and ofc I don't recommend of use one of them either.
(Exclude files: root, outdoor,
outdoorempirebattle1) (

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About the new mob_proto raceflags:
There are three new raceflags. DECO[1 << 17], HIDE[1 << 18] and ATT_CZ[i <<19](? this isn't sure, only the new zodiac mobs have it).
Deco: Means the actor is a decoration and doesn't shown on minimap.






Hide: This is the decoration filter for the decorations into the Game options.







Att_CZ: I didn't find any informations about the last flag in the binary, so maybe that has only serverside options.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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Hey guys :)

If you have questions about the [Official] "Unpacked Updates Metin2.de", do not hesitate to ask them here!!

This thread was created because more and more questions arise to this topic!

[Official] Unpacked Updates Metin2.de (new, spam free)
I hope that this thread is now spam free!


Best regards

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Here are the item and mob proto from .DE
The mob_proto struct isn't 100%! (

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HitRange or distance or whatever:

signed int __userpurge CPythonNonPlayer::GetMonsterHitRange@<eax>(char *a1@<ecx>, int a2@<ebx>, int a3@<edi>, int a4@<esi>, char a5)
  signed int v6; // [esp+0h] [ebp-1Ch]
  int v7; // [esp+18h] [ebp-4h]

  v7 = CPythonNonPlayer::GetTable(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
  if ( !v7 )
    return (signed __int64)70.0;
  if ( *(_DWORD *)(v7 + 271) != 0.0 )
    v6 = *(_DWORD *)(v7 + 271);
    v6 = 100.0;
  return v6;

An example where it is used:

signed int __userpurge CActorInstance::__SplashAttackProcess@<eax>(int a1@<ecx>, double a2@<st4>, int ebx0@<ebx>, double a4@<st0>, float a3)
  int v5; // esi
  float v7; // ebp
  char v8; // al
  char *v9; // eax
  double v10; // st4
  double v11; // st7
  double v12; // st5
  double v13; // st6
  double v14; // st7
  double v15; // st6
  int v16; // ecx
  int v17; // ebx
  int v18; // ebx
  float v19; // eax
  int v20; // edx
  signed int v21; // eax
  int v22; // edi
  float *v23; // eax
  float v24; // [esp+4h] [ebp-20h]
  float v25; // [esp+8h] [ebp-1Ch]
  float v26; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-18h]
  float v27; // [esp+10h] [ebp-14h]
  char v28; // [esp+18h] [ebp-Ch]

  v5 = a1;
  if ( !CActorInstance::__IsInSplashTime((float *)a1) )
    return 0;
  v7 = a3;
  v26 = *(float *)(LODWORD(a3) + 1412) - *(float *)(v5 + 1412);
  v27 = *(float *)(LODWORD(a3) + 1416) - *(float *)(v5 + 1416);
  v8 = CActorInstance::GetRace((_DWORD *)v5);
  a3 = (double)(unsigned int)CPythonNonPlayer::GetMonsterHitRange(0, ebx0, 0, v5, v8);
  v9 = CGraphicObjectInstance::GetScale((char *)v5);
  a3 = (*(float *)v9 - 1.0) * a3 + 1000.0;
  v10 = v27;
  v11 = a3;
  a3 = v10 * v10 + v26 * v26 + 0.0 * 0.0;
  v12 = v11;
  v13 = v11 * v11;
  v14 = a3;
  a3 = v13;
  v15 = a3;
  if ( a3 <= v14 )
    return 0;



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Latest update.

  • item and mob protos are dumped, in more or less readable xml format.
    Mob proto got a new value by name ResistFist (xD).
  • Every texts of the quests are in the locale files from now in the locale/XX/locale_quest.txt file.
  • Some gui elements for the quest category.
  • Correction of the dark temple map, probably they discovered that the minimap wasn't show some bridges https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_biggrin.png


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Beta entire client is here unpacked: (

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  1. New emotions, emoticons Video
  2. New halloween content (pet, mount, costumes, hairstyles)
  3. Lots of haven't seen gui elements in the etc.
  4. And so on.

Have fun with it.

New german protos from beta, they increased the ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM 3 -> 4 (Only the german locale contains the new struct https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_blink.png) (

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All : (

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3 hours ago, corbaciov said:

i have a request
can you please extract the mob proto

if possible in english

why i am unable to unpack the mob_proto with the tools provided by metin2 forums ? i got zero everywhere as value

On 5/23/2018 at 6:01 PM, Raylee said:

Hey guys :)

If you have questions about the [Official] "Unpacked Updates Metin2.de", do not hesitate to ask them here!!

This thread was created because more and more questions arise to this topic!

[Official] Unpacked Updates Metin2.de (new, spam free)
I hope that this thread is now spam free!


Best regards


Write your question in the topic above and tag xP3NG3Rx if you want.

Best regards

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Official v18.4 patch (

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  1. The missing texture files are included.
  2. All locales https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_ph34r.png
  3. So on.


Br client: (

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