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Everything posted by HellBoy

  1. Ymir will not do anything for 2 reasons 1 they earn nothing by sueing 1 person will spend more time than the earn from that and if you count all privates servers will get them broke , their company is at legal limit also they are just a branch of webzen they dont even apear on webzen published / developed games.All they can hope is sucking more money from publishers and keep them intresting with cheap updates like shoulders only for that you can see how lazzy and money hunger their company is they couldve easy update the game engine or part of it as speedtree or a better 3d one but those cost money metin2 got a unique gameplay sistem if they would improve design quality would probably bring it on top mmorpgs like back in time but instaid they act more cheap than a second hand private so dont worry about the copyrights those monkeys will not spend a cent on it!
  2. in root playersettingmodule.py you search for this lines chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/"+name+"/") and replace them as you wish ... but i dont understand why you do that specialy without knowledges about it will scrue things up when you will try to add new structure things
  3. Your Mysql got fucked because of logs reinstall mysql
  4. 1. Add the chest/body texture first this way will shine the bigg part of the armor. 2. Get a new binary or make one yourself.
  5. I think the old binary versions only alow specular for 1 SourceSkin only ? you get specular or any part of your armor or on none?
  6. Or maybe in msm you put wrong the adress of the texture, the specular dont work only with the route the .gr2 file takes must look like this Group ShapeData27 { SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/assassin/" ShapeIndex 26 Model "assassin_4-1.GR2" SourceSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" TargetSkin "assassin_4-2.dds" }
  7. u add the vrum of the item u want to evolve into at item_proto line refined_vnum
  8. Awesome btw your site got a problem with Chrome? because when i try to download takes like 4ever and i only get a 300 kb broken rar archive
  9. i did they made me this1 but doesnt work so i think is something wrong with it first i tought is because of aplfanumeric id removed the check and still dont work when i try run postback i get one of those errors eithher for signature check either for sql lines when i try test it i do get the curency i send but when i use the buy functions i dont get the coins and the postback sends gives error and the support aint so helpfull i asume that can be made a shorter version of this postback to work sadly my skills dont go that far to do it
  10. Hello recently tryed to switch to SupperReward payment sistem all goes well till i tryed to configure the postback wich i failed like few hundrets of time to do it this is how i stand now <?php /* SuperRewards.com App Postback Handling Script for Publishers. You will need a web server running PHP and a MySQL database (or MySQL-like database). This script uses PHP's PDO which can be configured to use different database types. Installation Instructions: 1. Fill in the configuration options below. 2. Place the script on your web server and make sure it is accessible from the Internet. Ex: [Hidden Content] 3. Automatically setup the database tables for use with this script by passing the setup option in the URL. Ex: [Hidden Content]?setup=1 4. Test your integration by sending a Test Postback. See: [Hidden Content] 5. Use the information in the database to award in-game currency to your users. For more details, see our documentation at: [Hidden Content] */ define('APP_SECRET', 'TheKey'); // App Secret Key. Find it by going to the Apps page, select Edit on the App of your choice, then Integrate. define('DB_USER', 'MyUser'); // Your database user. define('DB_PASSWORD', 'MyPassword'); // Your database password. define('DB_HOST', ''); // Your database host (usually define('DB_HOST_PORT', 'MyPort'); // Your database host port (usually 3306). define('DB_NAME', 'account'); // Your database name. define('DB_PREFIX', 'app1_'); // OPTIONAL: A database table prefix, such as 'app1_'. This easily allows multiple apps to be served from the same database. error_reporting(E_WARNING); // *** No more configuration below this line. *** header('Content-Type:text/plain'); // If &setup is passed in, setup tables needed to use this script. if(isset($_REQUEST['setup'])) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREFIX."transactions` ( `id` INT NOT NULL, `uid` BIGINT, `oid` INT, `new` INT, `time` DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREFIX."users` ( `uid` BIGINT NOT NULL, `total` INT, `time` DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (`uid`)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"; try { // Connect to Database. $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=".DB_HOST.";dbname=".DB_NAME.";port=".DB_HOST_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, array( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING )); $query = $dbh->prepare($query); if(!$query->execute()) echo "Could not create tables in database: ".DB_NAME." @ ".DB_HOST.'. Check your configuration above.'; else echo "Tables setup successfully!"; $dbh = null; } catch (PDOException $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } exit(); } $id = $_REQUEST['id']; // ID of this transaction. $uid = $_REQUEST['uid']; // ID of the user which performed this transaction. $oid = $_REQUEST['oid']; // ID of the offer or direct payment method. $new = $_REQUEST['new']; // Number of in-game currency your user has earned by completing this offer. $total = $_REQUEST['total']; // Total number of in-game currency your user has earned on this App. $sig = $_REQUEST['sig']; // Security hash used to verify the authenticity of the postback. /** * Sanity check. * * If you are using alphanumeric user ids, remove the is_numeric($uid) check. Alphanumeric * ids can only be enabled by Super Rewards Support * * If you are using alphanumeric user ids, please ensure that you use the appropriate URL-encoding * for non-text or unicode characters. For example: ~ should be encoded as %7E */ if(!(is_numeric($id) && is_numeric($uid) && is_numeric($oid) && is_numeric($new) && is_numeric($total))) exit('0'); // Fail. $result = 1; $sig_compare = md5($id.':'.$new.':'.$uid.':'.APP_SECRET); // Only accept if the Security Hash matches what we have. if($sig == $sig_compare) { $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); try { // Connect to Database. $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=".DB_HOST.";dbname=".DB_NAME.";port=".DB_HOST_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, array( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING )); // Add new transaction $query = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."transactions(id, uid, oid, new, time) VALUES (:id,:uid,:oid,:new,:time) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=:id,uid=:uid,oid=:oid,new=:new,time=:time"); $query->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindParam(':uid', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindParam(':oid', $oid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindParam(':new', $new, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindParam(':time', $timestamp, PDO::PARAM_STR); if(!$query->execute()) $result = 7; // Problems executing SQL. Fail. $sqlServ1 = mysql_connect('','MyUser','MyPassword'); $sqlCoins = "SELECT coins FROM account.account WHERE login='$uid'"; $qryCoins = mysql_query($sqlCoins,$sqlServ1); $getCoins = mysql_fetch_object($qryCoins); $ocoins = $getCoins->coins; $nCoins = $ocoins + $new; $sqlCmd1 = "UPDATE account.account SET coins = '$nCoins' WHERE login='$uid'"; $sqlQry1 = mysql_query($sqlCmd1,$sqlServ1); // Add/Update user. $query = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."users(uid, total, time) VALUES (:uid,:total,:time) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE uid=:uid,total=:total,time=:time"); $query->bindParam(':uid', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindParam(':total', $total, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindParam(':time', $timestamp, PDO::PARAM_STR); if(!$query->execute()) $result = 8; // Problems executing SQL. Fail. $dbh = null; } catch (PDOException $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } } else $result = 9; // Security hash incorrect. Fail. echo $result; // This script will output a status code of 1 (Success) or 0 (Try sending again later). ?> I get error at sig compare if i try remove that and get it work either gives the value of coins xxx time or either doesnt reward with coins at all not talking about the table for transactions and history dont get any data Now to fix it i dont mind paying for just wanna get it done Thanks
  11. If wouldn't need ymir wouldn't made them but i will try answ you lods for armors same as for building is the 3d image u get of that object from different distance now each lod got less details than the prev one for example load 1 is way more defined than lod 3 there for from distance you see a less detailed object that leads to less resources use and a better game play vision since far object need to look like that far and undefined hope this helps also the 3d modelers when they build objects to adapt them like that!
  12. Go to the pack you have the .GR2 model for the armor and look for this sura_pwahuang1_lod_03.gr2 IF you try to open it with granny you will see is blank now delete it and instaid of it make a copy of sura_pwahuang1_lod_02.gr2 and rename it to sura_pwahuang1_lod_03.gr2 pack it again and done
  13. This replay would've sound different if i wouldn't have that warning point but seriously telling a guy who claim to be newbie to edit the source to increase the rates ..... what happen with the quests or with the mob proto refine in refine_proto in player, first is the id for the refine u have to add it on the refine_set in item_proto vnum0-4 for the item u want to add count0-4 for how many of them and cost for the cost of the refine in gold and the last prob for the chance to succes
  14. Get a new version of enigma 4.xx, that error is that 3.7 dont get along with windows 8
  15. You know that are some armors that comes with their own texture for face right? if not all
  16. HellBoy

    50 NPC's

    Why not if is video they can watch it and learn from if they cant learn by that ... the sound will not change much, the voice is just a + of tutorials. In always watched tutorials muted because ppl voice annoys me xD
  17. You can try this quest cambio_raza begin state start begin when id_item.use begin say_title("Cambio de Raza") say("Con este mágico objeto podrás cambiar la raza") say("de tu personaje.") say("Tu pj tendrá otro aspecto y habilidades distintas.") say("ATENCIÓN: Debes guardar todo tu equipo antes de") say("hacer el cambio. Tu personaje podría bugearse.") say("Ademas, debes volver a entrar a tu cuenta para que") say("todos los cambios sean realizados.") say("") say_reward("¿Quieres cambiar la raza de tu personaje?") say("") local main_set = select ("Si","No") if main_set == 2 then return end if main_set == 1 then say_title("Cambio de Raza") say("¿Cual quieres que sea la nueva raza para tu") say("personaje?") say("") local razzacambiasex = select ("Guerrero","Ninja","Sura","Shaman","Cancelar") if razzacambiasex == 1 then say_title("Cambio de Raza") say("¿Cual quieres que sea el sexo de tu personaje?") say("") local sexwar = select ("Hombre","Mujer","Cancelar") if sexwar == 1 then pc.polymorph("4") pc.change_sex() elseif sexwar == 2 then pc.polymorph("4") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexwar == 3 then return end elseif razzacambiasex == 2 then say_title("Cambio de Raza") say("¿Cual quieres que sea el sexo de tu personaje?") say("") local sexninja = select ("Hombre","Mujer","Cancelar") if sexninja == 2 then pc.polymorph("5") pc.change_sex() elseif sexninja == 1 then pc.polymorph("5") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexninja == 3 then return end elseif razzacambiasex == 3 then say_title("Cambio de Raza") say("¿Cual quieres que sea el sexo de tu personaje?") say("") local sexsura = select ("Hombre","Mujer","Cancelar") if sexsura == 1 then pc.polymorph("6") pc.change_sex() elseif sexsura == 2 then pc.polymorph("6") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexsura == 3 then return end elseif razzacambiasex == 4 then say_title("Cambio de Raza") say("¿Cual quieres que sea el sexo de tu personaje?") say("") local sexshamy = select ("Hombre","Mujer","Cancelar") if sexshamy == 2 then pc.polymorph("7") pc.change_sex() elseif sexshamy == 1 then pc.polymorph("7") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexshamy == 3 then return end elseif razzacambiasex == 5 then return end end end end end Is spanish but got easy translate and those guys seems it feedback it well [i DIDNT MAKE IT]
  18. local main_set = select ( "Sim" , "Nao" ) if main_set == 2 then return end if main_set == 1 then say ( "Escolhe a tua nova Personagem?" ) to local main_set = select ( "Sim" , "Nao" ) if main_set == 2 then return end elseif main_set == 1 then say ( "Escolhe a tua nova Personagem?" ) check the rest also at SELECT u can have only one "if" the rest must be "elseif"
  19. You can create some 3d objects with animation also but the result is not same as a spt model and needs far more resources than a speed tree model and the speed tree is clumsy i only succed to modify some of those never to reproduce one till we dont succed to update speed tree engine the "grass" dies with those objects xD
  20. outdoorA1 ,B1 C1 for map1 but to make it shorter in each map folder xD
  21. Even for a new school server, x2 64 maps thats more that some1 will ever use... [ active maps for those that keeps craps in their files ]
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