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Everything posted by HellBoy

  1. How about u goo check in texture set all texture files a/b/c if are the terrains paths u want there, check if your outdoorA1.B1.C1 got same as in texture set then also check the new terrain u said you changed if is still there and added no bin will ever chose any other texture that u put RIGHT way in pack files
  2. open the building object with granny will show u the texture path... something like this "d:/ymir work/zone/striptease bar/ striptease.dds then add it like that into ''''ymir work/zone in the world editor
  3. i tryed this1 too and almost smashed my pc with a hammer soo do as me get normal world editor put it on partition d: and enjoy editing xD until he release a decent version of it TESTED BY HIMSELFFFFFFFFFF xD
  4. I quit .. you should ask sema" he build this sistem for me works like a charm and is same as you have
  5. if not try with this PS: Mine dont work for costumes! import ui import player import mouseModule import net import app import chat import snd import item import player import chat import grp import uiScriptLocale import uiRefine import uiAttachMetin import uiCommon import locale import constInfo import ime import grpText import uiToolTip class Switcher(ui.ScriptWindow): POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.5411, 0.7254, 0.5568, 1.0) NEGATIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) def __init__(self): import exception ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def Show(self): #constInfo.SWITCH_BONUS = 1 self.__LoadWindow() ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) def Close(self): #constInfo.SWITCH_BONUS = 0 self.Hide() def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return TRUE def __LoadWindow(self): try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "Uiscript/switcher.py") except: import exception exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") self.TitleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") self.switchslot = self.GetChild("switchslot") self.bonusslot = [self.GetChild2("bonus1"), self.GetChild2("bonus2"), self.GetChild2("bonus3"), self.GetChild2("bonus4"), self.GetChild2("bonus5"), ] self.buttongira = self.GetChild("gira_bonus") self.buttongira.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__cambiar_bonus)) self.TitleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) self.switchslot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectEmptySlot)) self.switchslot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectItemSlot)) self.toolTipCostume = uiToolTip.ToolTip(190) self.toolTipCostume.SetTitle(item.GetItemName()) self.slotitem = None self.slotgira = None def __OnSelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() if isAttached: attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos) itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) itemType = item.GetItemType() if selectedSlotPos == 0: self.slotitem = attachedSlotPos if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON == itemType or item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: self.switchslot.SetItemSlot(selectedSlotPos, itemIndex, 0) attrSlot = [player.GetItemAttribute(attachedSlotPos, i) for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM)] for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM-2): type = attrSlot[i][0] value = attrSlot[i][1] affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) self.bonusslot[i].SetText(affectString) else: if selectedSlotPos == 0: self.switchslot.SetItemSlot(0, 0, 0) self.slotitem = None def __OnSelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() if isAttached: attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos) itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) itemType = item.GetItemType() if selectedSlotPos == 0: self.slotitem = attachedSlotPos if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON == itemType or item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: self.switchslot.SetItemSlot(selectedSlotPos, itemIndex, 0) attrSlot = [player.GetItemAttribute(attachedSlotPos, i) for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM)] for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM-2): type = attrSlot[i][0] value = attrSlot[i][1] affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) self.bonusslot[i].SetText(affectString) if selectedSlotPos == 1 and itemIndex== 71084: self.slotgira = attachedSlotPos self.switchslot.SetItemSlot(selectedSlotPos, itemIndex, itemCount) def __GetAffectString(self, affectType, affectValue): if 0 == affectType: return None if 0 == affectValue: return None try: return self.AFFECT_DICT[affectType](affectValue) except TypeError: return "UNKNOWN_VALUE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue) except KeyError: return "UNKNOWN_TYPE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue) def __cambiar_bonus(self): self.__Switch(self.slotitem,self.slotgira) def __Switch(self,dstSlotPos,srcSlotPos): net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(srcSlotPos,dstSlotPos) #self.refresh(dstSlotPos,srcSlotPos) def refresh(self,dstSlotPos,srcSlotPos): attrSlot = [player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM)] for i in xrange(5): self.bonusslot[i].SetText("") for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM-2): type = attrSlot[i][0] value = attrSlot[i][1] affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) if int(value) < 0: self.bonusslot[i].SetPackedFontColor(self.NEGATIVE_COLOR) else: self.bonusslot[i].SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) self.bonusslot[i].SetText(affectString) itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(srcSlotPos) itemCount = player.GetItemCount(srcSlotPos) self.switchslot.ClearSlot(1) self.switchslot.SetItemSlot(1, itemIndex, itemCount) def OnUpdate(self): self.refresh(self.slotitem,self.slotgira) AFFECT_DICT = { item.APPLY_MAX_HP : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_HP, item.APPLY_MAX_SP : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_SP, item.APPLY_CON : locale.TOOLTIP_CON, item.APPLY_INT : locale.TOOLTIP_INT, item.APPLY_STR : locale.TOOLTIP_STR, item.APPLY_DEX : locale.TOOLTIP_DEX, item.APPLY_ATT_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED, item.APPLY_MOV_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED, item.APPLY_CAST_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED, item.APPLY_HP_REGEN : locale.TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN, item.APPLY_SP_REGEN : locale.TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN, item.APPLY_POISON_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT, item.APPLY_STUN_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT, item.APPLY_SLOW_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT, item.APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT, item.APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD, item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL, item.APPLY_STEAL_HP : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP, item.APPLY_STEAL_SP : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP, item.APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT, item.APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER, item.APPLY_BLOCK : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK, item.APPLY_DODGE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE, item.APPLY_RESIST_SWORD : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD, item.APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND, item.APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER, item.APPLY_RESIST_BELL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL, item.APPLY_RESIST_FAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN, item.APPLY_RESIST_BOW : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW, item.APPLY_RESIST_FIRE : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE, item.APPLY_RESIST_ELEC : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC, item.APPLY_RESIST_MAGIC : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC, item.APPLY_RESIST_WIND : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND, item.APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE, item.APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE, item.APPLY_POISON_REDUCE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE, item.APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER, item.APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS, item.APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS, item.APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS, item.APPLY_POTION_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS, item.APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER, item.APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN, item.APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW, item.APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL, item.APPLY_BOW_DISTANCE : locale.TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE, item.APPLY_DEF_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE, item.APPLY_ATT_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE, item.APPLY_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE, item.APPLY_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE, item.APPLY_MAX_STAMINA : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA, item.APPLY_MALL_ATTBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS, item.APPLY_MALL_DEFBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS, item.APPLY_MALL_EXPBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS, item.APPLY_MALL_ITEMBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS, item.APPLY_MALL_GOLDBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS, item.APPLY_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS, item.APPLY_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS, item.APPLY_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS, item.APPLY_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS, item.APPLY_PC_BANG_EXP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC, item.APPLY_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC, item.APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR, item.APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN, item.APPLY_RESIST_SURA : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA, item.APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN, } x=Switcher()
  6. Edit# replace ur line with this onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F8] = lambda : self.__Switcher()
  7. replace def Switcher(self): import uiswitch self.switch = uiswitch.Switcher() if self.switch.IsShow(): self.switch.Hide() else: self.switch.Show() with def __Switcher(self): import uiswitch self.wndSwitch = uiswitch.Switcher() self.wndSwitch.Show() 1 more thing cuz i have it unclear ur switcher py file in root is uiswitch.py or uiswitcher.py ???? what i've told u is for uiswitch.py
  8. add that line instaid of urs and try dont modify anything at onpresKeyDict
  9. seek for this line in game.py def __PlayMusic(self, flag, filename): flag = int(flag) if flag: snd.FadeOutAllMusic() musicInfo.SaveLastPlayFieldMusic() snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + filename) else: snd.FadeOutAllMusic() musicInfo.LoadLastPlayFieldMusic() snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) and at end add this def __switcher(self): switcher.StartDialog.Show()
  10. Group ShapeData89 { ShapeIndex 156 Model "m2mdT/assassin_titanM.GR2" SourceSkin "m2mdT/boots_1.dds" TargetSkin "m2mdT/boots_1.dds" SourceSkin1 "m2mdT/hand_1.dds" TargetSkin1 "m2mdT/hand_1.dds" SourceSkin2 "m2mdT/body_1.dds" TargetSkin2 "m2mdT/body_4.dds" } Now the problem is when i use specular [ make armor shinnie ] only the first 2 texture skins get the specular and the other doesnt ... i changed the order to see if is something wrong with texture and is same the first 2 target skins " in this case arms and legs are shinnie and body not " .... So how can i increase the use of texture and source skins up to 3 or more ???? i have models that use up to 8x texture ....
  11. you get an error from map1 blues... what about coordonates are same or close to the ones from map1 blues ?? u modifyed them sv side??? and client side in both atlasinfo??? u renamed the map folder in client side in the case u did a copy paste of map_c1???
  12. what happen with client when u warp that map???, the map ur try to add is c1 or other????, check not to have duplicate files of same map in the client . maybe u have 2x atlasinfo in client locale and root
  13. MapProperty.txt is wrong or bad placed in client
  14. when u add new objects into world editor a property file is build too make sure you pass that to your client property too
  15. try seek for for i in xrange(90,-1,-1) and modify with for i in xrange(180,-1,-1) for 4 inventory and for i in xrange(225,-1,-1) for 5 xD Tell me if works
  16. it is already in index... what you mean with the 2nd line i can't figure out... PM me i'll post feedback with solution after EDIT: -duplicate map files -missing data in locale/atlastinfo.txt
  17. Then you implemented the map files wrong in the client : - add pack name into "index" if u didnt add it - check the xml to see if the files are there when u add it in a pack that is already in the client
  18. IDK what enviroments he has in his client but A1 is there for sure xD in map folder metin2_map_village/setting Replace whatever enviroment u have with this Environment A1.msenv " if still cant doo it post here the 'setting' fille from ur map and i modify it"
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