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Everything posted by garofolo

  1. hello everyone, today I bring a version that uses a mysql table as a base I'm going to leave a detail here that the vote confirmation method still doesn't need to be 100% updated and the "mgmt.monarch_change_lord" function doesn't work for some reason. for empire = 1, 3 do local winnerData = monarch_election_NOVA.getcurrentwinner_empire_id(empire) local playerId = winnerData[2] if playerId ~= 0 then mgmt.monarch_change_lord(empire, playerId) end end
  2. exactly! proves: just check the difference in the size of the files when I compare the game that came inside the FTP.rar that is working and when I compile a new one using the files inside the ulthar_sf_13.1.vdi
  3. the source files available are different from the game compiles inside the FTP.rar very careful with these files, when compiling a new game core with the source available you will receive this error again!!
  4. hello friend, when you leave the server online only for you to perform tests, it will not generate any game.core, have you already published a server with these files with large-scale players? because that is my point here. of course it could be some system I added but it was such simple modifications and I already have a few years of experience with metin2. I'm here posting an identified failure and just trying to find solutions. thank you anyway.
  5. no friend the attempt to use the ikarus fix to fix the bug that's all and it didn't work either. even trying to repair the crash it was not possible anyway for that reason I came here to expose the situation so that everyone can see and test it in their own way. with the FIX or not the core crash remains the same. =/
  6. Hello everyone after makes some tests and put server online with beta i found a serius bug in the game is CRASH CORE! I really recommend nobody to use these files as base for some server. Proves? this is related when player use teleport and is random.
  7. that where give game.core dont use prove CEntity::ViewCleanup()
  8. that is my bt about game.core someone have some ideia Why does it happen? my sectree.cpp item.cpp my item.h my char_item.cpp
  9. Fix about friends list update Server Source Client Source Have fun
  10. There is a new update... to pet in uitooltip.py for pets and to monts `use costume mount slot` MountVnum = put that part in serach class ItemToolTip(ToolTip): afeter CHARACTER_NAMES = ( localeInfo.TOOLTIP_WARRIOR, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SURA, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SHAMAN ) add list about mountvnum
  11. Update about effect when active pet in inventory like AUTO_POTION you will need to add this system first and change all if too if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): # metinSocket - [0] : È°¼ºÈ­ ¿©ºÎ, [1] : »ç¿ëÇÑ ¾ç, [2] : ÃÖ´ë ¿ë·® metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE: slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] if isActivated: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) potionType = 0; if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1]) totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2]) player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) elif itemVnum >= 53001 and itemVnum <= 53256: metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]# <!> globalSlotNumber may be different <!> isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[1] if isActivated: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) proof and a small update about percentage refine item open refinedialog.py in uiscript change { "name" : "SuccessPercentage", "type" : "text", "text" : uiScriptLocale.REFINE_INFO, "horizontal_align" : "center", "vertical_align" : "bottom", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", "x" : 0, "y" : 70, }, { "name" : "Cost", "type" : "text", "text" : uiScriptLocale.REFINE_COST, "horizontal_align" : "center", "vertical_align" : "bottom", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", "x" : 0, "y" : 54, }, to { "name" : "SuccessPercentage", "type" : "text", "text" : uiScriptLocale.REFINE_INFO, "horizontal_align" : "center", "vertical_align" : "bottom", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", "x" : 0, "y" : 63, }, { "name" : "Cost", "type" : "text", "text" : uiScriptLocale.REFINE_COST, "horizontal_align" : "center", "vertical_align" : "bottom", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", "x" : 0, "y" : 51, },
  12. I tested and that works. But he is reading the item_attr_rare table bonuses instead of `item_attr_costume` everything is fine same the tutorial. that is my char_item.cpp and my item_atribrute.cpp i make clientemanager and clientmanagerboot.cpp same as in the tutorial. that dont make sense =/
  13. Does anyone have any idea why when I add bonuses to my costumes they show duplicates?
  14. in my case i use event manager system and have it 30 events set in one only day that make same bug in gif exemple. fix my problem put one 1 event.
  15. basically every system is based on the python part and he posted incomplete uiscript part?
  16. this is wro elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT): if player.GetItemTypeBySlot(slotIndex) == item.ITEM_TYPE_GIFTBOX and\ ItemVNum != 31374 and ItemVNum != 50255 and\ ItemVNum != 50187 and ItemVNum != 50197 and\ ItemVNum != 50188 and ItemVNum != 50189 and\ ItemVNum != 50190 and ItemVNum != 50191 and\ ItemVNum != 50192 and ItemVNum != 50193 and\ ItemVNum != 50194 and ItemVNum != 50195: if app.ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP: if self.interface: if self.interface.dlgChestDrop: if not self.interface.dlgChestDrop.IsShow(): self.interface.dlgChestDrop.Open(slotIndex) net.SendChestDropInfo(slotIndex) whe you opem some teasure any item in you invetory cant move after to another slot use elif player.GetItemTypeBySlot(slotIndex) == item.ITEM_TYPE_GIFTBOX: if app.ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP: if self.interface: if self.interface.dlgChestDrop: if not self.interface.dlgChestDrop.IsShow(): self.interface.dlgChestDrop.Open(slotIndex) net.SendChestDropInfo(slotIndex)
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