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Everything posted by Frozen

  1. Add what koray said and in game.py, in the end add this function: def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if constInfo.CApiSetHide == 1: return else: self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx)
  2. You need to use this 3 things: self.Board = ui.Board() self.Board.SetSize(750, 540) self.Board.SetCenterPosition() self.Board.Show() self.ButtonOne = ui.Button() self.ButtonOne.SetParent(self.Board) self.ButtonOne.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") self.ButtonOne.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") self.ButtonOne.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") self.ButtonOne.SetPosition(545, 50) self.ButtonOne.SetEvent(self.Event) # Insert Event Here self.ButtonOne.SetText("Button Text Here") self.ButtonOne.Show() self.Image = ui.ImageBox() self.Image.SetParent(self.Board) self.Image.SetPosition(-18, 3) self.Image.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/image.tga")#The image path self.Image.Show() They arent in the correct position so you need to make them fit. Kind Regards Frozen
  3. I maded two tests with a onupdate , one with it in a board parent, and another with self parent. And when the parent is the board, i think the wndMgr.GetMousePosition() gets the position of the board and the poisiton of the mouse, so what happens is when you move the board is like if the mouse is changing his relative position too.. Then i tried with the self parent and worked just fine, because the wndMgr.GetMousePosition() was only getting the value of the mouse position. Sorry for my bad explanation, but what i think that the code is assuming that the wnd is not the client, but a window.. I dont know if im right but i think is this the reason... Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understanded what i meant to say, Kind Regards, Frozen
  4. How the actual fuck? The thing with "__" worked. HOW THE HELL? I can't believe it. Thank you anyway. Yeah i know i was like that when the error occurred me for the first time...
  5. Your using positioning it every time you attach a item right? is that in purpose? Or you just a way for you to test?
  6. I think the problem is that you didnt define the : self.wndMyDialog so when you do this: self.interface.RefreshMyDialog() The code dont run the: __MakeMessengerWindow So try putting the self.wndMyDialog defined in the init function, like this: def __init__(self): self.wndMyDialog = uiMyDialog.MyDialog() Sorry for my bad english,... #Edit Oh and if isnt that i think it is because the function has __ in the name, and i think that is only for functions that are not going to be called by another class.. So try to rename the funtion to def OnRefresh(self): Kind Regards, Frozen
  7. This is a system has i said for the ones who dont know how to compile source... I know it can be removed if the client is unpacked, but i dont see any other way to make it without the possibility to be removed.I thing there is already a spam system in c++.
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys, A few months ago i made a spam system in python, it was a really shitty one , so yesterday i decided to make a better one... I know it is not hard to make one, and if its made in c++ is better, but for the people who cant make source modifications and don?t know python here is the system: def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): # if text[0] == '/': # if ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND or constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE: # pass # else: # return prevtext = self.GetLastSentenceText() if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) #Config WAITINGTIMEBETWEENMESSAGE = 1 #in seconds #Writing Fast System START if app.GetTime() < self.lasttime + WAITINGTIMEBETWEENMESSAGE: chat.AppendChat(1, "[WARNING]WOW man calm down your writing too fast!") return #Writing Fast System END #Spam system START #Config WAITINGTIME = 60 #in seconds MAXSPAMCOUNT = 5 # if self.count == MAXSPAMCOUNT+1: if app.GetTime() < self.penaltytime: chat.AppendChat(1, "[PENALTY]Muted 1 minute, time remaining: " + str(int(self.penaltytime - app.GetTime())) + " seconds") return else: self.count = 0 elif self.count == MAXSPAMCOUNT: chat.AppendChat(1, "[PENALTY]Muted 1 minute") self.count = MAXSPAMCOUNT+1 self.penaltytime = app.GetTime()+WAITINGTIME return if len(self.lastSentenceStack) > 1: if text == prevtext: self.count = self.count+1 chat.AppendChat(1, "[WARNING]You are spamming!If you persist you will have a penalty. (" + str(self.count) + "/5)") elif str(self.GetLastSentenceText()) != text: self.count = 0 #Spam system END net.SendChatPacket(text, type) self.lasttime = app.GetTime() def GetLastSentenceText(self): lastSentence = self.lastSentenceStack[len(self.lastSentenceStack)-2] return lastSentence I made it to be simple to be costumised so you guys want to change the penalty time or the spam count only need to change this: WAITINGTIME -> The spam time penalty MAXSPAMCOUNT -> The number of times players can spam I also made a simple code so the players need to wait between messages. WAITINGTIMEBETWEENMESSAGE -> The waiting time between messages #Edit: Also add this in __init__ function: self.count = 0 self.penaltytime = 0 self.lasttime = 0 I hope it was helpfull, Kind Regards, Frozen Credits: - Daan(i dont know how he is called in the forum) - gave me the idea of the waiting time between messages
  9. Hey, I am making making a python system in metin2, and i wanted to execute a function when you put your mouse over a button. I tried using this code: for i in range(3): #i am using multiple buttons self.Button[i].OnMouseOverIn = lambda: self.__OverInEffect(i) self.Button[i].OnMouseOverOut = lambda: self.__OverOutEffect(i) But i can´t make it work... does anyone have an idea to make a Button MouseOverIn event working? Thanks a lot for the attention, Kind Regards, Frozen
  10. Im running it, and it works i dont know if its full, but i tried to hack the client, read memory etc... and it blocks all that. Without me having licensed server
  11. Hey Guys! Im seeing you guys are having the logo problem, i also had that error so i tried to solve that with python because i dont know c++. So you guys just need to add this in prototype.py file, in RunApp function, in the beggining: os.popen(r"hshieldHSUpdate.exe") Thank only makes the hackshield update appear, the icon in the corner still doesnt appear. I dont know if that was the error you guys were talking about but i hope i helped. Sorry for my bad English, Kind Regards, Frozen
  12. Hey, I tried to use that plugins but i can still read memory has P3nger said... Thx for the release
  13. Hey try this: def refresh(self,dstSlotPos,srcSlotPos): attrSlot = [] for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): itematrr = player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) attrSlot.append(itematrr) for i in xrange(5): self.bonusslot[i].SetText("") for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM-2): type = attrSlot[i][0] value = attrSlot[i][1] affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) if int(value) < 0: self.bonusslot[i].SetPackedFontColor(self.NEGATIVE_COLOR) else: self.bonusslot[i].SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) self.bonusslot[i].SetText(affectString) itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(srcSlotPos) itemCount = player.GetItemCount(srcSlotPos) self.switchslot.ClearSlot(1) self.switchslot.SetItemSlot(1, itemIndex, itemCount) Try to replace this function with the one you have. Kind Regards, Frozen
  14. Sorry made a mistake change this: if KillGuiBg.IsShow(): for this: if self.KillGuiBg.IsShow():
  15. Here is it test it now: quest killgui begin state start begin when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then local new_point = pc.getqf("empire"..npc.get_empire())+1 pc.setqf("empire"..npc.get_empire(), new_point) cmdchat("KillRotReich "..pc.getqf("empire1")) cmdchat("KillGelbReich "..pc.getqf("empire2")) cmdchat("KillBlauReich "..pc.getqf("empire3")) else local new_point = pc.getqf("mob")+1 pc.setqf("mob", new_point) cmdchat("KillMob "..pc.getqf("mob")) end end when login begin cmdchat("ShowKillGui") cmdchat("KillRotReich "..pc.getqf("empire1")) cmdchat("KillGelbReich "..pc.getqf("empire2")) cmdchat("KillBlauReich "..pc.getqf("empire3")) cmdchat("KillMob "..pc.getqf("mob")) end end end
  16. here is the new game.py: [Hidden Content] Now can you pass me the quest pls?
  17. It Will be something like this: def __showkillgui(self): if KillGuiBg.IsShow(): self.KillGuiBg.Hide() self.KillBlauReich.Hide() self.KillGelbReich.Hide() self.KillRotReich.Hide() self.KillMob.Hide() else: self.KillGuiBg.Show() self.KillBlauReich.Show() self.KillGelbReich.Show() self.KillRotReich.Show() self.KillMob.Show()
  18. You whant always to select channel 1?
  19. Yeah, maybe i took the example of the character page so... is not totally equal 2 yours.
  20. Yes, the AoZ developers also needed 2 make the system, unless you steal it you need 2 make it. Here is mine:
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