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Everything posted by Frozen

  1. You need to put the include file d3dx9math.h in this directory: e:\source_client\extern\include\directx9\d3dx9math.h if you dont have the file here it is: [Hidden Content]
  2. That's totally correct, thanks for the optimization. Kind Regards.
  3. Have you done this part? Server-Source, char.cpp Search for: if (IsPC() == true && (LC_IsEurope() == true || LC_IsCanada() == true || LC_IsSingapore() == true)) Replace the complete if-statement with: if ((IsPC() || IsMonster() || IsPet()) == true) { addPacket.dwLevel = GetLevel(); } else { addPacket.dwLevel = 0; } Credits: .Avenue
  4. Take a look in .Avenue topic, link is in the end of this topic.
  5. You can do it with a quest. Take a look of Denis topic: [Hidden Content]
  6. Hey guys, i think not many people know how to put the pet name like oficial so im making a tutorial on how to do it. First, go to game->PetSystem.cpp and search for: Under that function add this: Search for: Replace with: In that same function (Summon), you will find this: Add under: Search for: Replace with: In the same function you will find: Replace with: Save the file. Open game->PetSystem.h. Search for: Add under: Search for: Add under: A little bit under you will find: Replace with: Search for: Add Under; Save the file. Lastly we will change the quest function pet.summon(mobVnum, petName, bFromFar) to pet.summon(mobVnum, petName, petLevel, bFromFar) Open game->questlua_pet.cpp and search for : Replace the function with: Save the file. Compile It. Done Now just change your pet quest function to pet.summon(mobVnum, petName, petLevel, bFromFar). To make the clientside changes check out .Avenue topic: [Hidden Content] PS: In .Avenue topic dont forget to check also the second post he done is a important step to make you see the pet level. I hope this was usefull, Kind Regards, Frozen
  7. You want a delay after clicking in that button? For example: Click on button -> Wait 3 seconds -> Image appear
  8. In the file introselect in function OnUpdate you have something that is calling a list, and the index that is calling is out of the list for example: list = {1,2,3,4} the number one is the index 0, the number 2 is the index 1 ... list[4] is a index out of range
  9. did you replace this? def MakeEachButton(self, i): if self.skin == 3: button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") button.SetParent(self.board) button.SetSize(106,26) button.SetPosition(self.sx + self.board.GetWidth()/2+((i*2)-1)*56-56, self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex))*16+20+5) button.SetText("a") button.SetTextColor(0xff000000) else: i = i % 8 button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") button.SetParent(self.board) button.SetSize(200,26) button.SetPosition(self.sx + self.board.GetWidth()/2-100,self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex)+i*2)*16+20+5) button.SetText("a") button.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) return button if yes, show the syssr of the client pls
  10. Try this: class BarButton(ui.Button): btpath = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" # HERE THE PATH btnormal = btpath + "/btnnormal.tga" # HERE THE BUTTON NAME btover = btpath + "/btnnormal.tga" # HERE THE BUTTON NAME btdisable = btpath + "/btnnormal.tga" # HERE THE BUTTON NAME def __init__(self, layer = "UI", aButtonUp = btnormal, aButtonDown = btdisable, aButtonOver = btover): ui.Button.__init__(self,layer) self.SetUpVisual(aButtonUp) self.SetOverVisual(aButtonOver) self.SetDownVisual(aButtonDown) def CallEvent(self): ui.Button.CallEvent(self) and replace the MakeEachButtonFunction for this: def MakeEachButton(self, i): if self.skin == 3: button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") button.SetParent(self.board) button.SetSize(106,26) button.SetPosition(self.sx + self.board.GetWidth()/2+((i*2)-1)*56-56, self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex))*16+20+5) button.SetText("a") button.SetTextColor(0xff000000) else: i = i % 8 button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") button.SetParent(self.board) button.SetSize(200,26) button.SetPosition(self.sx + self.board.GetWidth()/2-100,self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex)+i*2)*16+20+5) button.SetText("a") button.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) return button dont forget to put the buttons path
  11. sure, but i cant test it, so i will work blind.. i will try
  12. int _say(lua_State* L) { ostringstream s; combine_lua_string(L, s); CQuestManager::Instance().AddScript("[COLOR r;{numberofcolorred}|g;{numberofcolorgreen}|b;{numberofcolorblue}]" + s.str() + "[/COLOR][ENTER]"); return 0; } and replace the {numeberofcolorred},{numeberofcolorblue} and {numeberofcolorgreen} for the number you want. I dont know if this is correct i dont know anything about c++.. but try it.. maybe it works
  13. Thats because the buttons are out of the "InventoryWindow", change the "InventoryWindow" "width" to like 200 and decrease the "y" to like"37 - 565-30" and then try
  14. 1) I didnt understand what you whant to do.. if you want to change the look of the button you need to go to root>uiquest.py and search for the class BarButton(), and you need to change it. 2)[Hidden Content] 3 and 4)I think the best way to do it is in c++
  15. Hi, i dont think you need to buy it. It already has been released..
  16. You need to define first the serverId before using it, try to put this in the __init__ function in uichannel.py: self.serverID = ""
  17. Go to game.py and search this: self.isShowDebugInfo = TRUE Replace for: self.isShowDebugInfo = FALSE
  18. Maybe that character is buged, try to erase it and create another one.
  19. I told in the post that wasnt that the error.. if i take that off gives the same error.
  20. Hello, im trying to run a python script, but the client gives this error: 0902 13:07:15186 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted. 0902 13:08:27973 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0902 13:08:27973 :: File "game.py", line 1952, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run 0902 13:08:27974 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run 0902 13:08:27974 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__ 0902 13:08:27974 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__ 0902 13:08:27974 :: File "game.py", line 2254, in __PetIncubator 0902 13:08:27974 :: File "system.py", line 130, in __pack_import 0902 13:08:27974 :: File " 0902 13:08:27974 :: <string> 0902 13:08:27974 :: ", line 0902 13:08:27974 :: 55 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: chat.AppendChat(1, str(constInfo.PET_INCUBATOR[0]])) 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: 0902 13:08:27974 :: ^ 0902 13:08:27974 :: SyntaxError 0902 13:08:27974 :: : 0902 13:08:27974 :: invalid syntax 0902 13:08:27974 :: the : chat.AppendChat(1, str(constInfo.PET_INCUBATOR[0]])) was the last line i wrote, but after that i have some script that i copied, and i think the part of the script i copied works, but the one i wrote it gives this error... Is it the lenguage im using? the coding? Im using notepad++ Can somewone please help me? Kind Regards, Frozen
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