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Everything posted by Frozen

  1. Try this one: quest nowe_pety begin state start begin function get_pet_info(itemVnum) local pet_info_map = { [1500] = {33011, "Misio", 0} } return pet_info_map[tonumber(itemVnum)] end function get_spawn_effect_file(idx) local effect_table = { [0] = nil, [1] = "d:\\\\ymir work\\\\effect\\\\etc\\\\appear_die\\\\npc2_appear.mse" } return effect_table [idx] end when 1500.use begin local pet_info = pet_system.get_pet_info(item.get_vnum()) if nil != pet_info then local mobVnum = pet_info[1] local petName = pet_info[2] local spawn_effect_file_name = pet_system.get_spawn_effect_file(pet_info[3]) if pet.is_summon(mobVnum) then if spawn_effect_file_name != nil then pet.spawn_effect (mobVnum, spawn_effect_file_name) end pet.unsummon(mobVnum) else if pet.count_summoned() < 1 or pc.is_gm() then pet.summon(mobVnum, " ".. petName, false) else syschat("Nie możesz przywołać kilku zwierzaków.") end if spawn_effect_file_name != nil then pet.spawn_effect(mobVnum, spawn_effect_file_name) end end end end end end
  2. Hey guys, so there is a thing that really annoys when loggin in to a closed server.. whenever i try to cancel loggin in, the Processing Popup closes, but the popup with the error still appears after a few seconds... So here is how you stop it from appearing: Open intrologin.py Add somewhere in __init__ function: self.isLoginCanceled = False Add somewhere in Close function: self.isLoginCanceled = None Search: def OnConnectFailure(self): Search for: if self.isNowCountDown: return Add under: if self.isLoginCanceled: self.isLoginCanceled = False return Search: def Connect(self, id, pwd): Search this: self.stream.popupWindow.Open(localeInfo.LOGIN_CONNETING, localeInfo.UI_CANCEL) Replace with: self.stream.popupWindow.Open(localeInfo.LOGIN_CONNETING, self.OnProcessingCancel, localeInfo.UI_CANCEL) Add under the Connect function this: def OnProcessingCancel(self): self.isLoginCanceled = True self.stream.popupWindow.Close() Save, and its done. I know this is useless and easy to make but its meant to the people who find it anoying and dont know how to solve. Kind Regards, Frozen
  3. Show us you OnRender function please, in IntroSelect.py
  4. Yes there is actually a function made by pacificador a long time ago, it is good too, both do almost the same.. I just tried to make my own function and add some new features. Thanks for the tip i will edit Kind Regards
  5. There is not "vertical_align" : "left" , only center or bottom so or erase it or change it to one of these. Kind Regards
  6. No problem Im glad i helped. Thanks, no problem you gave the idea . Kind Regards
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys, i made a simple function that allows you to easily manage files. This function let you create, read, write, rewrite or erase lines of text or the hole text. Examples on how to use it: Here is the function: Aditional Information: You can put in line "all" , and the function will erase/add/rewrite all lines. You can put in line "-1" and it will count as the last line of the file. Types: "add", "create", "erase", "rewrite" and "read". I hope it will be usefull , Kind Regards, Frozen
  8. find where dll you are searching for is beeing called and there should be something like this: "example.dll" and change to "folder/example.dll". I think is just that.
  9. Hello, does somewone know how to load uiscripts from a python loader? Everytime i try to run a uiscript, it runs but nothing appears in screen. But if i call the IsShow() function it tells me that the window is show. Anywone have any idea how to make it work? Thanks for the attention, Kind Regards I didnt mean to spam the button was stuck i just clicked a few times D: the page was loading and nothing was appearing and i dont know how to delete topics im really sorry.
  10. There is a function called game.drop_item_with_ownership because of that Usage: game.drop_item_with_ownership(vnum, count, time on floor)
  11. That is not a error that is a warning, you should be able to play just fine. I think is a gcc bug im not sure.
  12. I don't know anything about php, but i think this will help: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Mix both and i think it will work
  13. when login with pc.getqf("summoned_pet") > 0 begin pet.summon(pc.getqf("summoned_pet"), pc.getqf("pet_name"), false) end when 53001.use or 53002.use or 53003.use or 53005.use or 53006.use or 53007.use or 53008.use or 53009.use or 53010.use or 53011.use or 53012.use or 53013.use or 53014.use or 53016.use begin local pet_info = pet_system.get_pet_info(item.vnum) if null != pet_info then local mobVnum = pet_info[1] local petName = pet_info[2] local spawn_effect_file_name = pet_system.get_spawn_effect_file(pet_info[3]) if true == pet.is_summon(mobVnum) then if spawn_effect_file_name != nil then pet.spawn_effect (mobVnum, spawn_effect_file_name) end pet.unsummon(mobVnum) else if pet.count_summoned() < 1 or pc.is_gm() then pet.summon(mobVnum, " ".. petName, false) pc.setqf("summoned_pet", mobVnum) pc.setqf("pet_name", petName) else syschat("Too much pets.") end if spawn_effect_file_name != nil then pet.spawn_effect(mobVnum, spawn_effect_file_name) end end end end replace with this
  14. quest spawnpet_after_tp begin state start begin when pet_item_vnum.use begin local pet_list = {[pet_item_vnum] = {mobvnum, petname}} local mobvnum = pet_list[item.vnum][1] local pet_name = pet_list[item.vnum][2] pc.setqf('summoned_pet', mobvnum) pc.setqf('pet_name', pet_name) pet.summon(mobvnum, pet_name, false) end when login with pc.getqf('summoned') > 0 begin pet.summon(pc.getqf('summoned_pet'), pc.getqf('pet_name'), false) end end end This is just a basic pet quest example. You need to adapt it to your quest
  15. You cant take a locale from a server, only if you use brute force or something like that. Search in google there are serverfiles released that have english locales.
  16. You have more than 1 item in the same slot. Do you have any syssr ?
  17. I made a update solving that bug, go check. Ps: the update only solves changing character and logging out not exiting.
  18. Oh i see, the problem there is that when you logout the client send server your items and make all the items new again. So the only solution i find here is: I rewrite the hole code and define a new boolean variable (isNew) in item class, so it will be more simple ot work with it, but also more difficult. The other solution is to clear new items list when logout. The first one has the advantage to see the new items even tho you logged out and login again. The second one has a disadvantage that is if you logout there will be no longer new items. If somewone knows another solution please post. I need the opinion of you guys, is a big deal if you cant see your new items after you logged out? If you want clear new items after change character or logout: #EDIT I found here a solution to keep the right new items only when you logout or change character. If you exit game it will clean. If you want to keep the new items when change character or logout: Kind Regards, Frozen
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