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Everything posted by Frozen

  1. I don't know how to do that, but i will search.
  2. too many initializers for 'DWORD [121]' What this means is that the table that is defined is too small values that have. You just need to change DWORD [121] to DWORD [256]
  3. Yes thats because its a pc function. (pc.warp) But you cant use chat functions or item functions... PS: my bad i expressed wrong in the other post.
  4. I think what pc.select does is to only select the person infos, not interact with the person.
  5. That quest will only work with 2 people at the same time. Try this: quest co_mission begin state start begin function checkAvailable() local slotAvailable = 0 for i = 1, table.getn(allRegisteredList), 1 do if table.getn(allRegisteredList[i]) < 2 then for a=1, table.getn(allRegisteredList[i], 1 do local findPC = find_pc_by_name(allRegisteredList[i][a]) if findPC ~= 0 then slotAvailable = i break end end end end return slotAvailable end function StartCoOp(slot) for i = 1, table.getn(allRegisteredList[slot]), 1 do pc.select(find_pc_by_name(allRegisteredList[slot])) -- It's an array. set_quest_state("co_mission", "run") end end when NPC_ID.chat."Register for CO-Op" begin say_title("Co-Op:") say("") --"1234567890" say("Do you wanna register for Co-op?") if (select(locale.yes, locale.no) == 2) then return end local slot = co_mission.checkAvailable() if slot == 0 then table.insert(allRegisteredList, {pc.name}) else table.insert(allRegisteredList[slot], pc.name) co_mission.StartCoOp(slot) end end end state run begin notice_in_map(string.format("The player %s entered Co-Op mission", pc.name)) end end (I didn't test it yet)
  6. You use txt or sql tables? Try to update the item_proto table with a new one (i dont have any in this moment so i cant give you, but later i can give you). Try repair the table(Right click -> Maintain table -> Extended)
  7. Did you check if in item_proto , in the item you have that bug you have the bonus?
  8. if (IsPC() == true && (LC_IsEurope() == true || LC_IsCanada() == true || LC_IsSingapore() == true)) { addPacket.dwLevel = IsPC() || IsMonster() || IsPet() ? GetLevel(); } else { addPacket.dwLevel = IsPC() || IsMonster() || IsPet() ? GetLevel() : 0; }addPacket.dwLevel = IsPC() || IsMonster() || IsPet() ? GetLevel() : 0; Delete this /\ and put this V: addPacket.dwLevel = IsPC() || IsMonster() || IsPet() ? GetLevel() : 0; But you dont need to make the code like this, this is just a way to optimize the code, you can put like is in avenue topic.
  9. No instead of the if statement just put this: What this is doing is the same as the if statement: (the checks) ? (what is equal case true) : (what is equal case false); addPacket.dwLevel = IsPC() || IsMonster() || IsPet() ? GetLevel() : 0;
  10. i dont think there are many python encryptions you can find (this is me thinking im not shure), the best to do is buy the best protections for your client.
  11. It has been already released a python encryption called cython, search for it you will find.
  12. I dont know how to do that, but you can make your client to dont have login and choose character. For example Click metin2client.exe and it skips to loadingphase.
  13. Try this; search for: bool CExchange::Done() replace this: if (m_lGold) { GetOwner()->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, -m_lGold, true); victim->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, m_lGold, true); if (m_lGold > 1000) { char exchange_buf[51]; snprintf(exchange_buf, sizeof(exchange_buf), "%u %s", GetOwner()->GetPlayerID(), GetOwner()->GetName()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(victim, m_lGold, "EXCHANGE_GOLD_TAKE", exchange_buf); snprintf(exchange_buf, sizeof(exchange_buf), "%u %s", victim->GetPlayerID(), victim->GetName()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(GetOwner(), m_lGold, "EXCHANGE_GOLD_GIVE", exchange_buf); } } with this: if (m_lGold) { if (m_lGold > 0) { GetOwner()->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, -1*m_lGold, true); victim->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, m_lGold, true); if (m_lGold > 1000) { char exchange_buf[51]; snprintf(exchange_buf, sizeof(exchange_buf), "%u %s", GetOwner()->GetPlayerID(), GetOwner()->GetName()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(victim, m_lGold, "EXCHANGE_GOLD_TAKE", exchange_buf); snprintf(exchange_buf, sizeof(exchange_buf), "%u %s", victim->GetPlayerID(), victim->GetName()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(GetOwner(), m_lGold, "EXCHANGE_GOLD_GIVE", exchange_buf); } } }
  14. Try this: Go to game.py and search for OnRecvWhisper add in the beggining: line = line[len(name)+3:]
  15. You have some errors there: Failed to load image (filename: locale/tr/ui/login/status/DOWN.tga) Means you dont have DOWN.tga file in that location so you need to put it there or change the path. inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation Means you are messing around with tabs and spaces (use 4 spaces and use tab) 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'SetToolTipText' That error apears because some previous error is blocking it from loading taskbar
  16. 4.294.967.295 is the max value a variable insigned int can go. Can you show what command you use in the source to take the money from player A?
  17. See if this helps: [Hidden Content] I think what can be is: The file, the directory, or the disk is read-only. Access permissions for the file or the directory are not granted. If you cant find a solution try to make some modifications to the code so you dont use that include file.
  18. Check the bonus of that item in your database(player->itemproto), see if they are the same as the client itemproto.
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